there is no voter fraud.

You said something. Without fact. Just counter opinion and thought, wow. You said, 'I are smart', you actually thought that. lol.

I'll say it again. There was both election fraud and voter fraud. You can't just discard the evidence that is still out there, including the videos that you can still view nor the illegal actions taken by certain members of government. Throwing insults does not change that one bit.
I'll say it again. There was both election fraud and voter fraud. You can't just discard the evidence that is still out there, including the videos that you can still view nor the illegal actions taken by certain members of government. Throwing insults does not change that one bit.

I can. You brought nothing other than just bloviating blathering. I can refute bloviating blathering with the fact that you are all fat talk. That's how phat talk works, something bloviating some flatulence that fails to smell test for, I dunn know, reality.
Which corporate owed 'Wrike wing' projection theater puppet show did you cock goblin repress to own 'the libs' and feel semen from the left's little 'manipulateds' make your throat warm?

Please point at the 'bear', as you do.

^Just one more deranged DemoKKKrat spewing & babbling incomprehensible bullshit.

Will they ever come to their senses?
When you are WALL MART country fucked by an airplane flying money bitch, you get country fucked without reacharound, unless you are a cow.