10 bucks more for overtime?

Apparently you don't know what constitutes as 'humour'. But thank you once again,Mr. Obvious, or pointing out that the troll can't spell "but"
A reasonable response--- but I don't consider the visiousness he spews to he puts out to be humor (humour) not just towards me but in general. as for the "But", someone had to tell him.
Plenty of Democrats are gay. Plenty of democrats cheat on their spouses.

The Democratic Party does not make being gay, or personal morality an issue or a platform, like the Repugs do.

That was not my point twit.... the point was.... NOW you think it matters when someone gets a blowjob. Yet you bitch when people bring up Clinton getting one. THAT is hypocritical.

That said, I agree Dems do not tend to harp on morals...

They don't understand what morals are :)
That was not my point twit.... the point was.... NOW you think it matters when someone gets a blowjob. Yet you bitch when people bring up Clinton getting one. THAT is hypocritical.

That said, I agree Dems do not tend to harp on morals...

They don't understand what morals are :)

I don't care if this guy got a blowjob. Although the fact that it was non-consensual, makes it a crime. I don't even care if Dubya cheat on Laura. I'm not his wife. That's for her to judge.

I'm just pointing out repug hypocrisy. Its newsworthy. Don't like it? Tell your party not to make "family values" and gays, part of their platform. ;)
A reasonable response--- but I don't consider the visiousness he spews to he puts out to be humor (humour) not just towards me but in general. as for the "But", someone had to tell him.

So you can spell but, what does that prove? I could have used my Outlook Spell check, butt I was in a hurry and I knew that everyone would understand it, since I was correct...LOL. You have this thing about trying to outdo me, and this is your only petty way, I guess? I really hate to put you in your place, fool, butt both spellings are correct.
I don't care if this guy got a blowjob. Although the fact that it was non-consensual, makes it a crime. I don't even care if Dubya cheat on Laura. I'm not his wife. That's for her to judge.

I'm just pointing out repug hypocrisy. Its newsworthy. Don't like it? Tell your party not to make "family values" and gays, part of their platform. ;)
Seriously, the party deserves this crap considering they've pandered to the religious for so long that they seem to have forgotten personal freedoms.

Now a non-consensual bj is bad regardless and the dude deserves what he gets, but all the other ones are the fault of the pandering.
Incorrect. Both parties are just as scummy as each other. But you tend to be more partisan and thus cannot see through the veil. It is the "coming over" to one side or another that clouds ones vision.

The second paragraph is bull$hit. It is just Republican season right now. Dem season will come again soon enough.

Incorrect. My statement is not bull$hit and has been corrorborated by the last 6 years filled with the K-street scandal, abuse cover-ups, Ted Haggard, a male escort given a press pass, the outing of a CIA agent, Cheney's old company mismanaging Iraq contracts, and quite frankly the list goes on as we all know. What do you guys have on us? Democratic Superstart Mckinney? Yeah. Ummm okay. Democrats are way worse /sarcasm off.
Seriously, the party deserves this crap considering they've pandered to the religious for so long that they seem to have forgotten personal freedoms.

Now a non-consensual bj is bad regardless and the dude deserves what he gets, but all the other ones are the fault of the pandering.


Look, if Dems claim to be pro-union in their platform, and then work to undermine labor, I'm one of the first ones to point it out. Hello, NAFTA/CAFTA? Its hypocrisy.

Its newsworthy when republicans blather on about family values, and then engage in homosexual prostitution and non-consensual blow jobs ;)
That was not my point twit.... the point was.... NOW you think it matters when someone gets a blowjob. Yet you $%# when people bring up Clinton getting one. THAT is hypocritical.

That said, I agree Dems do not tend to harp on morals...

They don't understand what morals are :)

You're missing the point entirely. If the person in question was a member of the libertarian party or an indepent, it wouldn't mean a thing. But the fact is republicans have positioned themselves as purists and the choice of Christians the country over (except guiliani - I think he knows he's going to he**).
I should have just IA"d the guy right off. I'm reading through this thread, and his insistence that I am a 'hypocrite" and his reference to the time I said something about his description of douching, tells me he is still smarting from that.

He is just irrelevent, it's my fault for letting him get to me.

But his graphic description of a woman who has her period, douching, was disgusting, and he is a pig. Too bad if he doesn't like it.
I don't care if this guy got a blowjob. Although the fact that it was non-consensual, makes it a crime. I don't even care if Dubya cheat on Laura. I'm not his wife. That's for her to judge.

I'm just pointing out repug hypocrisy. Its newsworthy. Don't like it? Tell your party not to make "family values" and gays, part of their platform. ;)

Yes, you do care... otherwise you would not have posted it. You are a hypocrit for crying when Reps did it do Clowntoon and now you are doing the same thing to Reps.

Also, it was consensual... just illegal because he offered money in exchange.... it is ok if you just offer Moanica a good paying job for the sex... but not to a cop.

What ever happened to Dems support that we should be allowed to do what we want with our bodies? :)
You're missing the point entirely. If the person in question was a member of the libertarian party or an indepent, it wouldn't mean a thing. But the fact is republicans have positioned themselves as purists and the choice of Christians the country over (except guiliani - I think he knows he's going to he**).

No, YOU are missing the point. Within ANY group, you can find those that do not adhere to the group policies/rules/morals. You are trying to tarnish the Reps as a whole due to the actions of a few Rep politicians.

That would be like saying Dems are a bunch of drunkards, just because the Dems have too many Kennedys swerving around on DC sidewalks.... yet the Dem policy is not to support drunk drivers.
These are new people who are thrust into the puplic spot light by the R party.

This is who the R party chooses time and time again.

Now you blame anyone who mentions the story?

You see this is part of the news.

The Rs taked about ONE BJ for years we just talk about differnt BJs once.
Incorrect. My statement is not bull$hit and has been corrorborated by the last 6 years filled with the K-street scandal, abuse cover-ups, Ted Haggard, a male escort given a press pass, the outing of a CIA agent, Cheney's old company mismanaging Iraq contracts, and quite frankly the list goes on as we all know. What do you guys have on us? Democratic Superstart Mckinney? Yeah. Ummm okay. Democrats are way worse /sarcasm off.

I never said Dems are worse. I said they all suck.
BTW Bills BJ was not a crime , the BJs the Rs keep coming up with lately are crimes.

True... but his lying under oath was.... and I will be more than willing to bet that Dems are paying for bj's too... politicians are scum and they do a lot of illegal or semi-legal crap... but like I said, it is Rep hunting season right now... that will shift again in time.
I think that got plenty of coverage.

How much coverage would happen if it was the young Dem leader?
No, YOU are missing the point. Within ANY group, you can find those that do not adhere to the group policies/rules/morals. You are trying to tarnish the Reps as a whole due to the actions of a few Rep politicians.

That would be like saying Dems are a bunch of drunkards, just because the Dems have too many Kennedys swerving around on DC sidewalks.... yet the Dem policy is not to support drunk drivers.

Don I post on assholes from both sides. Anyone who still supports bush is waaay beyond tarnished.
Beside it is the hypocracy that attracts those posts.
the republicans have been claiming to be the moral high ground party since Regans day. so much fun to watch em fall.