Can anyone produce a single example of WHITE PRIVILEGE??

Pro tip: While I don't ordinarily care about spelling mistakes, if you're going to attempt to insult someone's intelligence, you'd be well served by not putting your own lack of intelligence on display...

Misspellings are a proof of life

It’s hard to program a Russo bot hole to misspell like real humans do

You must not be aware of much brain science

In fact many brilliant people in mans history spelled for shit like I do


I also type for crap

Lots of brilliant people don’t type so well

You see that’s why they hired secretaries

The secretaries didn’t have to be anything but average intelligence

But the were often excellent at spelling and typing



Intelligent people know that’s were real intelligence lies
Misspellings are a proof of life

It’s hard to program a Russo bot hole to misspell like real humans do

You must not be aware of much brain science

In fact many brilliant people in mans history spelled for shit like I do


I also type for crap

Lots of brilliant people don’t type so well

You see that’s why they hired secretaries

The secretaries didn’t have to be anything but average intelligence

But the were often excellent at spelling and typing



Intelligent people know that’s were real intelligence lies

here's your sign...
They were admitted because of connections and wealth, not race.


How does that not include race

Those legacies were already in play during slavery and right through and during segregation

You just claiming that it all magically disappeared because of some dancing cartoon cereal box character waved his magic wand?

Racism exists today

Yes lots of wealthy White people are racists

Leprechaun brain
Pro tip: While I don't ordinarily care about spelling mistakes, if you're going to attempt to insult someone's intelligence, you'd be well served by not putting your own lack of intelligence on display...


Oh I get it

You were defending being a fucking racist

Study some history

And you will understand how it’s one of the dumbest fucking theories on life to ever cross a human brain

Then maybe you won’t have to just be someone’s secretary
Under Capitalism it is more about Rich privilege than specifically white privilege.

Capitalism is a beautiful thing

The founders realized the potential

They designed our nation with capitalism in mind

It’s a beautiful tool to keep progress moving along

To keep the money changing hands

It honors the power of a better idea in such a natural beautiful way

But it’s a tool and not meant to be our master

Capitalism fails utterly when you don’t maintain that tool properly

It needs regulations

It need laws to sharpen its cut through those that try to end its blade

To dull its edge so only they don’t get cut away from their profits

It needs taxes to be able to ensure those people can’t keep us from sharpening and oiling it’s cutting edge

Taxes to ensure no one can bend the blade to benifit just them

Well fettered capitalism

The right will always tell you they want to unfetter capitalism

Like it’s a great idea

That in fact destroys its ability to deliver a fair and just society

They want to play the population into allowing them to bend and dull the blade

They want to have only their ideas to have power

That destroys the use of the tool

That NO LONGER provides the power of a better idea to rule the tool

Capitalism isn’t the problem here

The problem is the use and maintenance of the tool




With out them the tool breaks and doesn’t work for us
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Yes. The children of Ivy League alumni are both well-connected and wealthy.

That's not their fault, and in many cases, the parent alumni of the legacy applicant achieved success as a result of their own admission as a student who was not rich or powerful when they graduated.

If lefties accepted their own arguments, that would mean Obama's daughters would not be eligible for legacy consideration at the same schools their father graduated from.

Leftists never think these things through, but you're smart enough to do so.

Legacies are not limited to the "Ivy League".

Legacies are not limited to the elite.

A college applicant is said to have legacy status at a college if a member of the applicant's immediate family attends or attended the college. In other words, if your parents or a sibling attend or attended a college, you would be a legacy applicant for that college.

When a college extends an offer of admission, it wants the student to accept that offer. The rate at which this happens is called the "yield." A high yield means a college is getting the students that it wants, and that will help the school meet its enrollment goals. A legacy applicant is coming from a family that is already familiar with the college, and that family familiarity and loyalty typically leads to a better yield than the general applicant pool.

In general, colleges and universities are most interested in seeing if your immediate family members attended. For example, if you are using The Common Application, the "Family" section of the application will ask you about the education level of your parents and siblings. If you indicate that your parents or siblings attended college, you'll be asked to identify the schools. This is the information that colleges will use to identify your legacy status.

Some Common Mistakes Related to Legacy Status

Assuming that legacy status will make up for a mediocre academic record is a false assumption. Colleges and universities are not going to admit students, legacy or not, who are unlikely to succeed. Legacy status tends to come into play when the admissions officers are comparing two equally qualified applicants. In such cases, the legacy applicant will often have a slight advantage.

Some colleges don't consider legacy status at all, and for those that do consider it, legacy status is just a small factor in admissions decisions. Several pieces of the application will almost always carry more weight than legacy status.

First of all, you will need to have a strong academic record. Without it, you are unlikely to be admitted whether you're a legacy or not. Along similar lines, SAT scores and ACT scores are going to be important unless a school is test-optional. Selective colleges will also be looking for meaningful extracurricular involvement, positive letters of recommendation, and a winning application essay. Legacy status won't compensate for significant weaknesses in any of these areas.

Johns Hopkins University removed legacy status from its admissions equation in 2014, and the result was that the percentage of legacies in the first-year class dropped from 12.5% in 2009 to just 3.5% in 2019. Other prestigious schools including MIT, UC Berkeley, and CalTech also do not consider legacy status in their admissions process.
Now prove you are more than just a dull tool and comment on my post about capitalism

We all know you are incapable

There is no power of ideas on your racist head

Racists are like that

I dont spit on black people, you do. You even brag about it.
So who is the real racist here ?
That's not their fault, and in many cases, the parent alumni of the legacy applicant achieved success as a result of their own admission as a student who was not rich or powerful when they graduated.

If lefties accepted their own arguments, that would mean Obama's daughters would not be eligible for legacy consideration at the same schools their father graduated from.

Leftists never think these things through, but you're smart enough to do so.

Legacies are not limited to the "Ivy League".

Legacies are not limited to the elite.

A college applicant is said to have legacy status at a college if a member of the applicant's immediate family attends or attended the college. In other words, if your parents or a sibling attend or attended a college, you would be a legacy applicant for that college.

When a college extends an offer of admission, it wants the student to accept that offer. The rate at which this happens is called the "yield." A high yield means a college is getting the students that it wants, and that will help the school meet its enrollment goals. A legacy applicant is coming from a family that is already familiar with the college, and that family familiarity and loyalty typically leads to a better yield than the general applicant pool.

In general, colleges and universities are most interested in seeing if your immediate family members attended. For example, if you are using The Common Application, the "Family" section of the application will ask you about the education level of your parents and siblings. If you indicate that your parents or siblings attended college, you'll be asked to identify the schools. This is the information that colleges will use to identify your legacy status.

Some Common Mistakes Related to Legacy Status

Assuming that legacy status will make up for a mediocre academic record is a false assumption. Colleges and universities are not going to admit students, legacy or not, who are unlikely to succeed. Legacy status tends to come into play when the admissions officers are comparing two equally qualified applicants. In such cases, the legacy applicant will often have a slight advantage.

Some colleges don't consider legacy status at all, and for those that do consider it, legacy status is just a small factor in admissions decisions. Several pieces of the application will almost always carry more weight than legacy status.

First of all, you will need to have a strong academic record. Without it, you are unlikely to be admitted whether you're a legacy or not. Along similar lines, SAT scores and ACT scores are going to be important unless a school is test-optional. Selective colleges will also be looking for meaningful extracurricular involvement, positive letters of recommendation, and a winning application essay. Legacy status won't compensate for significant weaknesses in any of these areas.

Johns Hopkins University removed legacy status from its admissions equation in 2014, and the result was that the percentage of legacies in the first-year class dropped from 12.5% in 2009 to just 3.5% in 2019. Other prestigious schools including MIT, UC Berkeley, and CalTech also do not consider legacy status in their admissions process.
That is all fine and good. I do not care about the technicalities or specifics of admissions to those schools.

My point stands. Race doesn't determine who is admitted to Ivy League schools.
All i see is affirmative action black privilege everywhere. Of course whites are more successful but that's because they're smarter. The average black IQ in america is 65!! Most can barely read if at all. There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are mentally handicapped.

They can't. They think that saying stupid things like that makes it so. ;)
Well your a racist
You are too stupid and dishonest to understand anything
It’s why we don’t let you racists define racism
That would be like letting a child molester define child molestation
