I would say that the justice system in this country has failed, miserably. It would mean that with enough social pressure, anyone can be tried for murder and have their life ruined (which has happened for years anyway), whether enough evidence existed to prove it or not. It would also mean that the inevitable push towards the big brother society that nobody 'supposedly' wants, is going to happen, regardless. In order to prevent anyone from using 'self defense' claims as a cover to murder, we'll have thousands upon thousands more surveillance cameras for the government to 'keep us safe'. you watch, it will happen.
WTF? A boy is dead. The fact that he was a "black boy", and you, obviously, could care less, says more about your racism than it does mine. Social pressure? How about societal outrage, at a senseless, unnecessary murder? I should be able to walk down a street, at night, anywhere, without someone thinking I'm up to no good, and deserved to be killed.
so it's not about fairness and equality, it's about racial revenge for you. and you say you're not racist. LOL