Obama ranked 7th greatest president

Translation = he doesn’t like what the historians say, it doesn’t conform to his illusionary reality, keep in mind, he is a big proponent of Russian propaganda, so he can rewrite his own history

Yep, there you go. He loves him some Fucker Carlson and some Putin but calls himself a "progressive." :rofl2:
Trump's or Obama's rating isn't the point here. It's that their ratings in this poll were based on 154 respondent's opinions and nothing else.

Yet if one of your fellow MAGATs here had posted a similar ranking that had #TRE45ON near the top, you wouldn't question the opinions or the opinion-givers at all. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Trump's or Obama's rating isn't the point here. It's that their ratings in this poll were based on 154 respondent's opinions and nothing else.

Your average nincompoop on the street wouldn't have any clue on how to rank Rutherford B. Hayes or Franklin Pierce.

There are some topics in life we want to hear from the experts on.

I would be interested in a survey of professional physicists ranking the top physicists in history.

This survey sought the knowledge of presidential historians on how the American presidents rank.
It's hard to come to agreement on the performance of a president
when we'll never agree on what we want the president to accomplish.

I will say that Eisenhower and Obama were without question the most dignified presidents of my lifetime.

Ford had a little dignity in his demeanor when he wasn't falling down like Chevy Chase,
and so did Dubya's dad, unlike himself.
Both fucking pachys--I'm talking dignity, not ideology.

Carter wasn't too bad if you got past his Georgia accent.
Even Reagan was ok thanks to theatrical training; he could play a president.

All of the rest, even if reasonably good in their performance, even if I liked them,
were clowns.

Americans tend to be crude and don't care about decorum.
I've been called un-American just for noticing.
Reagan inherited a mess from Carter and he brought economic prosperity and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Biden has brought inflation and wars in Europe and the Mid East. And this survey ranks Biden over Reagan, This survey ranks Washington below FDR. Washington risked his property and his life to form this country. If Washington had lost he would have been executed. Washington did his service then served his time as President then went back being a private citizen. Yet they have FDR over Washington.
It's hard to come to agreement on the performance of a president
when we'll never agree on what we want the president to accomplish.

I will say that Eisenhower and Obama were without question the most dignified presidents of my lifetime.

Ford had a little dignity in his demeanor when he wasn't falling down like Chevy Chase,
and so did Dubya's dad, unlike himself.
Both fucking pachys--I'm talking dignity, not ideology.

Carter wasn't too bad if you got past his Georgia accent.
Even Reagan was ok thanks to theatrical training; he could play a president.

All of the rest, even if reasonably good in their performance, even if I liked them,
were clowns.

Americans tend to be crude and don't care about decorum.
I've been called un-American just for noticing.
Clinton was a good porn actor.
You speak out against #TRE45ON?

I’m an extinct dinosaur, what was once a moderate republican. Respectful of the other side enough to compromise. The few left are now called RINO’s I think.
I like Lisa, Collins and Liz Cheney . I realize that one defining characteristic of the extreme far left wokarati is that if you disagree with them on anything, nonpolitical topics included, by default that person MUST be in love with trump. You are the perfect example.
You people are sick.

Appeal to authority, a logical fallacy. They need to justify their answers.

No they do not Terry.

These are the OPINIONS of the top historians. An appeal to their authority is appropriate.

It is in factual questions, where the data matters that the Appeal to Authority fallacy is relevant as you need more than just the opinion of the person.

But if the top 100 auto writers tell you which car they think is most fun to drive, that is all they need to do. If the top 100 auto writers are telling which car is most fuel efficient then data (referenced) is needed.
Clinton should be higher but the list is pretty good otherwise.

Clinton may well be the last POTUS ever to balance a budget and run a surplus, which is sad.

And that is due to Republi'cans' who do not want to do it, as they do not want to ever hand a Dem POTUS an economy that is great in shape, as then the Dem POTUS can implement priorities to help the MC and below without the Republi'cans' main complaint of 'ZOMG we cannot afford it, as the debt is so high. The Dems need to being doing cuts instead.'

Trump could have easily followed in Clinton path, with the booming economy he inherited from Obama, and wiped out the deficit and started to pay down debt, and then when covid hit, the country would have had many more tools to deal with the impact. Instead Trump threw piles more debt money on the economy to create a sugar high, which made people falsely feel good in the moment, but was long term harmful. Like running up your credit cards and feeling richer until it comes time to pay.
Just goes to show you that there is no shortage of idiots in the world. Just for fun since the story is behind a paywall, what was the NYT's source(s)?

You are one of the better examples that I can think of.

But there are a few more around here.
I’m an extinct dinosaur, what was once a moderate republican. Respectful of the other side enough to compromise. The few left are now called RINO’s I think.
I like Lisa, Collins and Liz Cheney . I realize that one defining characteristic of the extreme far left wokarati is that if you disagree with them on anything, nonpolitical topics included, by default that person MUST be in love with trump. You are the perfect example.
You people are sick.

Classic projection. Thanks for playing!
It looks like Putin will indeed succeed in Ukraine. Unless the latter can hold out until Jan. '25 which is doubtful. It also appears that he's deluded enough to continue to wage war against the world.

I find the concept of his new satellite killing rockets fascinating.
Even if the Ukrainian government collapses, the Russians will be facing years of resistance. Putin will never will and the Russians will eventually pull out.
You’re a moderate republican? Well I’ll be. We have so much in common.

Owl woman is married to a democrat. Translation??????????????????????? No sex for sure. Cannot fault her for begging. Fact is though, nobody sticks their dick into a modern day liberal. Just saying.