Cancel 2018. 3
<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Capt Billybob (fake grind)
Threedee (in imax)
Darla the manhater
Mott the werewolf dodger
Rana the destroyer
Christie the skullcrusher
Yurt the facepalmer

Capt Billybob (fake grind)
Threedee (in imax)
Darla the manhater
Mott the werewolf dodger
Rana the destroyer
Christie the skullcrusher
Yurt the facepalmer
Dude I don't think I'm going to be available.Capt Billybob (fake grind)
Threedee (in imax)
Darla the manhater
Mott the werewolf dodger
Rana the destroyer
Christie the skullcrusher
Yurt the facepalmer
So I recommend this thursday as a start time, but damocles might be busy as his bees escaped and he still has to catch them. So if not this thursday, then a week after that.
Ideas for game?:
- Same format last time (1 seer/1 vigilante/1 wolf watcher)
- This time, vigilante can do kills during the day (instead of just at night), but in order to not be able to clear themselves, they submit the kill privately to a mod during the day. So the kill can happen at any point in the day, but it will still be a mystery over who the vigilante was
I would prefer to mod. If someone REALLLLLY doesn't want to play and also REALLLLLLY wants to mod, then I guess I can play, but it's not my preference.
yup he lost his bees. That's why he hasn't been on as much. He's trying to get them all back
Dude I don't think I'm going to be available.
Grind make Cawacko and Onceler play. And what about Rune? Come on use your powers for good! Threaten them with banning.
No, I've returned back to the US. Texas is a nice place but it's always good to come home to the good ole USA!
Oh and I"m completely out for this week. We're moving my elderly parents into a smaller house as the old family home is to much for them and I'm the primary person organizing the job. I'll be occupied with that till next week at least. A week from this Tuesday would be the soonest for me so ya'll go on ahead with out me.
I dont have your powers. Go woo them with your wonderful allure. they never listen to me.
- Capt Billybob (fake grind)
- Threedee (in imax)
- Darla the manhater
- Mott hard to get
- Supertard
- Rana the destroyer
- Christie the skullcrusher
- Yurt the facepalmer
- Usfreedom (darla bff)
going from double wide to single?
I couldn't participate any sooner than May 15.MOTT. you will be VERY SORRY if you dont play O_O I will put this game off as long as possible to include you, JUST OUT OF SPITE
LOL That's not really to far off. They're going from an old farm house out in the country to a prefab in town about the size of a double wide.going from double wide to single?
ahh yes. We call that "michigan upper middle class" in these parts.More likely from storage shed to an outhouse.