For every woman who has died (allegedly of course it's bullshit nobody fucking died), how many babies have survived?Several women have died because of Roe. V. Wade being overturned.
I believe that Trump and his six justices should all be in prison for the murder of those women.
But we all knew that such would happen if Trump was elected.
Consequently, everybody who voted for Trump should be punished for the murder of those women.
We don't have enough prisons, even though we have more people in prison than China does with 40x our population.
So another solution would be required.
I would sign off on that without a second thought.
I'm in rage mood now.
I viscerally hate conservative America.
It's way beyond mere disagreement now.
You should be hustled off to the stupid old fool farm never to be seen again.
Another angry old dipshit gone missing that no one misses.