Is an egg a chicken?

Talk about projection! I did not accuse you of anything other than using an emotional rather than a scientific argument. I was talking about *another poster* in this discussion. Try reading instead of projectile vomiting.
You said I was guilty of the SAME THING as your stalker. Learn to write bird brains. :thinking: I was defending the fact that you grandchild IS a living HUMAN now. [congratulations BTW]
Wrong again bird brains you clearly stated your stalker and were doing exactly the same thing.

I did indeed. I said that both of you try to support being a forced-birther by using emotional arguments rather than science. You chose to extrapolate to the rest of my description of the banned stalker. You lost your argument, so are using this as a "poor pitiful me, the victim" distraction.

Good luck with that, Mr. Loser. lol
I did indeed. I said that both of you try to support being a forced-birther by using emotional arguments rather than science. You chose to extrapolate to the rest of my description of the banned stalker. You lost your argument, so are using this as a "poor pitiful me, the victim" distraction.

Good luck with that, Mr. Loser. lol
So you called me a stalker. Do you think your grandchild is alive right now?
True, so why do you call an embryo a baby when discussing abortion?
Because its human

As Harvard University Medical School professor Micheline Matthews-Ross testified before a 1981 U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, "It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception … and that this developing human always is a member of our species in all stages of life" (New York Times, April 26, 1981).
:laugh: has anyone ever told you that you are paranoid. Show me where I have stalked you or posted information about you that you did not first post. Perhaps you should change your avatar from Owlwoman to Cuckoowoman :laugh:

All you need to know about most on this forum is they do not like to have the hard argument about why they support infanticide! Ask them this question and they put you on ignore! If both man, and woman, agree to sex, why does the woman get sole decision on life, and death of the child, just because biology went the way of her carrying it, where is his equal protection?
Talk about projection! I did not accuse you of anything other than using an emotional rather than a scientific argument. I was talking about *another poster* in this discussion. Try reading instead of projectile vomiting.

The argument of she carries the child so she decides is emotional, change my mind!
There's life before's a continuous process throughout the pregnancy...