10% of Republican Senators involved in SEX SCANDALS...

Cawacko, you are so nailed here.

Dano has no idea what I look like. He stated that I have the effect of reverse viagra. He, made a judgement on my "hotness" or lack of hotness, based on political beliefs.

But you let it slide, and attacked a liberal who answerd him on it. You did the exact same thing you have spent numerous posts, complaining that usc does. You wouldn't dare call "someone on our own side" for something...but you jumped the first lib who did the same thing.

You can call Gus Pitch, because I have nailed your ass! lol

You know what, I can explain. I had to re-read his post again. I thought Dano said the reverse viagra comment to citizen. Don't ask me why I thought that when I read it the first time but I did. Had I read it correctly I would have said then as I will say now is the picture I saw of you was fricking HOT.

As I've said when you are talking about looks and beauty one's political beliefs don't mean anything.
And, the same is true of men, believe me.

But not to Cawacko, I've known him a long time and I do like him, but Cawacko is very shallow and couldn't possibly care less of a girl he was trying to pick up thought Russia attacked us on 9/11, Bob Barker was President, and July 4th is a religious holiday.

Hey!! Ok, I can't argue with your assessment. Now being in a relationship or marriage then that will obviously involve much more than just looks. But when I'm out I'd have to say you are correct.
"The idea that a guy would be scared of a woman because they share different political beliefs... please."

I don't think that's what I said.

There are definitely men who are intimidated by independent, outspoken & intelligent women.

I would agree. Except you tried to label it as only conservative men would be intimidated. That is what I call B.S. on.
You know what, I can explain. I had to re-read his post again. I thought Dano said the reverse viagra comment to citizen. Don't ask me why I thought that when I read it the first time but I did. Had I read it correctly I would have said then as I will say now is the picture I saw of you was fricking HOT.

As I've said when you are talking about looks and beauty one's political beliefs don't mean anything.

To usc! LMAO! Cawacko, it's things like this that make me love you.

Oh, I so wish he had said it to usc, now that would have been something to see.
Liberal women are much less inhibited in bed as well as more intelligent ones are less inhibited.

Bullshit. That is such bullshit I almost yelled out loud in the office here laughing. I've lived in San Francisco for many years and have been with enough liberal women to know you are speaking out of both your asses.

If you want crazy old man go get one of those girls brought up in a strict religious home and watch what they do when they get their first taste of freedom. That's uninhibited.
Bullshit. That is such bullshit I almost yelled out loud in the office here laughing. I've lived in San Francisco for many years and have been with enough liberal women to know you are speaking out of both your asses.

If you want crazy old man go get one of those girls brought up in a strict religious home and watch what they do when they get their first taste of freedom. That's uninhibited.

yeah fun for a while but they always go back. That was that the senator from Idaho found out and why he went lookin for guys.

Actually the dumb ones are the most inhibited.