Obama ranked 7th greatest president

What I stated is exactly true. There was no standardized criteria. The FACT that the responses were sorted by political affiliation even goes further to show it was opinion based.

If I wanted to ask mechanical engineers about the best engine, I'd expect them to rank them on various component performance and the presence or absence of various things making the engine work. For example, they might rate them on horsepower to weight, horsepower to volume, complexity, or other measurable qualities. The same could be done of presidents.

You could use things like, treaties enacted (not just started but ratified by Congress), or how much did they add to the national debt? Maybe, polling numbers (538 makes that easy for modern presidents). Handling of crises. Major legislation enacted. National economic performance while in office. There's lots of measurable criteria that can be used here. But, for the survey in question, none of that was used as each participant was allowed to choose their own criteria.

Quit your fucking crying, Trump is dead fucking last like every ranking of presidents out there, just accept the fact you support a fucking imbecile.
Fucking liar.

The only coup attempt was by Obama and Hillary with the "Russian Collusion" plot to overthrow the duly elected president.

Collusion was proven, Russians even admitted to it. The investigation said as much but that he could not prosecute. you assholes claiming no collusion are full of it.
Reagan inherited a mess from Carter and he brought economic prosperity and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Biden has brought inflation and wars in Europe and the Mid East. And this survey ranks Biden over Reagan, This survey ranks Washington below FDR. Washington risked his property and his life to form this country. If Washington had lost he would have been executed. Washington did his service then served his time as President then went back being a private citizen. Yet they have FDR over Washington.

Reagan would have despised the shithead you support yet you like him? Trump is the absolute opposite of Reagan.
Reagan would have despised the shithead you support yet you like him? Trump is the absolute opposite of Reagan.

Agreed. Same for Senator Barry "Mr. Conservative" Goldwater.

Trump is an anathema to conservative thinking. Goldwater stood for "the pursuit of a balanced budget and limited government, coupled with a hardline stance on foreign policy and defense", the opposite of Trumpism which spends more money than Democrats, seeks an all-powerful autocratic Federal government and wants to let Russia and China take over their respective regions while the US pulls back to our own shores.

Goldwater wanted to nuke the Soviets, Trump just wants to blow them for money.
You have to sign in to apply for membership. So it appears you have to be a member to apply. :laugh:

You have to create an account on the website in order to apply for membership to the society.

I guess if you don't know the difference between creating an account and being a member, I can't help. Do you enjoy being a member of the JPP secret society?
History will never move Trump from anywhere but last. I have been waiting for him to move all the way to the bottom. After 2 impeachments, guilty of rape and fraud and trying to overturn our govt, stealing classified documents, paying porn stars for sex, fined hundreds of millions of dollars, barred from doing business it's hard to imagine any president ever being placed below that resume. He never did ANYTHING but embarrass this country. He took over when our economy was doing well and none of that was his doing, he rode on the coattails of someone else.

All true. In addition, he can't even blame the pandemic for our economic crash. The recession began *before* the global lockdowns, in Feb. 2020.
You have to create an account on the website in order to apply for membership to the society.

I guess if you don't know the difference between creating an account and being a member, I can't help. Do you enjoy being a member of the JPP secret society?

So MAGA has goal post shifted from falsely claiming the NYT article had no source, to falsely claiming you have to be a member to sign up to be a member of the supposedly secret society.
That will never work out well in the end for them...
I'm no fan of Joe Biden, but I wouldn't I wouldn't ever support throwing away the law and the good of the country in exchange for actual hatred...No one should be willing to do that...
Never be willing to sacrifice anything...including friends, over politics...

You won't "throw away the law" ! But you Support Trump with 91 indictments
:thisisgettinggood: I bet the donations to the prestigious 154 are just pouring in....;) (I want to know why 7 out of 10 didn't respond to the request...)
Obama could do an enormous service for the country, walk in the Oval Office ,thank Joe for his service and tell him it's time to retire and turn over the job to Kamala!
They often find it convenient to disappear when inconvenient truths appear. :)

One of them crawled out of a crack and twitched her feelers for attention, but got none. So she slithered off to find some accomplished, powerful black woman to hate on. Today's lucky recipient of toxic racism is... wait for it!... VP Harris! lol