Happy Pride!!

I'd advocate that it's the primary factor. Being constantly rebuked, shunned or attacked by bigots like Marco would be depressing to most people. This on top of the normal shit young people go through while growing up.

People like Marco want to smack around anyone who isn't conforming while screaming "snap out of it!"

Specific to sexual minority youth, family cohesion, school safety, and the perception of being cared for and about by adults outside the nuclear family have been found to lower the risk of suicide and suicidal ideation (Haas et al., 2011). Family and peer support have been shown to have a comparably favorable effect on reducing suicidal ideation and completion (Mustanski, & Liu, 2013).
It isn't bigotry or other repression that's causing it. Suicide rates among trans persons far, far exceeds any other group on the planet. People in concentration camps, the gulag, N. Korean labor camps, don't come close to those rates. Persons incarcerated don't even come close. Trans suicide rates cannot be explained by bigotry or repression.

Reducing the trans rate in suicides from its current nearly 50% to 25% still leaves that group much higher than any other group you can study. The problem isn't in affirmation or caring, it's in coddling the mentally ill rather than treating their illness.
Is there a 12 step program I can join for my addiction to bigotry? :LOL::ROFLMAO::eek::cry::mad::devilish::devilish::devilish:
Sadly, it appears you need a major personality makeover. For your condition, a full-frontal lobotomy might do it. Sorry, but I don't make house calls. Perhaps you can one in Rio?
It isn't bigotry or other repression that's causing it. Suicide rates among trans persons far, far exceeds any other group on the planet. People in concentration camps, the gulag, N. Korean labor camps, don't come close to those rates. Persons incarcerated don't even come close. Trans suicide rates cannot be explained by bigotry or repression.

Reducing the trans rate in suicides from its current nearly 50% to 25% still leaves that group much higher than any other group you can study. The problem isn't in affirmation or caring, it's in coddling the mentally ill rather than treating their illness.
Disagreed with your assessment but thanks for trying to justify your bigotry and repression. Nice try. :thup:
You're a professional bloviator. I'm a professional pontificator.

I'm not a bigot. I don't care of anyone is gay, bi, lesbian or trans.
What I do object to is people demanding that I accept those lifestyles as normal. I don't have to believe it's normal.
I believe in live and let live. I am not a crazy religious Christian zealot.
But I am COMPLETELY against doing irreversible things to the bodies of minors in the name of gender affirmation.
Proves English is a second language...and not very good at it. A liar and a braggart too.
Proves English is a second language...and not very good at it. A liar and a braggart too.
You going to start in with that second language again? Because I made a typo posting from my phone.
Braggart...how do you get that? Humor maybe

But I know I pontificate.
Born and raised in Brooklyn.....what do you expect? Laurence Olivier?
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You going to start in with that second language again? Because I made a typo posting from my phone.
Braggart...how do you get that? Humor maybe

But I know I pontificate.
Born and raised in Brooklyn.....what do you expect? Laurence Olivier?
Clearly you are sensitive about it. Would you prefer I stop? It wasn't the typo, Mr. Almost.
The fact you don't understand how braggart applies is part of it. The funny part. LOL

Sure. Whatever you say. Results count.
Clearly you are sensitive about it. Would you prefer I stop? It wasn't the typo, Mr. Almost.
The fact you don't understand how braggart applies is part of it. The funny part. LOL

Sure. Whatever you say. Results count.
You are so right Dutch.
I am a superior being.
You going to start in with that second language again? Because I made a typo posting from my phone.
Braggart...how do you get that? Humor maybe

But I know I pontificate.
Born and raised in Brooklyn.....what do you expect? Laurence Olivier?
Dutch is a mentally ill moron. That's basically all you need to know. :dunno: