Les femmes folles

I ALWAYS leave the toilet seat up.

Cuz yer a man and ain't no BROODSOW gonna tell YOU what to do. MAAAAAAn

My wife had 2 sisters and her mom.

Sounds hot.

My father in law put the seat down out of ours fear.

You aren't afraid! YOU ARE A MAN. ANd just as soon as you can trick a woman into coming over to your mom's basement to visit you you are gonna LAY DOWN THE LAW to her.

I told my wife before we got married zhe can forget that seat down shit in the house I live in.

And she TOOK IT! Cuz she knows YOU'RE A MAN. A MANLY MAN.

Feminists demand that we celebrate a woman’s sexual freedom, but when she does the left claims that she’s a damsel in distress incapable of exercising basic agency.

It’s a joke.

The men who took part in this behaved disgustingly, IMO, but they didn't ask her to do it.

She asked them to do it.

There's a pattern here...


Sounds like Hillary or one of her squad. They liked stiffing waitresses, just too deplorable for their 'standards', I guess.

I doubt the Hildebeast has to pay for her meals out, frankly. That's not relevant in this instance, though, is it?

The entitled feminine "influencer" under discussion was pout-raging because her meal wasn't comped.
I doubt the Hildebeast has to pay for her meals out, frankly.

It's a typical example of their mentality, same as the narcissist sniveling about not getting free stuff merely for a good review.

The entitled feminine "influencer" under discussion was pout-raging because her meal wasn't comped.

When they were in Iowa for the Primaries they got a table in a restaurant, sat on their fat asses for hours, and then stiffed the waitress. A reporter carried the story.

Why do we care if people tip a waitress?

For Hillary Clinton last week, the problem appeared obvious. A Clinton speech used the plight of a waitress -- a single mom in Iowa, Anita Esterday, working two jobs to make ends meet.

Clinton was painted as not being personally concerned about Anita’s plight enough to even leave a tip.

After the allegations surfaced, the Clinton campaign responded that it had left a $100 tip on a $157 tab, with the incident turning into a debate between the diner staff and Clinton’s campaign.

The truth will probably never be completely clear. Supposedly the tip had been put on a credit card, but that later turned out to be false. The campaign then claimed that it had left cash that must have been misplaced. But things didn’t look good when Adam Crawford, the diner’s manager, said, "Where Hillary was sitting, there was no tip left," and the campaign was unwilling to identify or let the press talk to the staffer who left the tip.

The campaign appeared to concede the whole incident when a Clinton staffer showed up the next day to give Esterday a tip, but it could have simply been an honest attempt to make amends."

They're just shallow liars and frauds, hoping the 'little people' will believe their bullshit claims of being all about the working class n stuff. This really came out with the Biden and Harris campaigns, calling working class people 'garbage', worse than Hillary's 'Deplorables'. and of course on this and every other board we've all seen the references to 'trailer trash' and the profligate references to GOP voters' as 'toothless rednecks', etc., etc. for decades now. They lost a big chunk of the working class from all ethnicities with their sociopathic snobbery. I hope they step it up; it's dome wonders for Trump.
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Wow. Still bitchin' about HIllary.


^^^Still embarrassed by its love for hypocritical vermin. Leftists hate people with real jobs, insult them constantly,then get all butthurt whey they vote for the other Party. Nothing has changed, Hillary or no Hillary. among the left wing fraudsters.
^^^Still embarrassed by its love for hypocritical vermin. Leftists hate people with real jobs, insult them constantly,then get all butthurt whey they vote for the other Party. Nothing has changed, Hillary or no Hillary. among the left wing fraudsters.

^^^^Obsessed with Hillary Clinton even though she isn't even a factor anymore.

You guys beat her. Seriously. You started bitching about her in 1993 and never stopped.

31 years of non-stop abuse and YOU WON. She never got to be President and she never will

But you still can't stop bitchin' about her.

^^^^Obsessed with Hillary Clinton even though she isn't even a factor anymore.

Yes, cuz all those zillions of Hillary posts I have here ...

Your crush on Hillary is duly noted.

You guys beat her. Seriously. You started bitching about her in 1993 and never stopped.

31 years of non-stop abuse and YOU WON. She never got to be President and she never will

But you still can't stop bitchin' about her.


lol people who vote for sexually mutilating children really think we care bout their idiot narratives they parrot.

She's trying to make a comeback, so we get why you're all angry and sniveling about this.
Yes, cuz all those zillions of Hillary posts I have here ...

Hey, Fuckknuckle, I'm responding to YOUR posts bitching about Hillary. But you aren't the only one. You guys ALL bitch about Hillary (pretty much any WOMAN who shows up, actually....which is why it is patently obvious most of you are incel trolls....women TERRIFY you.
Your crush on Hillary is duly noted.

Hillary's more of a man than Donald J. Trump. She's about 100000X smarter and actually knows how the Constitution works.

lol people who vote for sexually mutilating children

No one voted for that. THAT WAS A MYTH YOU GUYS MADE UP so you wouldn't have to think. You made up lies about shit and then voted AGAINST THAT.

You really ended up looking like a bunch of toothless morons in reality.

really think we care bout their idiot narratives they parrot.

She's trying to make a comeback, so we get why you're all angry and sniveling about this.

LOL. Comeback. Gimme a break. LOL.

Goddamn women scare you. Maybe if the MAGA side didn't think all women were WHORES and PROPERTY OF MEN the movement would have a better chance at adapting to life in the 21st century.
Drugs are what killed that guy, dumbass.
How great would your mental health be if this happened to your mom?

"When he was just 14 years old, Neely's mother was murdered by her abusive boyfriend. The murderer left her body in a suitcase on the side of New York City's Henry Hudson Parkway. Young Neely had to testify in court on his mother’s behalf. "

Hey, Fuckknuckle, I'm responding to YOUR posts bitching about Hillary. But you aren't the only one. You guys ALL bitch about Hillary (pretty much any WOMAN who shows up, actually....which is why it is patently obvious most of you are incel trolls....women TERRIFY you.

Hillary's more of a man than Donald J. Trump. She's about 100000X smarter and actually knows how the Constitution works.

No one voted for that. THAT WAS A MYTH YOU GUYS MADE UP so you wouldn't have to think. You made up lies about shit and then voted AGAINST THAT.

You really ended up looking like a bunch of toothless morons in reality.

LOL. Comeback. Gimme a break. LOL.

Goddamn women scare you. Maybe if the MAGA side didn't think all women were WHORES and PROPERTY OF MEN the movement would have a better chance at adapting to life in the 21st century.
Hillary's more of a man than Donald J. Trump. She's about 100000X smarter and actually knows how the Constitution works.
What if I told you Donald Trump fucked Hillary in the ass and they both liked it? Hmm?
Lemme tell you somethin', that's a lot closer to the actual truth than the bullshit you're yammerin' and lying about.