Jewish lives are too precious, they'll figure out a way to get christians to do it for them.Israel should have gone is with ground forces and special ops to confront Hezbollah directly.
Jewish lives are too precious, they'll figure out a way to get christians to do it for them.Israel should have gone is with ground forces and special ops to confront Hezbollah directly.
Jewish lives are too precious, they'll figure out a way to get christians to do it for them.
They are great capitalists who excel at getting others to do their work for them.
Bush and his minions have been eager servants of Israel.
Jewish lives are too precious, they'll figure out a way to get christians to do it for them.
Again, you have a very narrow view of events and view them through your own bigotry.
There are a lot of people who believe that the Israeli/Lebanon war, was a proxy war fought between the US and Iran. And that it was the US who wanted the war and encouraged Israel to invade, in order to weaken Hezbollah so that when bush went into Iran, they would not be a significant factor.
Just because Hezbollah kicked their asses, and it backfired as much of the neocon nonsense is apt to do, does not mean that was not the intent.
That's right, No jews want israel. They're just having their strings pulled by americans. Or is it the other way around?
It all depends on how you view the world. Not being a jew-hater, I view it quite differently than you do. And I read a lot of jewish intellectuals whom I have the upmost respect for (and when I use the word intellectual, I use it in the European sense, I mean academists and historians who hold PhD's and are peer-reviewed), who believe that the Israeli invasion of Lebanon was a big mistake and put Israeli security at further risk.
You listen to only one side, the right-wing, "what is good for Israel" viewpoint that is so prevalent here in America, but only because, those are the only jewish voices gaining media attention. They are far from the majority.
But they are concerned with israeli security. They don't say " the whole of zionism is being forced upon jews by anxious christians" do they? there is no meaningfull dissent on israeli policy from left or right.
Yes, there is.
Try reading something other than "The Jew World Order" weekly conspiracy pamphlet, and open your eyes.
So there is a jewish anti-israel lobby? Sounds like a good show. Can you get me tickets?
You can't remember? Do you know whose fault that is?Ohhh. I see. You are either with Israel, or you are against Israel.
Well, under that definition, there probably are no jews you would find acceptable, nor, many people really. I'm not anti-Israel. I'm not pro-Israel either. But, if I'm not anti-Israel, then I must be pro-Israel, because I am either for you, or I'm with them.
Right. You know, I feel like I've heard this sort of thinking, somewhere... but I can't recall the details.
Ohhh. I see. You are either with Israel, or you are against Israel.
Well, under that definition, there probably are no jews you would find acceptable, nor, many people really. I'm not anti-Israel. I'm not pro-Israel either. But, if I'm not anti-Israel, then I must be pro-Israel, because I am either for you, or I'm with them.
Right. You know, I feel like I've heard this sort of thinking, somewhere... but I can't recall the details.
You can't remember? Do you know whose fault that is?
Whatever you say, pudding-brain.
Post meaningful dissent over israeli policy or utshay upyay
Read Eric Alterman, or better yet, subscribe to the New York Review of Books, and you will find all of the meaningful dissent and debate on Israeli policy you can take in.
Why don't you summarize. Is he against the existence of israel? Or against the U.S. interceding on israel's behalf?
Now you're getting it! See, "the jews" infiltrated the water supply and gave all americans mild alzheimer's. Since everybody at once dropped IQ, it went unnoticed. You see, working with Hitler they conspired to kill off 75% of their own population so that they could give us Alzheimers. Ultimately it was their plan that we would all vote Bush into office so that they could put up a bunch of websites openly speaking of their "noahidism" to hide their conspiracy.The Jews?
Now you're getting it! See, "the jews" infiltrated the water supply and gave all americans mild alzheimer's. Since everybody at once dropped IQ, it went unnoticed. You see, working with Hitler they conspired to kill off 75% of their own population so that they could give us Alzheimers. Ultimately it was their plan that we would all vote Bush into office so that they could put up a bunch of websites openly speaking of their "noahidism" to hide their conspiracy.
They also fly experimental aircraft around to make it seem like the government is covering up UFOs to keep a ton of the good minds looking at the sky rather than at their websites.
exactly. No meaningful dissent. I would ask you, how much death and destruction is israel worth, to americans?Alterman in particular? He is not against the existence of Israel. Who is against the existence of Israel?
Other than the President of Iran? And you, i guess. Nice company you're in, as a side note.
What he writes, is dissent of the right wing jewish punditry in this country, some of whom are on record as stating, the first thing they ask themselves is "Is it good for Israel". He calls this "dual-loyality" and implies even, that it is, well, I don't want to use the word traitor, because I've never seen him, I think, use that exact word, but it's implied.
He writes a lot, and I don't feel I could do him justice by summarizing him. His writings on Palestine have been very illuminating to me personally. The bottom line is, there are a lot of jewish intellectuals writing on these questions, and just because they are not showing up in The New York Times and on MSNBC, does not mean that they do not exist.
exactly. No meaningful dissent. I would ask you, how much death and destruction is israel worth, to americans?
Right. They're traitors and using america for israeli jewish nationalist interests. I said it.