People keep reporting rule 16 wrongly...

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And Dutch wonders why I talk about slicing his junk off and shoving it into his screaming mouth.


It's OK, that fucker hasn't had a boner in 5 years.
MAGAts lie about me wanting violence but the hypocrites never chastise MAGAt calls for violence.

Mr. Tiny Penis is in hiding after suggesting shooting Republicans should be a national pastime.
MAGAts lie. The puzzle for me is to figure out why they lie; most do it because they are demented and/or mental, some do it because they are evil. God will judge them for their sins.
Tbh, I don't think you intentionally lie, I think you just forget what you said in your deluded stupor from day to day.
Tbh, I don't think you intentionally lie, I think you just forget what you said in your deluded stupor from day to day.
Quote a lie and let's discuss it, Matt.....or do you need a 12 year old to show you how to use the search function?
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