Hello Dutch Uncle,
Everything doesn't always end with guns. That was 800 people out of 332 million. That is .0000024 %
The other 70 million didn't act upon their views, so they must be considered nonviolent, unwilling to take part in an insurrection. If they didn't act then, under what circumstances could they be expected to? Pretty much none, the way I see it. If that didn't do it for them.
Plus, the trials are going to be coming up. And sentencing. That should act as a serious damper on anyone else considering the same kind of thing.
So to recap, we just got the 800 most motivated government haters out of circulation.
Thus, it is a good assumption to say the odds of something like that happening again are very low.
Remember what I said about 99.9999% not interested in tearing apart the nation? I was off by a factor of 10. Try 99.99999%.
And it was doomed from the beginning. They had no real plan which would bring about what they wanted, which was Trump for a second term.
With them out of the way I don't see anybody else stepping forward with a larger more effective plan with a large enough force to do anything but get themselves into real trouble.