10 bucks more for overtime?


I know that Cypress already posted this, but I keep seeing it, and it gets more and more outrageous every time I do. What is wrong with you people? And by you people, I do mean republicans? don't give me the shit that dems do it too, show me. It is one shamless escapade after another with you people, but this one might top them all.

I offered to blow him for 20 bucks because he was black and I was afraid I'd become another statistic. Nice.

"You remember a little while back we brought you the story of Florida McCain campaign co-chair, Rep. Bob Allen (R). Right on the heels of Giuliani Southern Regional Chairman David Vitter's exposure as a serial user of prostitutes, Allen got caught in a Titusville park restroom offering to pay an undercover police officer to allow him to perform oral sex on him.

Now it turns out that Allen revealed the true reason for the alleged park-john-offer in a tape recorded statement he made just after his arrest.

"This was a pretty stocky black guy, and there was nothing but other black guys around in the park," said Allen, according to this article in the Orlando Sentinel. Allen went on to say he was afraid of becoming a "statistic."

I guess this raises the question of whether if you thought you were about to get mugged by a group of stocky black guys, your first plan of escape would be to try to give one of them a blowjob. But I guess maybe you had to be there.

In any case, we now have this further account of the negotiation from the police report ...

In a written statement released Thursday, Titusville Officer Danny Kavanaugh recalled entering the restroom twice and said he was drying his hands in a stall when Allen peered over the stall door.
After peering over the stall a second time, Allen pushed open the door and joined Kavanaugh inside, the officer wrote. Allen muttered " 'hi,' " and then said, " 'this is kind of a public place, isn't it,' " the report said.

The officer said he asked Allen about going somewhere else and that the legislator suggested going "across the bridge, it's quieter over there."

"Well look, man, I'm trying to make some money; you think you can hook me up with 20 bucks?" Kavanaugh asked Allen.

The officer said Allen responded, "Sure, I can do that, but this place is too public."

Then Kavanaugh said he told Allen, "I wanna know what I gotta do for 20 bucks before we leave.' " He said Allen replied: "I don't know what you're into."

According to Kavanaugh's statement, the officer said, "do you want just [oral sex]?" and Allen replied, "I was thinking you would want one."

The officer said he then asked Allen, "but you'll still give me the 20 bucks for that . . . and that the legislator said, "yeah, I wouldn't argue with that."

As Allen turned and motioned for the officer to follow him to his car, Kavanaugh identified himself as a police officer by raising his shirt and exposing his badge.
Darla, you seem to be one of the two who complain the most of the grundge factor in these posts, Yet you are usually the one who brings up thing like this. Hypocracy? or just trying to pull the wool over unsuspecting eyes.

What was the purpose of you posting this garbage.??
Darla, you seem to be one of the two who complain the most of the grundge factor in these posts, Yet you are usually the one who brings up thing like this. Hypocracy? or just trying to pull the wool over unsuspecting eyes.

What was the purpose of you posting this garbage.??

This is a very astute observation, I've noticed the same thing. Darla loves to talk about Republicans having lots of perverts or something, yet somehow she loves reading this stuff and seems to find and post it more regularly than anyone else, just like in that dick size thread somewhere on here.
Talk about sex in any thread and Darla is on it like the next Clinton intern, yet in her head it's those Republicans who are obsessed with sex.

Makes you wonder...
Darla, you seem to be one of the two who complain the most of the grundge factor in these posts, Yet you are usually the one who brings up thing like this. Hypocracy? or just trying to pull the wool over unsuspecting eyes.

What was the purpose of you posting this garbage.??

It's news Doniston. And I am so tired of you coming onto my threads, like some self-important guy who thinks he has a 10 inch dick, when it is really 2 inches, and acting like I give a flying fuck what you think about what I post, or the titles I choose.

Fuck you.
This is a very astute observation, I've noticed the same thing. Darla loves to talk about Republicans having lots of perverts or something, yet somehow she loves reading this stuff and seems to find and post it more regularly than anyone else, just like in that dick size thread somewhere on here.
Talk about sex in any thread and Darla is on it like the next Clinton intern, yet in her head it's those Republicans who are obsessed with sex.

Makes you wonder...

Aww, what's the matter DAno, is it getting harder and harder to cover up for the increased depravity of your souless party?
Darla, you seem to be one of the two who complain the most of the grundge factor in these posts, Yet you are usually the one who brings up thing like this. Hypocracy? or just trying to pull the wool over unsuspecting eyes.

What was the purpose of you posting this garbage.??

Let me tell you something, I have put up with your whining, self-important shit since you came here, because of your age.

But I have had it. If I see your mother fucking wrinkly ass on one more thread of mine, acting like you are the Ebert and Roeper of the JPP board, and complaining about something I posted, you are going to start thinking that Lady T is a fucking Dutchess compared to me, because I will fucking kick your stupid ass.

Now, shut the fuck up and go critique someone's posts who gives a shit what you think about anything, you braindead old fool.
It's news Doniston. And I am so tired of you coming onto my threads, like some self-important guy who thinks he has a 10 inch dick, when it is really 2 inches, and acting like I give a flying fuck what you think about what I post, or the titles I choose.

Fuck you.
It's old news, and this post of yours proves my point. you got all het up because I mentioned thzt sometime douches come out red, but even here you couldn't resist talking about penises. And yes, I do tend to point out hypocrits of which you are a very distinct example. If I had a ten incher, "OR" a two incherI would keep it to myself, and others personally concerned. Just for your information the size of your privates do not indicate YOUR brain size either. and as for you last comment. a person like you
would never have the chance. it just seems strange tha at a person so up tyte about their onw gender is so open to speaking about the opposition. IF that isn't penis envy, I don't know what is.
Let me tell you something, I have put up with your whining, self-important shit since you came here, because of your age.

But I have had it. If I see your mother fucking wrinkly ass on one more thread of mine, acting like you are the Ebert and Roeper of the JPP board, and complaining about something I posted, you are going to start thinking that Lady T is a fucking Dutchess compared to me, because I will fucking kick your stupid ass.

Now, shut the fuck up and go critique someone's posts who gives a shit what you think about anything, you braindead old fool.
MY MY MY, Temper temper, seems I hit the appropriate and accurate nerve.

Madam, you have no ability to do any such thing. Just empty threats. and I never whine apparently you don't know what whining is or you wouldn't say that. ---but I do tell people what I think. that is after all, the purpose of this formum, or didn't you know that either?
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It's old news, and this post of yours proves my point. you got all het up because I mentioned thzt sometime douches come out red, but even here you couldn't resist talking about penises. And yes, I do tend to point out hypocrits of which you are a very distinct example. If I had a ten incher, "OR" a two incherI would keep it to myself, and others personally concerned. Just for your information the size of your privates do not indicate YOUR brain size either. and as for you last comment. a person like you
would never have the chance. it just seems strange tha at a person so up tyte about their onw gender is so open to speaking about the opposition. IF that isn't penis envy, I don't know what is.

I'll post whatever the fuck I want to post, grandpa. I have been way too polite to you for way too long, and you got to thinking you were something, but you're not.

You're stupid, boring and people laugh at you, get the picture?

This is news douchebag. Sorry if it bothers you that it's Republicans always getting caught with their dicks in the wrong butt, but, that's the way it's working out.

If you don't like it, print out my post, roll it up, stick into your ass sideways, and twirl it around a few times, see if you like that any better. Maybe it will shut you the fuck up for two fucking minutes and the rest of us could get some peace around here.
It's old news, and this post of yours proves my point. you got all het up because I mentioned thzt sometime douches come out red, but even here you couldn't resist talking about penises. And yes, I do tend to point out hypocrits of which you are a very distinct example. If I had a ten incher, "OR" a two incherI would keep it to myself, and others personally concerned. Just for your information the size of your privates do not indicate YOUR brain size either. and as for you last comment. a person like you
would never have the chance.
it just seems strange tha at a person so up tyte about their onw gender is so open to speaking about the opposition. IF that isn't penis envy, I don't know what is.

Am I fucking seeing things, or are you actually telling me I wouldn't have the chance to fuck you? Get your head out of your wrinkled ass grandpa, I don't carry around a penis pump, a piece of wood and some rope to pump it up and then tie it up.

You better get real, and real quick.
Am I fucking seeing things, or are you actually telling me I wouldn't have the chance to fuck you? Get your head out of your wrinkled ass grandpa, I don't carry around a penis pump, a piece of wood and some rope to pump it up and then tie it up.

You better get real, and real quick.
That is a fact and what I said and meant. You are the one who made the statement. I simply said there was no chance. Now I don't know whether you are a slut or not but your posts seem to say you are. and I would have nothing to do with a slut. Got it?

Now what kind of a threat is "YOU better get real"??
Am I fucking seeing things, or are you actually telling me I wouldn't have the chance to fuck you? Get your head out of your wrinkled ass grandpa, I don't carry around a penis pump, a piece of wood and some rope to pump it up and then tie it up.

You better get real, and real quick.
That is a fact and what I said and meant. You are the one who made the statement. I simply said there was no chance. Now I don't know whether you are a slut or not but your posts seem to say you are. and I would have nothing to do with a slut. Got it?

Now what kind of a threat is "YOU better get real" and real quick?? TSK TSK.
That is a fact and what I said and meant. You are the one who made the statement. I simply said there was no chance. Now I don't know whether you are a slut or not but your posts seem to say you are. and I would have nothing to do with a slut. Got it?

Now what kind of a threat is "YOU better get real"??

Fuck you, means, fuck you. Not, can I fuck you? Get it gramps? The only thing you are likely to fuck is a sheep with a gimp leg, because a sheep with good legs would run faster than you.

And it doesn't matter if a woman of my age is the biggest slut in the world, she ain't looking to get with an 80 year old, so get real and do it quick.
That is a fact and what I said and meant. You are the one who made the statement. I simply said there was no chance. Now I don't know whether you are a slut or not but your posts seem to say you are. and I would have nothing to do with a slut. Got it?

Now what kind of a threat is "YOU better get real" and real quick?? TSK TSK.

See if you can get ahold of yourself dummy, and stop double posting. First you think that a woman in her 30's wants your wrinkly ass, now you can't manage to post something correctly.

Maybe it's time for your metemucil and bed.
You're really going to let him get to you that much? Why?

I've had it with this guy. Had it.

I have tried to humor him, and be nice to him, and he is nothing but a nasty old fuck, and I am not putting up with his shit anymore. It's every freaking day with this guy, he's got some nasty shit to say. Fuck him.