Second degree murder

you are correct. i was mixing up two different codes referencing stopping someone immediately after committing a felony and the protection of property statutes.

I've noticed that none of the "I know Zimmerman is guilty" crowd have been unable to attempt to respond to the posted scenario.
Now that Zimmerman has supposedly been charged, the prosecuter is going to have to do her job; because now she has to prove that Zimmerman is the one who ASSAULTED Martin.

second degree murder n. a non-premeditated killing, resulting from an assault in which death of the victim was a distinct possibility.

I predict a hung jury.

I predict you will be found guilty of being a moron.
All the naysayers were saying that the charges would be dropped. Well, they weren't. When the conviction comes, watch as they cry "foul", even though the justice system would have worked its' way out. Mark my words.
All the naysayers were saying that the charges would be dropped. Well, they weren't. When the conviction comes, watch as they cry "foul", even though the justice system would have worked its' way out. Mark my words.

unless there's some solid evidence out there that conclusively shows zimmerman committed murder in the second degree, any conviction is going to be the result of emotions, racism, and societal pressure. that's not justice, that's the real lynching.
unless there's some solid evidence out there that conclusively shows zimmerman committed murder in the second degree, any conviction is going to be the result of emotions, racism, and societal pressure. that's not justice, that's the real lynching.

Which you believe to be true. What if? What if, Zimmerman actually "stalked"...."hunted" Trayvon Martin, initiated a confrontation, shot and killed him, and then realizing the deep doo doo he was in, concocted the self defense nonsense, to try to cover his ass? That would mean that an innocent young man, was deprived of his life, for simply wearing a hoodie, being on a cellphone to his girlfriend while having a bag of Skittles and a ice tea in hand. What would you say to that?

And, please. The number of whites (or mixed whites) "lynched", hardly compares to the number of "undoubtedly" innocent black men, women and children who have been "lynched". When parity is reached, maybe you could bring that up again.
All the naysayers were saying that the charges would be dropped. Well, they weren't. When the conviction comes, watch as they cry "foul", even though the justice system would have worked its' way out. Mark my words.

And how many were like you, proclaiming Zimmerman was getting ready to run, because he was guilty and that his running proved his guilt and that he didn't want his day in court?

Then, back in the real world... Zimmerman turned himself in hours after being officially charged.
Which you believe to be true. What if? What if, Zimmerman actually "stalked"...."hunted" Trayvon Martin, initiated a confrontation, shot and killed him, and then realizing the deep doo doo he was in, concocted the self defense nonsense, to try to cover his ass? That would mean that an innocent young man, was deprived of his life, for simply wearing a hoodie, being on a cellphone to his girlfriend while having a bag of Skittles and a ice tea in hand. What would you say to that?
I would say that the justice system in this country has failed, miserably. It would mean that with enough social pressure, anyone can be tried for murder and have their life ruined (which has happened for years anyway), whether enough evidence existed to prove it or not. It would also mean that the inevitable push towards the big brother society that nobody 'supposedly' wants, is going to happen, regardless. In order to prevent anyone from using 'self defense' claims as a cover to murder, we'll have thousands upon thousands more surveillance cameras for the government to 'keep us safe'. you watch, it will happen.

And, please. The number of whites (or mixed whites) "lynched", hardly compares to the number of "undoubtedly" innocent black men, women and children who have been "lynched". When parity is reached, maybe you could bring that up again.
so it's not about fairness and equality, it's about racial revenge for you. and you say you're not racist. LOL
And how many were like you, proclaiming Zimmerman was getting ready to run, because he was guilty and that his running proved his guilt and that he didn't want his day in court?

Then, back in the real world... Zimmerman turned himself in hours after being officially charged.

Because the notion of his "flight" was a fantasy. It was always a fantasy. He wasn't going nowhere. He is guilty...looking precisely like it, more each day.
What suspect bails on his legal team? Talks to Fox News? Starts up a legal defense fund that includes living expenses? Talk about bizarre. He did what he had to do, by turning himself in. No brainer. Duh.
I would say that the justice system in this country has failed, miserably. It would mean that with enough social pressure, anyone can be tried for murder and have their life ruined (which has happened for years anyway), whether enough evidence existed to prove it or not. It would also mean that the inevitable push towards the big brother society that nobody 'supposedly' wants, is going to happen, regardless. In order to prevent anyone from using 'self defense' claims as a cover to murder, we'll have thousands upon thousands more surveillance cameras for the government to 'keep us safe'. you watch, it will happen.

WTF? A boy is dead. The fact that he was a "black boy", and you, obviously, could care less, says more about your racism than it does mine. Social pressure? How about societal outrage, at a senseless, unnecessary murder? I should be able to walk down a street, at night, anywhere, without someone thinking I'm up to no good, and deserved to be killed.

so it's not about fairness and equality, it's about racial revenge for you. and you say you're not racist. LOL

Just the facts ma'am. You wanted to suggest that the popular outcry for justice for the Martin family was tantamount to "a lynching". Ridiculous, on its' face and conceptually.
Revenge? Which I liken to reparations for slavery. I don't want your pathetic reparations, and I'm not seeking revenge. First of all, there isn't enough gold in Fort Knox, to satisfy the, I forgive you the debt, which would be akin to "blood money" anyway, adding gross insult to gross injury to the memory of my ancestors. Keep it. You need it more than I. Revenge? What good is revenge if you don't learn a lesson? Bask in the collective guilt, until your last day. Rue the day, you were born white. That would be revenge.
All the naysayers were saying that the charges would be dropped. Well, they weren't. When the conviction comes, watch as they cry "foul", even though the justice system would have worked its' way out. Mark my words.

The only reason the prosecuter is attempting this, is to appease the howling of the liberal moonbats.
To bad she didn't stop to think that it will probably ruin her future career.
Which you believe to be true. What if? What if, Zimmerman actually "stalked"...."hunted" Trayvon Martin, initiated a confrontation, shot and killed him, and then realizing the deep doo doo he was in, concocted the self defense nonsense, to try to cover his ass? That would mean that an innocent young man, was deprived of his life, for simply wearing a hoodie, being on a cellphone to his girlfriend while having a bag of Skittles and a ice tea in hand. What would you say to that?

And, please. The number of whites (or mixed whites) "lynched", hardly compares to the number of "undoubtedly" innocent black men, women and children who have been "lynched". When parity is reached, maybe you could bring that up again.

What if? What if, Martin actually "assaulted" Zimmerman initiated a confrontation, sucker punched him and then tried to take his gun. The family then realizing the deep doo doo they were in, for bad parenting a thug, concocted the "stalking situation", to try to cover Martin's ass? That would mean that an innocent Hispanic, wis being deprived of living peacefully, for simply wearing a trying to protect his neighborhood and being on a cellphone to the Police. What would you say to that?
What if? What if, Martin actually "assaulted" Zimmerman initiated a confrontation, sucker punched him and then tried to take his gun. The family then realizing the deep doo doo they were in, for bad parenting a thug, concocted the "stalking situation", to try to cover Martin's ass? That would mean that an innocent Hispanic, wis being deprived of living peacefully, for simply wearing a trying to protect his neighborhood and being on a cellphone to the Police. What would you say to that?

You are speculating more than any of us. The above is just hilarious.
The only reason the prosecuter is attempting this, is to appease the howling of the liberal moonbats.
To bad she didn't stop to think that it will probably ruin her future career.

Why would she ruin her own career? Reading her background, she doesn't seem the type that would do this just to keep the "moonbats" happy.

You are really stretching here Free.
I really don't have an axe to grind (Sorry Grind) on whether Zimmerman is convicted or not. I don't know all the facts and I'm not going to be sitting on the jury. What appaled me about this case was that it was apparent that Zimmerman was spoiling for a confrontation and when one occurred a young man lost his life. At the very least Zimmerman should be held accountable for his actions via due process of law. Let justice be done. If they system exonerates him, fine. I can live with that, as long as justice and the rule of law have been applied. What appalled me was that they were willing to let Zimmerman walk scott free, after taking a prescious human life, with out what most people believe warranted due process of law. Now that Mr. Zimmerman has been charged and arraigned and will have to account for his behavior I am satisfied and I can live with the decision a jury makes about his fate.

I think this is what most people are concerned about. It's not about whether Zimmerman is quilty or not of 2nd/3rd degree murder it's that he was just let go free cause someone didn't feel they had a case after he took a young mans life. That is what appalled me. Mr. Zimmerman will now face justice. I am satisfied. Not matter what the jury decides.
Because the notion of his "flight" was a fantasy. It was always a fantasy. He wasn't going nowhere. He is guilty...looking precisely like it, more each day.

So prior to the official charges you were assuring us all that he was about to run, to avoid his day in court and that it proved he was guilty. Now that he turned himself in promptly, you proclaim that he was never going to run, that he is guilty and 'looking precisely like it more each day'???


What suspect bails on his legal team? Talks to Fox News? Starts up a legal defense fund that includes living expenses? Talk about bizarre. He did what he had to do, by turning himself in. No brainer. Duh.

Many people change lawyers. The guy was frazzled by people putting a hit out on him, by attempting to list his home address, by trying him in the media, by the media painting him as a racist... yeah, how bizzare that the guy started a legal defense fund for himself. Including living expenses? Indeed bizzare, why would anyone who was forced into hiding due to vigilante lynch mobs try and get help with living expenses?
I really don't have an axe to grind (Sorry Grind) on whether Zimmerman is convicted or not. I don't know all the facts and I'm not going to be sitting on the jury. What appaled me about this case was that it was apparent that Zimmerman was spoiling for a confrontation and when one occurred a young man lost his life. At the very least Zimmerman should be held accountable for his actions via due process of law. Let justice be done. If they system exonerates him, fine. I can live with that, as long as justice and the rule of law have been applied. What appalled me was that they were willing to let Zimmerman walk scott free, after taking a prescious human life, with out what most people believe warranted due process of law. Now that Mr. Zimmerman has been charged and arraigned and will have to account for his behavior I am satisfied and I can live with the decision a jury makes about his fate.

I think this is what most people are concerned about. It's not about whether Zimmerman is quilty or not of 2nd/3rd degree murder it's that he was just let go free cause someone didn't feel they had a case after he took a young mans life. That is what appalled me. Mr. Zimmerman will now face justice. I am satisfied. Not matter what the jury decides.
