10 bucks more for overtime?

Oh...well then I won't do it. I don't have Lady T's hatred for kittens. I think they're cute.

Another murder suicide plot prevented. Huzzah! It feels great being a super-hero like Jesus.

Personally, i don't mind the kitten, but the grown cat is an amalgamation of pure spite.

btw...You could still try for a mild maiming.
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Another murder suicide plot prevented. Huzzah! It feels great being a super-hero like Jesus.

Personally, i don't mind the kitten, but the grown cat is an amalgamation of pure spite.

btw...You could still try for a mild maiming.

LOL. Agreed about grown cats.
But I don't see you doing it so persistantly and with such zeal. I know men are pigs, i would prefer to think better of the Female of the species.

LOL - Clearly you haven't been paying attention to the board or your alzheimers is kicking in. Cypress does this (and much to my personal amusement) quite often. And once again you've been outed for being the overt sexist you are.
LOL - Clearly you haven't been paying attention to the board or your alzheimers is kicking in. Cypress does this (and much to my personal amusement) quite often. And once again you've been outed for being the overt sexist you are.

Exactly...I think it's hysterical when Cypress posts these stories, I'm not criticizing him. But the fact is he is the one who does post them. I happened to keep seeing this one on several newsites with this guy's picture and the statement "I was afraid I'd become another statistic" and it was pissing me off, and I posted it, and next thing you know gramps is all over me claiming that I am always posting these stories. First of all, so what if I am? Secondly, I'm not. It's his disgusting sexism that has convinced him he is seeing something that isn't there.
But I don't see you doing it so persistantly and with such zeal. I know men are pigs, i would prefer to think better of the Female of the species.

Oh please. I post republican sexcapades more than anyone else on the board. And I find this stuff hilarious. You've not once jumped on my threads to critique my posts as "slutty".
Let me tell you something, I have put up with your whining, self-important shit since you came here, because of your age.

But I have had it. If I see your mother fucking wrinkly ass on one more thread of mine, acting like you are the Ebert and Roeper of the JPP board, and complaining about something I posted, you are going to start thinking that Lady T is a fucking Dutchess compared to me, because I will fucking kick your stupid ass.

Now, shut the fuck up and go critique someone's posts who gives a shit what you think about anything, you braindead old fool.


Deep breath IN.... now let it out.... :D
LOL - Clearly you haven't been paying attention to the board or your alzheimers is kicking in. Cypress does this (and much to my personal amusement) quite often. And once again you've been outed for being the overt sexist you are.

I plead guilty. I'm the one who's always posting hilarious hypocritical GOP sex adventures.

Oddly, I've never been critiqued as a "slut" for doing it. I wonder why?
But I don't see you doing it so persistantly and with such zeal. I know men are pigs, i would prefer to think better of the Female of the species.

Um... doniston... Cypress is probably the second worst when it comes to posting stupid shit like this. Desh has a long distance lead at being number one. Regardless, who gives a shit?
Um... doniston... Cypress is probably the second worst when it comes to posting stupid shit like this. Desh has a long distance lead at being number one. Regardless, who gives a shit?

Look at SuperFreak, petrified of his fellow lefty cabalista Darla, who has gone bonkers in this thread, just as I predickted? and has gone after Donny and cyber-skewered him to the point that, I think it is time to call the AARP and complain about cruelty to oldsters?

I used to live with a Latino girl, who would go bonkers and throw things at me, as she chased me all around the house, and aye yi yi, she was a handful, butt, we used to have good make up sex after she had clocked me a few times, and I do not see Donny as getting any of that, butt, rather just the clobbering?
I plead guilty. I'm the one who's always posting hilarious hypocritical GOP sex adventures.

Oddly, I've never been critiqued as a "slut" for doing it. I wonder why?

Because we know the reason you do it is due to your sexual frustration. We understand that you are tired of Rosy, but cannot do better. Thus, we know that "slut" simply wouldn't be appropriate. "Annoying little twit" would be far more suitable.

uscitizen said:
Ohh but it is since they claim the moral high ground.

Precisely. Dems aren't the party that's courted the RR and claims to pander to their alleged morals.
Its definitely not stupid to point out right wing hypocrisy.

Incorrect. It is without question stupid. Because you can find individuals within any group that are hypocritical to that groups public positions. That does not taint the group as a whole.... no matter how much you want it to.
It's funny that Doniston doesn't see Cypress posting these stories so "persistently" or with such "zeal", when in fact I rarely post these stories and Cypress usually posts these stories, thus proving two things:

1) people see what they want to see
2) Doniston is a stupid old fuck under the delusion that he is relevant around here.

And Cawacko, what it's about is disgust with the both the hypocrisy, and in this case, the outright racism of the national Republican party.

You have to dance with the girl you brung, and you guys brung the fat religious, judgemental one. Live with it.
I do, in fact hold women in higher esteem than men. and expect better of them. as I stated earlier, in my opinion, most men are pigs. and I don't see Cypress as a woman.

Does that answer why I don't come down on Him? I expect such crap from men.
I do, in fact hold women in higher esteem than men. and expect better of them. as I stated earlier, in my opinion, most men are pigs. and I don't see Cypress as a woman.

Does that answer why I don't come down on Him? I expect such crap from men.

Whether you expect it or not, your reaction is overtly sexist in nature and in my opinion, you were out of line.... especially for someone who says they hold women in higher esteem.
LOL - Clearly you haven't been paying attention to the board or your alzheimers is kicking in. Cypress does this (and much to my personal amusement) quite often. And once again you've been outed for being the overt sexist you are.
See my last post.

BTW, I still open doors for women--- that's sexist too.