10 bucks more for overtime?

Someone call the Wahhhmublance to come and get Doniston

I have called, butt, the oldsters on his AARP tour bus, pulled a fast one, and they dumped him here, like the family dog you are tired of cleaning up after? And we are stuck with him, butt, things might get better if our board adminstrator spent less time worried about his motorcycles and moore time, trying to get someone to re-diaper Donny's depends, which, since the bus coup was early yesterday, are too wet and causing him a bad rash, which might be responsible for some of this?
I plead guilty. I'm the one who's always posting hilarious hypocritical GOP sex adventures.

Oddly, I've never been critiqued as a "slut" for doing it. I wonder why?
Sme question as before: ARE YIOU A WOMAN? if not, then you can't be a Slut, A Cad maybe, an ass, disgracefull, etc. but not a slut.
I plead guilty. I'm the one who's always posting hilarious hypocritical GOP sex adventures.

Oddly, I've never been critiqued as a "slut" for doing it. I wonder why?
Same question as before: ARE YOU A WOMAN? if not, then you can't be a Slut, A Cad maybe, an ass, disgracefull, etc. but not a slut.
Incorrect. It is without question stupid. Because you can find individuals within any group that are hypocritical to that groups public positions. That does not taint the group as a wh]ole[/I.... no matter how much you want it to.

Incorrect. It highlights the inconsistencies in their leadership. If these are the individuals responsible for driving the agenda leading the group to alleged common goals, I'd say that group is tainted and new leadership is needed.
Sme question as before: ARE YIOU A WOMAN? if not, then you can't be a Slut, A Cad maybe, an ass, disgracefull, etc. but not a slut.

Your so called "respect" for women, by holding doors open for them, rings a little hollow when you follow women around in cyberspace accussing them of being sluts.

Even neocon women that I strongly disagreed with, I never called a "slut". That word is out of bounds, in my book.
Um... doniston... Cypress is probably the second worst when it comes to posting stupid shit like this. Desh has a long distance lead at being number one. Regardless, who gives a shit?
I do, especially when a hypocrite does it. (and I don't mean either Cypress or Desh)
Um... doniston... Cypress is probably the second worst when it comes to posting stupid shit like this. Desh has a long distance lead at being number one. Regardless, who gives a shit?

Stop being jealous. The liberal women love it when I post crap about Con hypocrisy. Whether its in the oval office, or the bedroom.

Liberal women find men that bash and pummel cons, to be very hot! ;)
Stop being jealous. The liberal women love it when I post crap about Con hypocrisy. Whether its in the oval office, or the bedroom.

Liberal women find men that bash and pummel cons, to be very hot! ;)

Sme question as before: ARE YIOU A WOMAN? if not, then you can't be a Slut, A Cad maybe, an ass, disgracefull, etc. but not a slut.

Donny is double posting again, he does this when he gets exicted, it is like a , spasm? Butt, I am worried that he is also losing control of his bladder at the same time, thusly wetting his now soaked depends even more, causing a vicious cycle of prickly heat, diaper rash, and cyber-grouchiness? The liberal cabalistas will not back off, even after the vicious cyber-skewering he took from the lefty Darla, who went bonkers on his ass right here, just as lefties will do? Even RJS will back off after a cyber-skewering of that magnitute, which, reminds me of the one I gave to SuperFreak, butt, you see I have backed off of him today and let him recover from it? Where is the vaunted liberal humanity?
Incorrect. It highlights the inconsistencies in their leadership. If these are the individuals responsible for driving the agenda leading the group to alleged common goals, I'd say that group is tainted and new leadership is needed.

Incorrect. The whole is not defined by the actions of a few... and it is a few relative to the number of politicians in DC. The agenda is typically pushed by the populace and thus you end up with "leaders" who represent the wishes of their constituents, but they themselves cannot live up to the standards. Politicians are the lowest common denominator in society. They are typically the scum of the earth. So of course you will find examples of scum within their ranks. But it does not taint a party or a group as a whole just because you can find examples of hypocricy... because as I said, it can be done with any group.
Stop being jealous. The liberal women love it when I post crap about Con hypocrisy. Whether its in the oval office, or the bedroom.

Liberal women find men that bash and pummel cons, to be very hot! ;)

Right.... jealous.... gotcha....

yet your hypocricy is showing when you do so.... or are sexual encounters not "private" anymore? NOW it is ok to be concerned with who gets or gives a blowjob?

Look at SuperFreak, petrified of his fellow lefty cabalista Darla, who has gone bonkers in this thread, just as I predickted? and has gone after Donny and cyber-skewered him to the point that, I think it is time to call the AARP and complain about cruelty to oldsters?

I used to live with a Latino girl, who would go bonkers and throw things at me, as she chased me all around the house, and aye yi yi, she was a handful, butt, we used to have good make up sex after she had clocked me a few times, and I do not see Donny as getting any of that, butt, rather just the clobbering?
tell me idiot, do you know how to spell "but"? and now I understand your stupod opinion of what constitutesSkewering. -apparently it is simply arguement and name-calling(those arethe only things in your post worthy of response)
Incorrect. The whole is not defined by the actions of a few... and it is a few relative to the number of politicians in DC. The agenda is typically pushed by the populace and thus you end up with "leaders" who represent the wishes of their constituents, but they themselves cannot live up to the standards. Politicians are the lowest common denominator in society. They are typically the scum of the earth. So of course you will find examples of scum within their ranks. But it does not taint a party or a group as a whole just because you can find examples of hypocricy... because as I said, it can be done with any group.

Incorrect. Democrats are not nearly as scummy as republicans. Perhaps if you'd see the light and come to our side you wouldn't have such a grim outlook.

As to your theory of relativity: As Cypress has shown us over the years, relatively speaking republicans seem to have a lot more skeletons in their closets than dems.
tell me idiot, do you know how to spell "but"? and now I understand your stupod opinion of what constitutesSkewering. -apparently it is simply arguement and name-calling(those arethe only things in your post worthy of response)

Apparently you don't know what constitutes as 'humour'. But thank you once again,Mr. Obvious, or pointing out that the troll can't spell "but"
Right.... jealous.... gotcha....

yet your hypocricy is showing when you do so.... or are sexual encounters not "private" anymore? NOW it is ok to be concerned with who gets or gives a blowjob?


Plenty of Democrats are gay. Plenty of democrats cheat on their spouses.

The Democratic Party does not make being gay, or personal morality an issue or a platform, like the Repugs do.
tell me idiot, do you know how to spell "but"? and now I understand your stupod opinion of what constitutesSkewering. -apparently it is simply arguement and name-calling(those arethe only things in your post worthy of response)

ROFLMAO! I just have to quote this to let everyone see it again.

No need for an explanation, I think everyone caught it.
Incorrect. Democrats are not nearly as scummy as republicans. Perhaps if you'd see the light and come to our side you wouldn't have such a grim outlook.

As to your theory of relativity: As Cypress has shown us over the years, relatively speaking republicans seem to have a lot more skeletons in their closets than dems.

Incorrect. Both parties are just as scummy as each other. But you tend to be more partisan and thus cannot see through the veil. It is the "coming over" to one side or another that clouds ones vision.

The second paragraph is bullshit. It is just Republican season right now. Dem season will come again soon enough.