Democrats lied about elections, encouraged terrorism, stormed capitals


Stick with me pal...I am right a high percentage of the time!
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013

I showed President Trump saying anything positive ever about a Russian guy, that makes President Trump a secret Russian agent.

patrick star stupid.jpg

How many positive things have Democrats said about Islamic terrorists, murderous dictators, and communist China? :thinking:

By your idiot logic here, Democrats are secret Islamic terrorists, fascist tyrants, and communist psychopaths...(far closer to the truth). :rofl2:

Newsflash: You are too low-IQ for adult conversation. :laugh:
Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.

And now you're attempting to define it for the people who CORRECTLY apply it. :rofl2:

What a fucking moron. :laugh:
Yeah, found that out in the last 5 years.

December 5 2020

Dotard's pity rally Valdosta Georgia
At a campaign rally in Georgia over the weekend -- his first since losing his re-election -- the outgoing president went a little further down the same road. This was Trump's pitch:

"We're all victims. Everybody here, all these thousands of people here tonight, they're all victims. Every one of you."

There, I fixed your misstatement of the facts. :cool:

I mean, you're a conservative. That, by definition, leads to that outcome.


UM No...I am a Progressive like Bret and Heather.....but the only way America gets saved is if the liberals of both the R and D variety band together to put down these abusive illiberal Regressive Left Woke Fucks!

I showed President Trump saying anything positive ever about a Russian guy, that makes President Trump a secret Russian agent.

View attachment 19977

How many positive things have Democrats said about Islamic terrorists, murderous dictators, and communist China? :thinking:

By your idiot logic here, Democrats are secret Islamic terrorists, fascist tyrants, and communist psychopaths...(far closer to the truth). :rofl2:

Newsflash: You are too low-IQ for adult conversation. :laugh:

Not us, not only praising China but wanting to be just like them.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Cheers and applause by teabaggers ( for communist and communism.

October 16 2018
Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump said during a presidential campaign rally in Alabama in August 2015.

“Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

At another rally that year, Trump said of the Saudis, “I make a lot of money from them.”

“They buy all sorts of my stuff. All kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundred of millions.”

January 15 2015
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia acknowledged for the first time on Wednesday that 15 of the 19 hijackers in the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were Saudi citizens.

"The names that we got confirmed that," Interior Minister Prince Nayef said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Their families have been notified."

Not to mention redirecting US troops from Syria to Saudi to guard THEIR OIL.

Teabaggers ( actually think they're conservative?

Republicans who now oppose Trump are RHINO's?

Q NUT/Russian talking points are the same, which you regurgitate every time you post.

Un American Tea Bags are nothing but squalid hags on the taxpayer dime that should be bagged for a eternity back to the sewer they emerged from.
Not us, not only praising China but wanting to be just like them.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Cheers and applause by teabaggers ( for communist and communism.

October 16 2018
Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump said during a presidential campaign rally in Alabama in August 2015.

“Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

At another rally that year, Trump said of the Saudis, “I make a lot of money from them.”

“They buy all sorts of my stuff. All kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundred of millions.”

January 15 2015
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia acknowledged for the first time on Wednesday that 15 of the 19 hijackers in the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were Saudi citizens.

"The names that we got confirmed that," Interior Minister Prince Nayef said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Their families have been notified."

Not to mention redirecting US troops from Syria to Saudi to guard THEIR OIL.

Citing President Trump being a salesman and saying positive things about people we are trying to get things from only helps your case if anyone accepts your idiotic premise that saying anything positive ever about someone makes you a secret agent working for them.

The adult world obviously rejects that stupidity, therefore this post is completely moot. :palm:

And again, Democrats praise Islamic terrorists, murderous dictators, and communist China, which means they are secret agents, right? :awesome:


Citing President Trump being a salesman and saying positive things about people we are trying to get things from only helps your case if anyone accepts your idiotic premise that saying anything positive ever about someone makes you a secret agent working for them.

The adult world obviously rejects that stupidity, therefore this post is completely moot. :palm:

And again, Democrats praise Islamic terrorists, murderous dictators, and communist China, which means they are secret agents, right? :awesome:


Right, gullible, gaslighter.
But teabaggers ( believe Dotard and his lies.

So feeble, tired, and weak. Try something REAL, like actual debate, instead of empty taunts, intellectual midget.


Survey from who,

Try the New York Times you fucking imbecile. :rofl2:

Top to bottom, left to right. It's called READING. :laugh:


And not that logic is a language you speak, but for the record, nice attempt at an "attack the source" fallacy. :cool:


So just close your eyes, cover your ears, and start screaming, "Huh uh, You!" over those laughing at your ignorant misuse of the word gaslighting?


Gaslighting, an elaborate and insidious technique of deception and psychological manipulation, usually practiced by a single deceiver, or “gaslighter,” on a single victim over an extended period. Its effect is to gradually undermine the victim’s confidence in his own ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, or reality from appearance, thereby rendering him pathologically dependent on the gaslighter in his thinking or feelings.

You were the victim of the orange retard, now your trying to be the deceiver.