10 bucks more for overtime?

My, Darla, it is not good for you to hold such contempt for another human being. It does nothing but harm yourself. What does your anger do to him? It does nothing, it only makes your life harder. I wish you peace.
No, YOU are missing the point. Within ANY group, you can find those that do not adhere to the group policies/rules/morals. You are trying to tarnish the Reps as a whole due to the actions of a few Rep politicians.

That would be like saying Dems are a bunch of drunkards, just because the Dems have too many Kennedys swerving around on DC sidewalks.... yet the Dem policy is not to support drunk drivers.

Again. You point to two people. If so many in the Republican Party weren't being outed for having inappropiate 'chats' with young interns, getting 'massages' from male escorts, allowing male escorts into the whitehouse, or offering services out of fear of the black man - we wouldn't be having this conversation. If Ted Haggard was alone we wouldn't be having this conversation, but as it stands, the party that claims to be Pure and moral seems to be filled up with pervs. Now that's ironic!
Again. You point to two people. If so many in the Republican Party weren't being outed for having inappropiate 'chats' with young interns, getting 'massages' from male escorts, allowing male escorts into the whitehouse, or offering services out of fear of the black man - we wouldn't be having this conversation. If Ted Haggard was alone we wouldn't be having this conversation, but as it stands, the party that claims to be Pure and moral seems to be filled up with pervs. Now that's ironic!

It almost seems as if the national republican party is only against straight sex, between a consensting man and a consenting adult woman.
My, Darla, it is not good for you to hold such contempt for another human being. It does nothing but harm yourself. What does your anger do to him? It does nothing, it only makes your life harder. I wish you peace.

I have a bad temper, but get over it quickly, so, I have peace, but thanks anyway, being blessed by a troll of the dalai lama on the internet is a huge comfort to me.
It almost seems as if the national republican party is only against straight sex, between a consensting man and a consenting adult woman.

I have met with a few Republican men that will make exception if the woman wears a strap-on. I told them that celibacy is a great thing. They hear my words, and understand them, yet are very weak. Their desires haunt them. I have come to the conclusion that they try to use government to try and prevent them from their own desires.
I have a bad temper, but get over it quickly, so, I have peace, but thanks anyway, being blessed by a troll of the dalai lama on the internet is a huge comfort to me.

Ahh, that is a natural trait amonst most women it seems. It is very hard for a woman to become a monk for this particualr reason, though there are a few out there. We try to avoid using emotion to think for us. Usually though, once I talk to them and tell them that they are loved, they tend to be quite happy. It's very gratifying.
Ahh, that is a natural trait amonst most women it seems. It is very hard for a woman to become a monk for this particualr reason, though there are a few out there. We try to avoid using emotion to think for us. Usually though, once I talk to them and tell them that they are loved, they tend to be quite happy. It's very gratifying.

No, it's the natural trait of many Irish/Sicillian people, my brothers share it.

But it's great to know that it isn't only the Catholic Church which sexism runs rampant in.
No, it's the natural trait of many Irish/Sicillian people, my brothers share it.

But it's great to know that it isn't only the Catholic Church which sexism runs rampant in.

Believe me, we encourage women to become monks as well, however they are usualll turned off to the idea themselves. It takes much tolerance and training to become a monk. It is not the choice of ours that the women do not become monks.
Believe me, we encourage women to become monks as well, however they are usualll turned off to the idea themselves. It takes much tolerance and training to become a monk. It is not the choice of ours that the women do not become monks.

Maybe they don't like the idea of a bunch of bald men, wearing nothing but robes, staring at them all day and telling them how much they love them.
Maybe they don't like the idea of a bunch of bald men, wearing nothing but robes, staring at them all day and telling them how much they love them.

There is no talk amongnst monks when we congregate for meditation. We throat sing. Very peaceful.