I Loathe Flying As A Means Of Getting Somewhere

He's whining, trying to justify sitting on the couch all day and doing nothing.

I have three siblings that were in horrible car accidents as children (one lost the ability to walk normally!) and THEY are still active. I even know of one fellow (not in my family) that contracted polio as a child and completely and permanently lost the use of his legs. He started three successful businesses and regularly flew on airlines, despite using crutches to get anywhere. Don't get in the way this guy at the airport! You'll get run over by this guy catching his plane!

The best piano tuner and mechanic I know lost his sight as a child. He is permanently and completely blind. Yet he started and runs a successful business. He had no problem calling you by name when you entered the room where he was working.

Life is what you make of it, even if you have a disability.
Let us know when you are done being a raging cunt.
On the up side those who are privileged by the airlines get to avoid a lot of the cattle class of the airports with their special clubs/waiting rooms.

I have never seen one, likely never will, but I hear that they are nice.
I've seen 'em since I've been in one. They don't do much to make airline travel nicer. It's mostly an expensive bar and lounge. They aren't really worth it unless you like to get drunk before you fly.
The airlines are currently kicking people out of the privoledge class because they decided the zones for the class are getting overcrowded, they have allowed too many people into the class.
Although it occasionally happens, it's pretty rare, and it's not 'kicking someone out', it's an oversold seat (I consider this a bad practice) and the one getting 'kicked out' voluntarily gave up their seat and moved to seat in business class for the price of a free or discounted trip somewhere later.

I might point out that oversold seats occur in economy class as well, but there is nowhere for them to move to, other than to stay behind and catch the next flight.
With long lines because they don't have enough people, training or facilities. Anyone who served in the military for one hitch or more knows what I'm referencing.
They never will have enough of any of that. On top of that, they're highly inefficient, only marginally competent, and their management is completely lacking in imagination or innovation.
Just not on whether you fly into a rock. If you want to get off at the next stop, just smack the Flight Attendant and they'll make that happen. :thup:

Part of it is the illusion of control. Bus passengers have the illusion that, if the driver made a mistake or died of a heart attack, they could rush forward and save a 70MPH bus from veering into the opposite lane or leap out before it crashed in a ball of fire.

The good news is that 1) you're more likely to get killed driving to or from the airport than in a US airliner, and 2) the crews and maintenance are extremely well screened and monitored compared to buses or other car drivers. Results count!
That’s all very true…just not the control of which I was speaking.
Delayed for weather? In my experience, it's better to be on the ground in bad weather than to be in it in an airplane.
Nope. Lack of an available airplane…twice, going and coming. Lack of crew members who hadn’t timed out. Couldn’t get us to DFW in time for the connecting flight.

I wrote them a nice letter and sent it to Arizona via snail mail. It likely won’t get read by the people who overbook or who make the executive decisions that lead to bad service and that’s ok. I wasn’t going to vent my frustrations on the poor folks at the airport (like several people did those days) who kept apologizing for things that weren’t their fault. They’re just trying to do a job.

But posting here and then writing that letter was enough to vent my frustrations…all is good now. I’m home and things are back to normal. I’ll likely have to fly American again. I won’t like it. Every time I fly it’s a 50/50 shot that I get to my destination on time. I won’t like it, but I’ll do it.
Nope. Lack of an available airplane…twice, going and coming. Lack of crew members who hadn’t timed out. Couldn’t get us to DFW in time for the connecting flight.

I wrote them a nice letter and sent it to Arizona via snail mail. It likely won’t get read by the people who overbook or who make the executive decisions that lead to bad service and that’s ok. I wasn’t going to vent my frustrations on the poor folks at the airport (like several people did those days) who kept apologizing for things that weren’t their fault. They’re just trying to do a job.

But posting here and then writing that letter was enough to vent my frustrations…all is good now. I’m home and things are back to normal. I’ll likely have to fly American again. I won’t like it. Every time I fly it’s a 50/50 shot that I get to my destination on time. I won’t like it, but I’ll do it.
I don't think that the private sector can handle public transportation.
I think it would be much better managed if nationalized.

If it only had to support itself instead of creating profit,
much better decisions could be made.

Like any true democratic socialist, I think the private sector is good for for making consumer items and that's about it.
It doesn't belong in transportation, utilities, health care, insurance, and many other places where it's essentially run like a crime organization.
Nope. Lack of an available airplane…twice, going and coming. Lack of crew members who hadn’t timed out. Couldn’t get us to DFW in time for the connecting flight.

I wrote them a nice letter and sent it to Arizona via snail mail. It likely won’t get read by the people who overbook or who make the executive decisions that lead to bad service and that’s ok. I wasn’t going to vent my frustrations on the poor folks at the airport (like several people did those days) who kept apologizing for things that weren’t their fault. They’re just trying to do a job.

But posting here and then writing that letter was enough to vent my frustrations…all is good now. I’m home and things are back to normal. I’ll likely have to fly American again. I won’t like it. Every time I fly it’s a 50/50 shot that I get to my destination on time. I won’t like it, but I’ll do it.
While snail mail supports the US Post Office, you should also include your House Rep and both Senators, maybe the major news networks by snailmail or e-mail. Email is cheaper. They may just file it under "angry nutjob" but when the virtual stack is high enough, someone will take an interest in it.

Having BTDT, deregulation of major industries has a downside. Cheaper tickets equals cheaper luxuries. It's now the bus service of the air. ✈️
While snail mail supports the US Post Office, you should also include your House Rep and both Senators, maybe the major news networks by snailmail or e-mail. Email is cheaper. They may just file it under "angry nutjob" but when the virtual stack is high enough, someone will take an interest in it.

Having BTDT, deregulation of major industries has a downside. Cheaper tickets equals cheaper luxuries. It's the bus service of the air. ✈️
Cheaper tickets…I really don’t know as I’ve only been flying for about 21 years. Tickets for the wife and I were $914 and some change altogether to fly from Ft. Smith, AR to Nashville. Costs us about $220 to drive the round trip. The reason we decided to go ahead and fly…to save time and be better rested. Wrong on both counts.
Cheaper tickets…I really don’t know as I’ve only been flying for about 21 years. Tickets for the wife and I were $914 and some change altogether to fly from Ft. Smith, AR to Nashville. Costs us about $220 to drive the round trip. The reason we decided to go ahead and fly…to save time and be better rested. Wrong on both counts.
It's a matter of time. If time isn't a problem, driving is cheaper, but the road accident risk factors increase with changing weather conditions, fatigued drivers and idiots driving other cars....especially those crazy Tennesseans. Flying can save time, but the drive to and from the airport plus the waiting time for flights should be factored in. :)