I doubt the Hildebeast has to pay for her meals out, frankly.
It's a typical example of their mentality, same as the narcissist sniveling about not getting free stuff merely for a good review.
The entitled feminine "influencer" under discussion was pout-raging because her meal wasn't comped.
When they were in Iowa for the Primaries they got a table in a restaurant, sat on their fat asses for hours, and then stiffed the waitress. A reporter carried the story.
Why do we care if people tip a waitress?
For Hillary Clinton last week, the problem appeared obvious. A Clinton speech used the plight of a waitress -- a single mom in Iowa, Anita Esterday, working two jobs to make ends meet.
Clinton was painted as not being personally concerned about Anita’s plight enough to even leave a tip.
After the allegations surfaced, the Clinton campaign responded that it had left a $100 tip on a $157 tab, with the incident turning into a debate between the diner staff and Clinton’s campaign.
The truth will probably never be completely clear. Supposedly the tip had been put on a credit card, but that later turned out to be
false. The campaign then claimed that it had left cash that must have been misplaced. But things didn’t look good when Adam Crawford, the diner’s manager,
said, "Where Hillary was sitting, there was no tip left," and the campaign was
unwilling to identify or let the press talk to the staffer who left the tip.
The campaign appeared to concede the whole incident when a Clinton staffer
showed up the next day to give Esterday a tip, but it could have simply been an honest attempt to make amends."
A 'Tip' for Hillary: Admit Your Mistakes
They're just shallow liars and frauds, hoping the 'little people' will believe their bullshit claims of being all about the working class n stuff. This really came out with the Biden and Harris campaigns, calling working class people 'garbage', worse than Hillary's 'Deplorables'. and of course on this and every other board we've all seen the references to 'trailer trash' and the profligate references to GOP voters' as 'toothless rednecks', etc., etc. for decades now. They lost a big chunk of the working class from all ethnicities with their sociopathic snobbery. I hope they step it up; it's dome wonders for Trump.