1/2 point drop!

Let’s just remember Trump just claimed this was done NOW to help Harris win the election

Guess what Donnie confessed in that statement?

That he thinks this is great for the economy
When you admit American can indeed successfully manage an economy

You admit that unfettered capitalism will fuck us if we don’t manage it

There have been signs of a slowing in the economy, but more importantly, inflation is very close to the target. A half point was probably the right move, and it appears that it was largely baked in to the market valuation.
This whole system working and getting results PROVES that unfettered capitalism never works like Republicans have claimed for decades
You are a Trumper. Also a childish name caller and insulter.

He claims to be a libertarian, but wants the government to restrict abortions. By and large, he is a basically an anti-government nut. An admitted Oath Keeper and Three Percenter. He is also a raving misogynist, I suspect he would like to see the vote taken away from women. Probably opposes women being able to get credit without their husband approving. Basically, a relic of the 19th century.
He claims to be a libertarian, but wants the government to restrict abortions. By and large, he is a basically an anti-government nut. An admitted Oath Keeper and Three Percenter. He is also a raving misogynist, I suspect he would like to see the vote taken away from women. Probably opposes women being able to get credit without their husband approving. Basically, a relic of the 19th century.
there you go, spewing more delusions about shit I didn't say.
you're still stuck on stupid as you project
Suck that Putin cock LOSER
He claims to be a libertarian, but wants the government to restrict abortions. By and large, he is a basically an anti-government nut. An admitted Oath Keeper and Three Percenter. He is also a raving misogynist, I suspect he would like to see the vote taken away from women. Probably opposes women being able to get credit without their husband approving. Basically, a relic of the 19th century.
thanks for confirming he was just gaslighting me