Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
False equivalence fallacy.
False equivalence fallacy.
Why not? Ignorant fucks such as yourself like to credit him for things that happened during his presidency when he had nothing to do with them. Things such as our oil production are what they are at any instant because of what has taken place the previous 6-8 years not who is president at that moment. Half the inflation today is the result of the orange asshole and not Biden.
You are describing yourself again.
Inflation is the result of the Fed printing money faster than wealth being created due to capitalism.
Both Obama and Biden printed money wholesale...both during failing economies...inflation.
Like I said, US oil production doesn't have a fucking thing to do with Biden and the oil companies have a wealth of choices of where to drill and the leases to do so right now.
Oil companies will sometimes sit on unused permits until it makes more financial sense. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that since there isn’t a penalty for not using a drilling permit, some companies wait to begin drilling until oil prices are high enough to make it worth their while. There are more than 9000 oil drilling permits for govt lands right now that are not being used. How the fuck is that Biden's fault?
SALSANatural gas is a renewable fuel.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. RQAA.
Agreed 100%. Notice how all the far Righties are anti-school, anti-teacher and anti-union? Who benefits the most from that ideology?
BTW, from JFK's undelivered speech at Dallas November 1963: https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives...hes/dallas-tx-trade-mart-undelivered-19631122
We cannot expect that everyone, to use the phrase of a decade ago, will "talk sense to the American people." But we can hope that fewer people will listen to nonsense. And the notion that this Nation is headed for defeat through deficit, or that strength is but a matter of slogans, is nothing but just plain nonsense.
You are absolutely right there! It takes no experience whatsoever to lead this country in congress or the presidency, just votes. It will be this countries downfall electing blithering idiots to office.
Just anti schools that don't teach anything, or teachers that teach Woke materials, or schools that are used as indoctrination centers rather than education centers.
Only the ignorant would buy your bullshit. Joe Biden constricted American fuel production on day 1 of his presidency, and now he's trying to buy from Venezuela due
to his own policies causing a shorfall in American fuel supply.
That's where we're at right now and you can fuck off with your bullshit.
Plain truth will always win over sophisticated lies.
Only an idiot thinks any President can wave a wand and fix everything that is wrong with America. I blame these assholes for most of our problems...and the people who voted for them:
Hey fuckstick; How is those "13 Nobel prize economists" pick doing with the American economy?
Inflation highest in 40 years? Gas prices the highest ever? Food and commodity shortages?
Looks to me like they don't know about much. They picked a guy that has fucked up the economy so bad, it's hard to fathom it being worse.
But hold onto your ass, cupcake; Because it WILL get worse before summer's out.
All of them. The Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
You poll is left unanswered, since you did not provide the correct options.
It is not possible for any gas or vapor to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
That certainly is true. Maybe most of the voting in congress should be anonymous. It is hard to believe that our congress can vote on issue after issue while every fucking time every republican votes the same way. The democrats do damn near likewise, they can't be doing anything but voting for their party and not giving a shit about the country.
There is no national power grid. The SDTC is not the U.S., and is has not been a State of the Union for many years now.
Apparently you don't seem to realize that temperatures in the northern hemisphere are warmer in the summer than the winter.
'Climate crisis' is a meaningless buzzword.
That certainly is true. Maybe most of the voting in congress should be anonymous. It is hard to believe that our congress can vote on issue after issue while every fucking time every republican votes the same way. The democrats do damn near likewise, they can't be doing anything but voting for their party and not giving a shit about the country.
Biden waved a pen and fucked the world economy. It shouldn't be even possible, but somehow it is.
NASA can't measure the temperature of the Earth, or cause the Earth to warm. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You are STILL ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.What problem?
Fault of what?
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. No gas or vapor has the capability of warming the Earth.
Leaping to conclusions.
You don't. You are looking at it religiously...as a fundamentalist.
Something like what?
NASA is not the temperature of the Earth, nor can they measure the temperature of the Earth. They can't falsify the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, or the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Not the same people. NASA has changed a lot, dude.
NASA can't get to the Moon today.
NASA can't put any man on a planet today.
Psychoquackery. Trolling.
There is no national grid.