Is an egg a chicken?

How would one contradict it? lol?

How do does one contradict abiogenesis lol?

It’s probably as unfalsifiable as abiogenesis but the point is Newton [and others] held the assumption that the universe was designed and it turned out to be a profitable assumption. It didn’t seem to hold them back in the least. In fact, modern physicists stand on their shoulders.
How do does one contradict abiogenesis lol?

It’s probably as unfalsifiable as abiogenesis but the point is Newton [and others] held the assumption that the universe was designed and it turned out to be a profitable assumption. It didn’t seem to hold them back in the least. In fact, modern physicists stand on their shoulders.

But what exactly does "designed" mean?

There's the age-old philosophical question of whether or not we discover mathematics/physics laws or invent them to correspond to nature.
But what exactly does "designed" mean?

There's the age-old philosophical question of whether or not we discover mathematics/physics laws or invent them to correspond to nature.

You can go down any number of rabbit holes with it but doesn’t math predate physics? If true, math wasn’t contrived to correspond with physics.
Well, how do the philosophers get around the fine tuning aspect lol?

The physical constants are such that if any one of them were trifled with we wouldn’t be here. How do they work around that one?

We do not know if the universe is fine tuned for life.
We do not know if the universe is fine tuned for life.

Obviously it wasn't since it's so rare. What if it's only one or a few per galaxy on average?

There's also the theory that life existed before but dies out for some reason. Ascended?
We do not know if the universe is fine tuned for life.

They do. They even resort to multiverse theory [infinite universes and we happen to inhabit the one that will support life].

Much easier to postulate design but that’s ‘problematical’ with the way science is set up to operate.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Dude, they already tried something on 1/6. No doubt all the Insurrectionists will be rounded up, but the 70+M votes for Trump won't go away.

Biden has the right idea about "unity" but I doubt the Democratic Party itself has the same interest. They'll fuck this up.

Everything doesn't always end with guns. That was 800 people out of 332 million. That is .0000024 %

The other 70 million didn't act upon their views, so they must be considered nonviolent, unwilling to take part in an insurrection. If they didn't act then, under what circumstances could they be expected to? Pretty much none, the way I see it. If that didn't do it for them.

Plus, the trials are going to be coming up. And sentencing. That should act as a serious damper on anyone else considering the same kind of thing.

So to recap, we just got the 800 most motivated government haters out of circulation.

Thus, it is a good assumption to say the odds of something like that happening again are very low.

Remember what I said about 99.9999% not interested in tearing apart the nation? I was off by a factor of 10. Try 99.99999%.

And it was doomed from the beginning. They had no real plan which would bring about what they wanted, which was Trump for a second term.

With them out of the way I don't see anybody else stepping forward with a larger more effective plan with a large enough force to do anything but get themselves into real trouble.
Hello Darth ,

Sir Isaac Newton assumed design in nature and he found it. At minimum, he found nothing that would contradict it.

Still holds true to this day.

He was one guy. He doesn't get to speak for everyone for all time before and during his period.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Everything doesn't always end with guns. That was 800 people out of 332 million. That is .0000024 %

The other 70 million didn't act upon their views, so they must be considered nonviolent, unwilling to take part in an insurrection. If they didn't act then, under what circumstances could they be expected to? Pretty much none, the way I see it. If that didn't do it for them.

Plus, the trials are going to be coming up. And sentencing. That should act as a serious damper on anyone else considering the same kind of thing.

So to recap, we just got the 800 most motivated government haters out of circulation.

Thus, it is a good assumption to say the odds of something like that happening again are very low.

Remember what I said about 99.9999% not interested in tearing apart the nation? I was off by a factor of 10. Try 99.99999%.

And it was doomed from the beginning. They had no real plan which would bring about what they wanted, which was Trump for a second term.

With them out of the way I don't see anybody else stepping forward with a larger more effective plan with a large enough force to do anything but get themselves into real trouble.

Obviously we're not sharing the same point of view that the more divided the nation become, the more likely there'll be violence.

Timothy McVeigh proved it only takes a couple of guys. What if there were 20 McVeighs or 200?
Correct. I said "rare", not nonexistent.

Well how do we know if it's "rare"? In order for us to know if it's "rare", at least within 1,000 light years radius would have to be explored to determine how it might be rare in the Milky Way.

More and more habitable planets have been discovered constantly.
Well how do we know if it's "rare"? In order for us to know if it's "rare", at least within 1,000 light years radius would have to be explored to determine how it might be rare in the Milky Way.

More and more habitable planets have been discovered constantly.

But that goes back to the question of abiogenesis.

If life can spontaneously form from non-life then the sheer size of the universe makes other life a mathematical certainty. If it can’t, then life will only exist on planets where it ‘was intended’ to exist.
Well how do we know if it's "rare"? In order for us to know if it's "rare", at least within 1,000 light years radius would have to be explored to determine how it might be rare in the Milky Way.

More and more habitable planets have been discovered constantly.

I think if we find evidence that Mars had/has life, and find it on other bodies in our solar system, we can be fairly confident that life exists outside of this little corner of the galaxy.