Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Do you even know what the fuck murder is?
Do you even know what the fuck murder is?
that is not what zappa is saying.Yes, it is when you kill someone illegally.
that is not what zappa is saying.
I was goading Spicey!
You are speculating more than any of us. The above is just hilarious.
Why would she ruin her own career? Reading her background, she doesn't seem the type that would do this just to keep the "moonbats" happy.
You are really stretching here Free.
YOu have evidence of that?
I really don't have an axe to grind (Sorry Grind) on whether Zimmerman is convicted or not. I don't know all the facts and I'm not going to be sitting on the jury. What appaled me about this case was that it was apparent that Zimmerman was spoiling for a confrontation and when one occurred a young man lost his life. At the very least Zimmerman should be held accountable for his actions via due process of law. Let justice be done. If they system exonerates him, fine. I can live with that, as long as justice and the rule of law have been applied. What appalled me was that they were willing to let Zimmerman walk scott free, after taking a prescious human life, with out what most people believe warranted due process of law. Now that Mr. Zimmerman has been charged and arraigned and will have to account for his behavior I am satisfied and I can live with the decision a jury makes about his fate.
I think this is what most people are concerned about. It's not about whether Zimmerman is quilty or not of 2nd/3rd degree murder it's that he was just let go free cause someone didn't feel they had a case after he took a young mans life. That is what appalled me. Mr. Zimmerman will now face justice. I am satisfied. Not matter what the jury decides.
So prior to the official charges you were assuring us all that he was about to run, to avoid his day in court and that it proved he was guilty. Now that he turned himself in promptly, you proclaim that he was never going to run, that he is guilty and 'looking precisely like it more each day'???
Many people change lawyers. The guy was frazzled by people putting a hit out on him, by attempting to list his home address, by trying him in the media, by the media painting him as a racist... yeah, how bizzare that the guy started a legal defense fund for himself. Including living expenses? Indeed bizzare, why would anyone who was forced into hiding due to vigilante lynch mobs try and get help with living expenses?
Precisely. The outcry was over the lack of an investigation. The guy just walked away never having to face accountability for his actions. When the dead guy is drug tested and the shooter isn't - guess what? That's a pretty big clue that something is wrong. If Martin had been on drugs, or had a drink, can you imagine? We know he wasn't. How do we know? His dead body was tested. The shooter, alive and well, didn't get so much as a breathalyzer. He could have been smashed, or stoned, and we'll never know it. So no matter how this turns out, the fact that this wasn't investigated properly right at the point it occurred, will always remain a problem. I believe individuals are being investigated though, and maybe they will be thrown out with the trash so they can't screw up another investigation. I guess that will depend on what is found.
Now that Zimmerman is facing charges, even though there will never be any excuse for the fact that the cops let him walk that night so we will never know so many things that we should have known, at this point, that is the best we can have. If he is found not guilty and he is in fact guilty, well, he won't be the first guy who ever got away with murder. Or the last. That's how our system works. It's not perfect, but it does, at its best, demand accountability. So I'm okay with that. I'm not spending the next 6 months, a year, whatever, talking about this in the manner of "well, what if..." Let the system work.
And never forget - Trayvon Martin never got a trial. He got a bullet.
is all 'murder' then a crime that should be prosecuted?
Yes, it is when you kill someone illegally.
Do you even know what the fuck murder is?
How was it "apparent that Zimmerman was spoiling for a confrontation"?
Then show the illegal part of this situation.
Something about these types always get away...don't remember the exact wording.
In that case, you should be charged with any number of crimes; seeing as how what you meant your words to say doesn't matter and it's only about what others can twist them to be.
Was his statement false?
Yes, it is when you kill someone illegally.
Then show the illegal part of this situation.
That will be shown at the trial.