I Loathe Flying As A Means Of Getting Somewhere

If I wanted to take 12 hours to get from Fort Smith, AR to Nashville, TN I’d have driven. Happened going two weeks ago and now happening on the return trip. And my only recourse it to gripe about it on here. Well, I will send them an email stating my immense dissatisfaction but that likely won’t be read by anyone who needs to hear it. Kind of like griping on JPP.
It was way better back before deregulation....I now avoid if at all possible...in fact I do my best to avoid leaving my oasis at all.

But I am currently waiting for my daughter in a restaurant in Tacoma, our favorite restaurant in Tacoma in fact.
It was way better back before deregulation....I now avoid if at all possible...in fact I do my best to avoid leaving my oasis at all.

But I am currently waiting for my daughter in a restaurant in Tacoma, our favorite restaurant in Tacoma in fact.
Have a wonderful time!
Flying went to hell with deregulation and then got worse with the advent of TSA.

My feet left the ground for the first time in 1957.
Commercial flying was a relevantly pleasant experience then,
and manages to be a horrific ordeal now.

My problem is that I HATE long car trips as well.
Our country makes no commitment to rail anymore, so I spend a lot of time at home these days.
I even let my passport expire.
The gate Nazis are the worst (TSA). Total overkill.

Long-distance passenger rail is insanely stupid for the US. Not only would installing it cost a fortune, but running such a system would too and it would be worse than flying.
I'm not a fan either especially nowadays. Cramped expensive seats with smelly rude people.
But I also hate driving.
We chose those cramped conditions. We could always drive, or take a ship, if we want to take weeks to get somewhere rather than hours. The fact is we want to take the plane, because it is just faster, much faster. We can usually upgrade the seat to something nicer. It costs too much money for such a short amount of time.

Our ancestors had to scrimp and save for years, just to spend weeks on a ship in terrible conditions, to get here. We can now fly in a few hours to go back to where they came from, all for much less than a week's wages.
We chose those cramped conditions. We could always drive, or take a ship, if we want to take weeks to get somewhere rather than hours. The fact is we want to take the plane, because it is just faster, much faster. We can usually upgrade the seat to something nicer. It costs too much money for such a short amount of time.

Our ancestors had to scrimp and save for years, just to spend weeks on a ship in terrible conditions, to get here. We can now fly in a few hours to go back to where they came from, all for much less than a week's wages.
"Dont talk about how the rest of the world does it so much better...SHUT UP AND SAY THANK U!"

In rankings of global airports America does very poorly....if you want to experience quality modern airports you need to go someplace like China.
When you add up the shit ton of money that was made/spent and then look around at rotting America do remember that I told you over and over again that we have been betrayed.
The gate Nazis are the worst (TSA). Total overkill.

Long-distance passenger rail is insanely stupid for the US. Not only would installing it cost a fortune, but running such a system would too and it would be worse than flying.
Agree with TSA.
Disagree with rail.

Interior Americans don't have the mindset for public transportation.
I'll agree to that.
They're all just hayseed pickup drivers at heart.

Urban people do, however.
Agree with TSA.
Disagree with rail.

Interior Americans don't have the mindset for public transportation.
I'll agree to that.
They're all just hayseed pickup drivers at heart.

Urban people do, however.
I've travelled all over Europe and Japan on trains. They wear on you after being on one for hours. Then, in terms of travel in the US, they're too slow and inflexible to be useful beyond limited commuter transit along high density population corridors. Doesn't matter how fast they are, the distances and number of stops that would have to be made make them a terrible choice.

It isn't just "flyover" America where this is the case, but outside of really massive urban corridors on the two coasts it just doesn't work. For example, here in Arizona the usual suspects on the progressive left keep trying to sell high speed rail between Phoenix and Tucson. Driving from one to the other takes about two hours. Flying takes about 30 minutes not including terminal time at each end.
High speed rail would take about 1 to 1.5 hours to transit depending on average speed. When you toss in wait times at each end and then the lack of ground transportation someone would have at one end (no car unless you rent one), it makes more sense to just drive there.
The progressive left just doesn't get that. They won't or can't do the math.

High speed rail is a massive loser in the US.
Neither Biden nor the left have ever so much as tried to "force" anyone to use public transport. Your comment is utterly fucking stupid.
Then why the push for high-speed rail? Why the massive funding for expansion of public transit systems like light rail?

It is YOU that is obliviously fucking stupid. The Left loves public transit so long as they aren't the ones forced to use it.
I've travelled all over Europe and Japan on trains. They wear on you after being on one for hours. Then, in terms of travel in the US, they're too slow and inflexible to be useful beyond limited commuter transit along high density population corridors. Doesn't matter how fast they are, the distances and number of stops that would have to be made make them a terrible choice.

It isn't just "flyover" America where this is the case, but outside of really massive urban corridors on the two coasts it just doesn't work. For example, here in Arizona the usual suspects on the progressive left keep trying to sell high speed rail between Phoenix and Tucson. Driving from one to the other takes about two hours. Flying takes about 30 minutes not including terminal time at each end.
High speed rail would take about 1 to 1.5 hours to transit depending on average speed. When you toss in wait times at each end and then the lack of ground transportation someone would have at one end (no car unless you rent one), it makes more sense to just drive there.
The progressive left just doesn't get that. They won't or can't do the math.

High speed rail is a massive loser in the US.
The thing is, TAG, I really don't care.

I've been abroad, experienced their rail, and had to admit,
this is something other people can do
way, way better than we in my own country can do.
In fact, they make us look like assholes.

When we really suck at something, I'm, as an American national, not content,
and we really, really suck at public sector stuff.

Lousy public transportation.
Lousy public education.
Lousy public health care.

All thanks to American conservatives who, to be honestly blunt about it,
are just not very smart people. Or particularly likeable, either.