Obama ranked 7th greatest president

History will move them up.

History will never move Trump from anywhere but last. I have been waiting for him to move all the way to the bottom. After 2 impeachments, guilty of rape and fraud and trying to overturn our govt, stealing classified documents, paying porn stars for sex, fined hundreds of millions of dollars, barred from doing business it's hard to imagine any president ever being placed below that resume. He never did ANYTHING but embarrass this country. He took over when our economy was doing well and none of that was his doing, he rode on the coattails of someone else.
He wants to sound informed and intelligent. The MAGATs hate the "failing New York Times" because 1) their fuehrer told them to, and 2) they perceive it as something liberal "elitists" subscribe to. Maybe I should change the title under my screen name from "Leftist Vermin" to "New York Times Subscriber." :rofl2:

If they hate the NYT they can always go to this site to get the information...

New presidential rankings place Obama in top 10, Reagan and Trump below Biden
A new poll of historians coming out on Presidents’ Day weekend ranks Mr. Biden as the 14th-best president in American history, just ahead of Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan and Ulysses S. Grant. While that may not get Mr. Biden a spot on Mount Rushmore, it certainly puts him well ahead of Mr. Trump, who places dead last as the worst president ever.
And ended the 20+ year war in Afghanistan. Oversaw record low unemployment and increased domestic oil production to historic levels. Decreased the cost of prescriptions and diabetic supplies; allowed Medicare to negotiate pricing.

Biden’s record and accomplishments are extremely positive

There is no question that ending the 20 year war in Afghanistan, the infrastructure bill and bringing prescription drug prices down was totally Bidens doing and enough to always have him rated near the top. The low unemployment and record oil production were not
neccessarily his doing just like they were not Trumps doing when he was president. Give biden another term and a democratic house and senate and he will easily secure himself a spot in the top 10. There is nothing tangible that Trump could be credited with, he was handed low unemployment and it was a time when the price of oil was high enough for our oil companies to drill themselves rather than just buy it overseas.

The Voice of The Reich rating presidents is as useful as a pig rating piles of shit.

The average bum on skid row has more insight into the value of presidents than do the mindless cunts of the NY Times.

The NYT didn't have a fucking thing to do with the study, FOX reported the same thing are they also mindless cunts? Don't cry just because your candidate is rated dead fucking last as a president and is running against one who is rated damn near in the top 10.
Hard to say. Look at Chechnya.
It was a rough war there and I'm not sure it's over just because American news doesn't carry it. It's landlocked and much smaller than Ukraine.

Also, the longer this war drains Russia's resources, the more likely patriots in Chechnya, Georgia and the like start fighting back. Something Western nations should encourage. :thup:
They questioned respondents on the DNC.

No, Republicans and Conservatives both ranked Biden at #30. Republicans ranked Trump at #41 and Conservatives put him at #43, the other 3 groups ranked him dead last at #45. There is nothing like going into an election with your candidate rated the worst piece of shit president in history! I'm sure every republican out there with a little sense is simply shaking their head in disbelief that their party is nominating such a loser. Every day that Trump loses another court case or a rating like this comes out a few more Republicans are telling themselves "no way, can't do it, I'm voting for Biden" and a few hundred independents are saying the same thing. The ONLY ones who are going to be voting for Trump are going to be his cult members and they only amount to 30-40% of the republican Party. It will be a landslide of epic proportions.
Among the American Marxists of the filthy democrat party.

Obiden has done more damage to the Constitutional Republic than any - or all presidents before him. Why not rate him #1? The goal of the NY Times is to end and then erase America - no one has done more to make that a reality than Obiden.

Standard Disclaimer: Obama squatted and took a steaming Biden on America....

The NYT had absolutely nothing to do with this ranking. They simply reported on it like every other media source in the country including FOX.
List the source. I've seen a number of those lists over the years from various "academics" and it's pretty easy to see they put little thought into them, making them pretty much worthless other than being their opinion as they clearly didn't base their evaluations on any sort of ranking criteria.

The poll has been sourced a dozen times so far if you are too damn stupid to figure out where it is or how to open it nobody here can help you. The same group has been doing this for over 100 years so you go ahead and call it bullshit if you would like but the fact remains, the shithead you support is the worst president in history.
First, explain why you claimed no source was provided in the article, when anyone who looked at the article clearly saw the source was highlighted and hyperlinked.

Why did you assert so confidently the article wouldn't provide a source?

I posted more than once the link and one time the link only saying "here is the link to the ranking".
Among the American Marxists of the filthy democrat party.

Obiden has done more damage to the Constitutional Republic than any - or all presidents before him. Why not rate him #1? The goal of the NY Times is to end and then erase America - no one has done more to make that a reality than Obiden.

Standard Disclaimer: Obama squatted and took a steaming Biden on America....
The NYT had absolutely nothing to do with this ranking. They simply reported on it like every other media source in the country including FOX.

Sybil doesn't believe anything unless it's spewing from the lips of Sean, Tucker or some other Trumpian source.
Thanks for that. I looked up the survey. It's nothing but an opinion poll.


This was the polling base:

Respondents included current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who had recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses. 525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received, yielding a 29.3% response rate.1

The respondents did not have to use any set of criteria, and each was free to use any method they chose. That makes it an opinion poll, not some statistical measure. That pretty much makes the whole thing rubbish.

Yes, they asked members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics. The organization began over 120 years ago. Just who the fuck would you poll who would be more reputable than that? This is the same group that has been conducting these ratings for years with virtually everyone reading, quoting and respecting them. Then along comes a shithead like you who doesn't like their numbers so you claim it's rubbish. Yes it is an opinion poll, what the fuck did you think it was? An opinion poll done by the countries most educated persons on the subject. No, they didn't ask ignorant assholes like you with no grasp whatsoever about how to perform such a ranking.
These ”presidential rankings” are like comparing athletes of different eras. Useless.

That is why you ask only those with the education and knowledge to perform such a ranking and not ignorant rightwingers who can't name more than a few presidents and worship a criminal like Trump.
You can still rank them using criteria and even weighting things for different eras. That wasn't done in the poll being discussed here. Participants were asked to rate presidents on a scale of 0 to 100 thus:

The primary purpose of this survey was to create a ranking of presidential greatness that covered all presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden. To do this, we asked respondents to rate each president on a scale of 0-100 for their overall greatness, with 0=failure, 50=average, and 100=great. We then averaged the ratings for each president and ranked them from highest average to lowest.

There was no ranking criteria beyond the participant's own opinion. That the survey used supposed "experts" is just an irrelevant appeal to authority in this case. Just because you are some academic somewhere doesn't make your opinion--on its own--more or less valuable than anyone else's. If they had some ranking system and were justifying their responses based on factual evidence, it would have some actual value.

As it is, this is nothing but a worthless opinion survey taken by 154 people.

Keep trying to put down the most respected and longlived rating of presidents we have had, it only makes you look like a bigger dumbshit.