Fall of the Republican Party

The Republican Party

  • Total voters
Lincoln was not a racist, dumbass.
You may want to delve a little deeper into Lincoln's motivation for wanting to free the Southern slaves.

No shit. As usual, Sybils screws are looser than Aunt Minnie's girdle.

Lincoln was a man of his times. A Euro-American raised on Manifest Destiny and Christian righteousness. Of course he was racist.

Ahh, so that's when you when full LWL. In high school. Awesome. Thanks!

When faced with a choice between voting for a Republican and voting for a Democrat who is trying to be a Republican, the Republican is going to win every time.

And they did.

That's who was wiped out in 1994, and that's who was wiped out again in 2010....it wasn't the liberals, it was all the moderates who falsely believed that appealing to Conservatives would keep their seats safe.

How many fucking times do they have to lose before you get the hint?

No. Wrong. As we learned, the "Commie" threat was just as phony as the "antifa" threat.

If you have evidence of it being race, please post it.

I posted that Atwater quote! Should I post it again? What do you think he was talking about? And who voted against the CRA in 1964? Conservatives. All of them. From both parties.

If you have evidence of it being race, please post it.

The Famous Baldwin-Buckley Debate Still Matters Today
When it was his turn, Buckley argued that Baldwin was being treated with kid gloves, so to speak, because he claimed to be a victim. “The fact that your skin is black,” he averred, “is utterly irrelevant to the arguments you raise.” Baldwin, he said slowly and full of a quiet anger, was a violent enemy of the southern way of life who delivered “flagellations of our civilization” and of America as a whole. Forcing the American South to abandon its way of life and accept government-mandated integration, he insisted, would be immoral. Ultimately, the audience disagreed, and Baldwin won the debate, 540 to 160.
If you have evidence of it being race, please post it.

Are you sure?

Are you really, really sure?

Do you really, really want a 40 year old showing you up on an anonymous message board?

OK...don't say I didn't warn you...

Why The South Must Prevail
William F. Buckley
August 24th, 1957
The central question that emerges-and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the rights of American citizens, born Equal -is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes -the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race.
What are such issues? Is school integration one? The NAACP and others insist that the Negroes as a unit want integrated schools. Others disagree, contending that most Negroes approve the social separation of the races. What if the NAACP is correct, and the matter comes to a vote in a community in which Negroes predominate? The Negroes would, according to democratic processes, win the election; but that is the kind of situation the White community will not permit. The White community will not count the marginal Negro vote. The man who didn't count it will be hauled up before a jury, he will plead not guilty, and the jury, upon deliberation, will find him not guilty. A federal judge, in a similar situation, might find the defendant guilty, a judgment which would affirm the law and conform with the relevant political abstractions, but whose consequences might be violent and anarchistic.

Conservatism was/is a negative reaction to desegregation, as Buckley wrote.

So it's always been about race for Conservatives.
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No. Wrong. As we learned, the "Commie" threat was just as phony as the "antifa" threat.

I posted that Atwater quote! Should I post it again? What do you think he was talking about? And who voted against the CRA in 1964? Conservatives. All of them. From both parties.

The "ANTIFA threat" was very real until Democrats "won". Then it kinda went away, what does that tell you?
The "ANTIFA threat" was very real until Democrats "won". Then it kinda went away, what does that tell you?

That it was never a threat and that Conservatives were trying to scare people that it was because they can't win elections based on the merits of their policies and beliefs.
I voted straight Republican, but the candidates just kept getting dumber...and dumber...and dumber... and the ideas fewer
and fewer and fewer.

Reagan- actor becomes president, "we can recall the nuclear missiles, right?"
Bush II- "stay the course"
Bush III- "Our enemies are smart, they never stop thinking of ways to harm our country, and neither do we!"
Trump - "covfefe"
Lincoln freed the slaves the “Great Emancipator,” , and defeated the Confederacy and you call him a racist.

You can do those things and still be racist enough to carry out the largest mass execution of indigenous people in the country's history.

Every POTUS is flawed to some degree...some more than others.
That it was never a threat and that Conservatives were trying to scare people that it was because they can't win elections based on the merits of their policies and beliefs.

Tell that to Portland and Seattle.
The converse is actually the truth. Democrats cannot win with their policies and charisma, so they had to cheat to win.

Portland and Seattle are fully Democrat-controlled and lawless shitholes.

I'll add Chicago, Detroit, NYC, and LA in there as well.
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When faced with a choice between voting for a Republican and voting for a Democrat who is trying to be a Republican, the Republican is going to win every time.

And they did.

That's who was wiped out in 1994, and that's who was wiped out again in 2010....it wasn't the liberals, it was all the moderates who falsely believed that appealing to Conservatives would keep their seats safe.

How many fucking times do they have to lose before you get the hint?

Extremism begets extremism. You proved that earlier in the thread against me and on other threads.

IMO, extremism isn't the answer in civilized situations. Only in war should one go to extremes. Despite all the drama, the theatrics and even the murderous nutjobs, America is not at war with itself. We're just evolving. Growing up.
Extremism begets extremism. You proved that earlier in the thread against me and on other threads.

IMO, extremism isn't the answer in civilized situations. Only in war should one go to extremes. Despite all the drama, the theatrics and even the murderous nutjobs, America is not at war with itself. We're just evolving. Growing up.


Republicans are the skin.