10 Best Bands of All Time

Both retarded.

Velvet Underground was one of the best bands of all time. Basically, I'm comfortable stating that something is "one of the best", but I'm too indecisive to ever declare that something is the best.
I didn't put Pink Floyd on the list because they sound the same. Nothing wrong with that, as AC/DC does the same thing. But A) they admitted it and B) they're just plain better and thus get on the list.
While I’m not a huge fan of the Rock and Roll, I do enjoy that band “The Judas Priests”....mainly because of the way they dress……<swoon>

Glaringly missing from CaptBilly's list... Definitely my favorite of all time, zillions of albums if you count all the black market stuff.

And if you are going to add fluff because it stands the test of time you can't miss adding The Eagles to the list.

I like most of the bands on his list though.

Zeppelin for sure. Metallica pre-Black Album was one of the best there was, after the Black album they've generally stank. Their newest album is slightly better than the suck they've been splashing...
Eagles and LZ would be one mine, also.


Pink Flyod



Fleetwood Mac

Lynard Skynard

The Supremes

The Four Tops

Good/Great stuff, but can only 10 cover it? Can Clapton, The Stones, Iron Butterfly, The Doors, and the Animals(Eric Burden), all with classic great hits, be left out? If the test of time is foremost, it's the Beatles. Over all, limiting it to ten is a tough, tough, chore.
Inna Gadda Davida Y'all!
Dark side of the moon, umma gumma, etc.. Luv em!

Dark side of the moon and Joe Walsh - the smoker you drink the palyer you get were the first 2 LP albums I bought.

I think Piper At the Gates of Dawn was their best, personally.

With Syd Barret, they had lyrics like this:
There was a king who ruled the land.
His majesty was in command.
With silver eyes, the scarlet eagle
showered silver on the people,
Oh Mother, tell me more.

Why'd you have to leave me there
hanging in my infant air, waiting?
You only have to read the lines of
scribbly black and everything shines.

Across the stream with wooden shoes,
bells to tell the King the news.
A thousand misty riders
climb up higher once upon a time.

Wondering and dreaming.
The words have different meanings...
Yes they did...

For all the time spent in that room,
the doll's house, darkness, old perfume,
and fairy stories held me high
on clouds of sunlight floating by.
Oh Mother, tell me more...
Tell me more...

Also, very creative and strange instrumentation.

Post-Barret, their lyrical form devolved into things like this:

Money, get away.
Get a good job with good pay and youre okay.
Money, its a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think Ill buy me a football team.

Money, get back.
Im all right jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, its a hit.
Dont give me that do goody good bullshit.
Im in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a lear jet.

Money, its a crime.
Share it fairly but dont take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise its no surprise that theyre
Giving none away.

Huhuh! I was in the right!
Yes, absolutely in the right!
I certainly was in the right!
You was definitely in the right. that geezer was cruising for a
Why does anyone do anything?
I dont know, I was really drunk at the time!
I was just telling him, he couldnt get into number 2. he was asking
Why he wasnt coming up on freely, after I was yelling and
Screaming and telling him why he wasnt coming up on freely.
It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out
Man, you've got like two american bands in there. How come we invented rock and roll, and we still get our ass kicked?

good call on the Dead. I'd take the beatles out, and put the dead at number one, though.
Great call on the Dead, I knew there was a reason I left my #10 open!
Dark side of the moon, umma gumma, etc.. Luv em!

Dark side of the moon and Joe Walsh - the smoker you drink the palyer you get were the first 2 LP albums I bought.
The first time I went into an album shop I was 15 and I bought 5 albums. The Who's Tommy, LZ's Physical Graffiti, Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, Framption Comes Alive and The Average White Band. The Average White band was a good album. The rest were classics.
Both retarded.

Velvet Underground was one of the best bands of all time. Basically, I'm comfortable stating that something is "one of the best", but I'm too indecisive to ever declare that something is the best.
Didn't mean to dis Velvet Underground. Was just making a point. VU has some great tunes. But like I said, Rock n roll is bout head banging and pussy. It's not some psuedo intellectual pretentious bullshit. Again, no dis on VU but I've never seen their music inspire a girl to spontanerously dance nekkid. Where as I've seen more titties at an Alice Cooper concert then most go-go bars. Ergo, I rate Alice Cooper way ahead of VU as a great Rock band.
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AC/DC is anywhere near the league of Pink Floyd? What drugs have you been taking?
There both great. I've seen both in concert and both have fabulous shows. Going by most musical criteria I'd give Pink Floyd the nod. Going by the all important Rock N Roll ciriteria of nekkid girls dancing in the aisle. AC/DC kicks Pink Floyds ass.
Didn't mean to dis Velvet Underground. Was just making a point. VU has some great tunes. But like I said, Rock n roll is bout head banging and pussy. It's not some psuedo intellectual pretentious bullshit. Again, no dis on VU but I've never seen their music inspire a girl to spontanerously dance nekkid. Where as I've seen more titties at an Alice Cooper concert then most go-go bars. Ergo, I rate Alice Cooper way ahead of VU as a great Rock band.

A song is about whatever a song is about. Rating Alice Cooper as better music than VU is retarded. If that's the definition of rock, then rock is about retarded terrible music that just happens to be popular at the time, and you've just made a huge dis on rock.
Frankly, I don't want to see the titties of the kind of girls that go to Alice Cooper concerts. I think I'd vomit, and the next day die of super-AIDS I contracted just by being in their vicinity.

Indie girls are way cuter.