Micawber, 3rd ban for 12b...

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Shut up and go back to work. My social security depends on it :laugh:

Exactly, you spend 75 years eating twinkies instead of actually working a day in your life but think you deserve something just for existing. Get cancer you little bitch.
Exactly, you spend 75 years eating twinkies instead of actually working a day in your life but think you deserve something just for existing. Get cancer you little bitch.

Youbetcha! Shut up and get back to work. I like to watch twinkies work.
The right kept calling people child molesters

In particular a poster called Maine man

They nonstop said he molested his son to taunt a veteran

Nonstop child molesting comments likely drew some police attention to this site

Stupid fucking evil posters
Grind and I haven't been around much, I'm trying to at least do some stuff behind the scenes. Probably still won't be active because I have too low of a tolerance for Boomers.

Hating your parents is unhealthy for you
The right kept calling people child molesters

In particular a poster called Maine man

They nonstop said he molested his son to taunt a veteran

Nonstop child molesting comments likely drew some police attention to this site

Stupid fucking evil posters

Maineman was permanently banned for 12b violations you retard.
No clue what you are saying.

He's posting the fact I can call both of you all kinds of names as long as it doesn't break the "ONE THING you cant do", the "Retard Rule" AKA 12B.

Micawber, and anyone else who violates 12B, is an example of emotion over logic.
If you would include the offending post people would better learn not to break the rule

Agreed here for two main reasons:
1. As you stated, members could learn from the mistakes of others.

2. Doing so would garner trust in management decisions. All the "two rules" and "unfair" accusations would fade since anyone reading the offending post would say to themselves, "Yep, he fucked himself. What a maroon!"
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