Verified User
Your point?
Good for you. Are you capable of calling bullshit on other races or just whites? My guess is that you're not.
Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
Since you hate yourself, you could always choose suicide.
The issue is election fraud not voter fraud. They are not the same thing.
Simply factually not true. You believe because you want to.
Are you saying history is what is made up in your head and therefore it's not fiction because you vomited an opinion?
Color me surprised.
Correct, but both occurred.
You said something. Without fact. Just counter opinion and thought, wow. You said, 'I are smart', you actually thought that. lol.
Yours certainly is.
You have no clue what the word, 'paradox' means so there's that.
No they didn't, parrot.
You do you, lol, parrot.
I'll say it again. There was both election fraud and voter fraud. You can't just discard the evidence that is still out there, including the videos that you can still view nor the illegal actions taken by certain members of government. Throwing insults does not change that one bit.
Both election fraud and voter fraud occurred. You can't wish the evidence away. Anyone that wants to can go view the evidence for themselves.
Which corporate owed 'Wrike wing' projection theater puppet show did you cock goblin repress to own 'the libs' and feel semen from the left's little 'manipulateds' make your throat warm?
Please point at the 'bear', as you do.
saying 'dumb and dumber' over n over doesn't make reality. It makes a good sales mark. You 'own' that.
but not Reality.
^Just one more deranged DemoKKKrat spewing & babbling incomprehensible bullshit.
Will they ever come to their senses?
Insult fallacies. Define 'reality'. Buzzword fallacy.
Both election fraud and voter fraud occurred. You can't wish the evidence away. Anyone that wants to can go view the evidence for themselves.