1/2 point drop!

We'll find out. Can't tell you if it is right or wrong. Current inflation rate is 2.5%, after all the hikes finally got it almost to the 2% target after the "inflation reduction act" exploded inflation to its highest level ever, entirely failing to control costs... (link below just in case you think it somehow did something, even Brandon's Administration had the Teleprompter Reader in Chief out telling folks it didn't work).

There is no Brandon. You should be better than that. Biden inherited a mess, like all Dems do after a Repub gets his hands on the economy. He has been a stable force working within the restraints of accepted economic theory.
Yahoo Finance is about the only mainstream outlet saying a 1/2-point cut is a sign of a slow economy. Who woulda thunk?
This is seriously inane, Democrats controlled the house, sometimes by very large margins, and still didn't pass budgets, only "continuing spending resolutions" and on occasion an "omnibus package".

Pretending that this is a republican issue would be just like Chris Christie calling me fat. He'd be right, but he's also fat.
The Democrats were the last ones to pass a budget. When the Republicans control everything, they cannot pass a budget. When the Republicans control some of the government, they can block the Democrats from passing a budget.

When was the last time Democrats controlled the House by a large margin?
that makes me a realist, not a misogynist. you do more damage catering to their every whim.

Yes, next tell us how inferior black people are. You aren't a racist, just a realist. ROTFLMFAO!!! Dude, you would have fit in perfectly in the early 20th century. You are now utterly out of touch. And women are about to show you exactly how much. Brace yourself, pal.
Do you agree that a 1/2-point cut is a sign of a weak economy?

No. Signs of a weak economy would be slowing growth, higher unemployment, fewer housing starts, lower consumer confidence. And 'weak' is a relative term. The US economy has proven to be anything but weak.
It is a sign that inflation is under control. Getting inflation under control, without causing a recession means that it is a strong economy. A strong, but slowing economy.
Housing, healthcare and education are not counted in with inflation, yet all 3 are skyrocketing. Amazing how government numbers are calculated.
Housing, healthcare and education are not counted in with inflation, yet all 3 are skyrocketing. Amazing how government numbers are calculated.
Housing, healthcare, and education are all counted in inflation. I don't know why you think they are not.
No. Signs of a weak economy would be slowing growth, higher unemployment, fewer housing starts, lower consumer confidence. And 'weak' is a relative term. The US economy has proven to be anything but weak.
The G7 grew by 1% last year. Which numbers are we going to believe?
The G7 grew by 1% last year. Which numbers are we going to believe?
So far in 2024, G7 GDP growth ranged from the German low of 0.15% to the US high of 2.73%. Last year, G7 GDP growth ranged from the German low of -0.3% to the US high of 2.53%. The USA has been at the top of the G7 for a while now, but if we elect trump, I am sure he can turn that around.

Which numbers are we going to believe? They seem pretty straightforward, and truthful.

So far in 2024, G7 GDP growth ranged from the German low of 0.15% to the US high of 2.73%. Last year, G7 GDP growth ranged from the German low of -0.3% to the US high of 2.53%. The USA has been at the top of the G7 for a while now, but if we elect trump, I am sure he can turn that around.

Which numbers are we going to believe? They seem pretty straightforward, and truthful.

The US economy is based on war, mass surveillance, big pharma and militarized police. That is the majority of US GDP.