I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

What knowledge? He's simply repeating stuff that any reasonably well-read person already knows You know, like the figure one million has seven digits in it. :laugh:

This is typical MAGAT mansplaining to make their support of a failed bankrupt "businessman" seem logical. He also seems to think that women are as stupid as he is. Oops!
Maybe I should apologize. I didn't realize that this topic would trigger you so much. Maybe in the future you should refrain from posting personal information?

As for the seven digits comment, it was merely in response to you throwing out that figure as if you have some sort of financial superiority.

I think it is safe to say that Trump has accomplished more in his life than you and your husband combined. Call it a hunch
What is funny is that I am giving you kudos for amassing what is arguably a nice little nest egg. Depending on your spending habits, you should be able to live quite comfortably on that.

I know that being a leftist things like irony are lost on you, but I find it funny that you accuse someone of being condescending while in the same post saying things like "I have forgotten more about economics and the market than you ever knew". You marxists never seem to disappoint. You always go on and on about "the rich" then like to regale us all with how rich you are. Is it your self loathing?

This topic seems to have made you quite defensive. I will learn from now on never to complement you.


Economics and finance while related are really separate fields of study. But kudos to you if you are an expert in both.
Full of horse pucky.
Called what? That I guard my anonymity? Shocker.

What is wrong with being a maintenance engineer? Typical leftist elitism
No worries, Donnie. You're free to play Wall Street Wizard just like other MAGAts play lawyers and doctors. Have fun! :thup:

Nothing wrong with honest work for honest pay. Maintenance engineer suits you. :)
What knowledge? He's simply repeating stuff that any reasonably well-read person already knows You know, like the figure one million has seven digits in it. :laugh:

This is typical MAGAT mansplaining to make their support of a failed bankrupt "businessman" seem logical. He also seems to think that women are as stupid as he is. Oops!
MAGA isn't a person, Phanty.
What 'failed businessman???
No worries, Donnie. You're free to play Wall Street Wizard just like other MAGAts play lawyers and doctors. Have fun! :thup:

Nothing wrong with honest work for honest pay. Maintenance engineer suits you. :)

Like I said it wouldn’t matter what I put you would demean it or say I am a liar. It is funny that you think I have something to prove to you
Full of horse pucky.
yet here you are
Trump has turned the wheels and is driving us into an economic disaster. His tariffs are a disaster. More are coming on Tuesday. He does not have the education to make the huge decisions he is making, He says "only I can fix it". And he is dumb enough to believe that. He says he knows more than the generals. He does not. He says regularly that he knows more than anyone else about many subjects. The problem is that Trumpys believe that.
Trump is obvious. He says stupid and immature things over and over. He is not hidden. The problem is you rightys do not see him. You believe what you want to believe. He is a conman and you are his suckers.