Can anyone produce a single example of WHITE PRIVILEGE??

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
All i see is affirmative action black privilege everywhere. Of course whites are more successful but that's because they're smarter. The average black IQ in america is 65!! Most can barely read if at all. There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are mentally handicapped.
Well your a racist

You are too stupid and dishonest to understand anything

It’s why we don’t let you racists define racism

That would be like letting a child molester define child molestation
San Diego County School Retracts ‘Wheel of Privilege’ Teaching Tool

A school in San Diego County claims it has removed a “Wheel of Privilege” graphic from its professional development training materials after the image was exposed on social media and parents objected.

The image was touted as part of professional development training by the Black Mountain Middle School in Poway Unified School District (PUSD), according to the Californians For Equal Rights Foundation (CFER), whose executive director posted the graphic on Twitter.

The “Wheel of Power/Privilege” teaching tool was designed to rank people by power and privilege based on skin color, body size, and gender identity, as well as citizenship, language, wealth, and other factors.

CFER stated in a Feb. 9 newsletter that it was “alarmed by such a such divisive narrative, rooted in critical race theory (CRT) and intended for middle-schoolers.”
All i see is affirmative action black privilege everywhere. Of course whites are more successful but that's because they're smarter. The average black IQ in america is 65!! Most can barely read if at all. There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are mentally handicapped.

Did you really think individuals as Bush, Cheney, Kavanaugh, Trump, just to name a few, we’re admitted to Ivy League schools cause of their academic backgrounds
Did you really think individuals as Bush, Cheney, Kavanaugh, Trump, just to name a few, we’re admitted to Ivy League schools cause of their academic backgrounds

I don't know and neither do you. We do know the govt does not FORCE colleges to admit white people over blacks. THINK
Can anyone produce a single example of WHITE PRIVILEGE??
No. It is a myth.
Well, one example might be Elizabeth Warren. Here's a White woman who grew up in economic and social privilege who then lied about her ethnic and racial background to get ahead and into positions of power and high income, and when found out suffered next to no consequences. She still holds a position of power, has great wealth, and privilege.

It's also clear that her being on the Progressive Left has allowed her to remain in such a status because her piers have no intention of doing anything about her improprieties, lies, and other wrongdoing because she is still 'one of them.'
Well your a racist

You are too stupid and dishonest to understand anything

Pro tip: While I don't ordinarily care about spelling mistakes, if you're going to attempt to insult someone's intelligence, you'd be well served by not putting your own lack of intelligence on display...