
If you want to avoid jury duty, pick up a newspaper on the way it. They don't want intelligent, informed citizens on the jury.
Been there, seen that. They toss the smart, informed people off, along with law enforcement, lawyers, anyone with an opinion, etc. What they want are the mouth breathers, indolent, stupid, and easily manipulated.
Doesn't matter. If you are leaving your case up to a lawyer, you are a fool. Your lawyer is a tool, and you are the one wielding that tool. The worst thing you could do is leave your fate up to a public pretender... err, defender.

You've only have to. observe our resident lawyer Jarhead to know the truth.
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Wrong! The man that relies on his lawyer to do all the legal stuff is a fool. Lawyers, for the most part, are morons.
Lawyers have graduate degrees.
Idiots have no respect for formal education.
If they did, they couldn't live with themselves for not having any.
So? That doesn't stop them from being idiots.

Like many lawyers...

What I can't figure out is how their parents live with the shame that their kid(s) is a lawyer...
Idiots don't pass Board Exams. They're hard, and they require proper education.
The right's disrespect for education betrays their disrespect for decency and excellence.
Pepe. Ugh. :sick:

Yeah, I was hoping the whole Pepe thing was past, but Elon and his Kekmus Maximus or whateverthefuck it was. Next thing you know Elon will be "pwning" with this l33t h4x0r skillz.

Ugh. indeed. We've turned the country over to a perpetual junior high loser and his best buddy an psychopathic narcissist with a single digit IQ.
Idiots don't pass Board Exams.

Sure, they can, Yoda!

Cheating on the bar exam is not only possible but has been documented, though it comes with significant risks and consequences. Here are some insights based on available information:

  • Methods of Cheating: Various methods have been reported or speculated upon, including copying answers from neighbors during the exam, using electronic devices to access information, or even more elaborate schemes like impersonation. However, these methods are often thwarted by exam security measures such as different test forms, stringent proctoring, and post-exam analysis for anomalies in answer patterns.
  • There's an acknowledgment in the legal community that cheating does occur.

Sure, they can, Yoda!

Cheating on the bar exam is not only possible but has been documented, though it comes with significant risks and consequences. Here are some insights based on available information:

  • Methods of Cheating: Various methods have been reported or speculated upon, including copying answers from neighbors during the exam, using electronic devices to access information, or even more elaborate schemes like impersonation. However, these methods are often thwarted by exam security measures such as different test forms, stringent proctoring, and post-exam analysis for anomalies in answer patterns.
  • There's an acknowledgment in the legal community that cheating does occur.


Apparently your guy, Trump, cheated on the entrance exam for Wharton. Hired a ringer to take it for him.