Looks like another school shooting.....

Show a school shooting that was not stopped by a gun or KISS MY ASS.

Nobody is talking about guns used by the police, weasel.

Guns that stop school shooters are either fired by cops or by the shooter themselves (suicide).

So either show me a list of school shootings in which...

1) ...a gun was used to stop a school shooter before he/she shot someone and

2) ...was fired by someone who was NOT a law enforcement officer...

...or KISS MY ASS.
Totally irrelevant.
Completely relevant, NoNads.
The fact that the school is a gun free zone
So now it IS a gun free zone?! Make up your mind, NoNads.......
had nothing to do with the incident.
It is relevant to the incident. Schools, and the compulsory attendance of said defenselessness zones, makes all school-aged children sitting ducks, just waiting to be slaughtered by some mind fucked 15 year old girl who ignores all of the gun free zone signage, ignores state and federal law, and still brings a couple of pistols into school anyway with the intent of "going out with a bang" (pun intended).

She knew full well that, since it was a defenselessness zone, that nobody else would have the ability to thwart her long-researched plans by firing back at her, and that everyone present would be sitting ducks just waiting for her to slaughter them.

The mass implementation of said defenselessness zones happened within the past few decades, is that right?
Or maybe you can prove that it did
The inability of anyone present to fire back at the perp speaks for itself.
Maybe you can prove that if every teacher in the school was packing a loaded handgun, that 15 year old girl could not have gotten off the shots that killed two people.

Go ahead.... prove it.

Or shut your ignorant fucking yap.

Prove that the 15 year old girl could not have gotten off the shots that killed two people before someone with a gun could have gotten their gun and confronted her.

Prove it or shut your ignorant redneck shithole mouth.

Oh wait, you just proved it with that limp-wristed pansy-ass response.

Maybe you can try to keep the argument relevant rather than changing the subject, loser.
You seem very angry (of course, you ARE a leftist). Take a deep breath, slowly inhale and exhale, and do try to calm yourself down before you become the next Natalie.
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SO MAD must've forgotten telling the whole forum that there is no law in Wisconsin making private schools gun free zones.
It's the leftist way.

1) Make a completely outlandish claim.
2) Get called out on it.
3) Pretend that said outlandish claim was never made.
Dogshit must've given up on the challenge I made for him or any of his ignorant barrel stroker butt buddies to find a published study which says guns in schools make them safer.

Because as of yet, none of you drooling apes has posted on word of such a study.

A "published study" isn't necessary. It's basic logic.
I see you still haven't posted any study or statistics or anything else that might even slightly support your idiotic, simple-minded contention
... that dead intended shooters don't harm as many students as living ones.

that adults with guns on school campuses,
... serve as a deterrent for violent crime moreso than signs advertising that everyone is totally defenseless.

Nope. You try pleading your case that rendering all people defenseless, and advertising/broadcasting such, somehow minimizes damage done by shooters, and that the reason that shootings occur so much more frequently in defenselessness zones, aka schools, than in police stations, militia drills and gun shows is because the NRA keeps ramping up their "2nd Amendment" rhetoric.

Good luck.

You truly are an ignorant, simplistic rube.
We'll see. Make your argument.

I hope you are thankful that I'm so generous that I lower myself to directly engage with a zero like you.
I'm not thankful. You haven't presented any argument ... because you don't have one. You are just another vile leftists who wants the perpetual stream of child deaths that leftists have created to continue. If you don't kill them in the womb, you are certainly going to kill them when they arrive at their compulsory target position in their designated defenselessness zone. We'll just call it your "post-birth abortion" program.
🖕🏼.🖕🏼. 🖕🏼.🖕🏼. 🖕🏼.🖕🏼.

Link a study that says guns make schools safer or KISS MY ASS, loser.

I don't recall claiming that "guns make schools safer".

I do recall you posting this, though.

It's a PRIVATE school. Ergo, no government mandate either way.

Link a law that says there's no government mandate either way on gun free zones in Wisconsin.

Didn't you tell the whole forum that there is no law in Wisconsin making private schools gun free zones?


Maybe you forgot telling the whole forum that there is no law in Wisconsin making private schools gun free zones, @Nomad.

Did you?


... that dead intended shooters don't harm as many students as living ones.

... serve as a deterrent for violent crime moreso than signs advertising that everyone is totally defenseless.

Nope. You try pleading your case that rendering all people defenseless, and advertising/broadcasting such, somehow minimizes damage done by shooters, and that the reason that shootings occur so much more frequently in defenselessness zones, aka schools, than in police stations, militia drills and gun shows is because the NRA keeps ramping up their "2nd Amendment" rhetoric.

Good luck.

We'll see. Make your argument.

I'm not thankful. You haven't presented any argument ... because you don't have one. You are just another vile leftists who wants the perpetual stream of child deaths that leftists have created to continue. If you don't kill them in the womb, you are certainly going to kill them when they arrive at their compulsory target position in their designated defenselessness zone. We'll just call it your "post-birth abortion" program.

... nor do you. Also, what you don't have is an education, which is why you can't formulate a valid argument.

YOU LOSE.🖕🏼Have a nice day, loser.

I don't recall claiming that "guns make schools safer".

I do recall you posting this, though.

Link a law that says there's no government mandate either way on gun free zones in Wisconsin.


All you need to do is Google - do guns make schools safer?

What you'll get as a result, is link after link after link after link etc, etc, etc.... of articles and studies that all come to the same conclusion...


Below are over a dozen links to reports and articles that reference reports, all of which cite studies and statistics which point to the above conclusion.

There were countless more, but this should be more than enough to back up my argument.

Of course I realize that a couple of sleazy, lying pieces of pig shit like you two will slither and squirm around like the snakes and rats you are, in order to lie, deflect, change the subject and anything else you can pull out of your nasty vermin asses to keep from admitting it.

But here are sources to back up my argument.

Let's see you post sources to back up yours, losers.














All you need to do is Google - do guns make schools safer?

What you'll get as a result, is link after link after link after link etc, etc, etc.... of articles and studies that all come to the same conclusion...

If I'd said that, you'd have a point.

Since I didn't, you don't.

So IOW, you're admitting that making schools gun free zones doesn't put students at higher risk of mass shooting incidents?

You're admitting that guns in schools increase the danger rather than lessen it?

Yes or no?

But Y O U said this:

I wasn't responding to you alone as I quoted your butt buddy too. But you are one of the scumbags who keeps hammering on the "gun free zones" deflection because you have nothing to back up the right's position that there should be armed personnel in schools.

Gonna strawman again, or admit you were wrong?

Why ask me?

That's part of your sleazy bag of tricks.
Nope, not at all. NoNads didn't bother with Google for THAT one.

If he did, he's yet to admit it.

That means...


He didn't Google Wisconsin law on "gun free zones", did he?

Nope, not at all. NoNads didn't bother with Google for THAT one.

Why do you losers keep deflecting and sidestepping the issue?

Why don't you want to talk about the issue you all brought up.... gun free zones in schools?

My data backs up my position that schools being gun free zones makes them safer.

You have no data to refute that.

My data backs up my position that schools being gun free zones makes them safer. You have no data to refute that.

I don't recall taking a position on that.

Being SO MAD seems to have deprived you of your senses, such as they were.