10% of Republican Senators involved in SEX SCANDALS...


Dumbest post of the day. We can call it. No need to wait till midnight. I don't see even BB topping this one, unless he is on a bender.
Yeah because that was a really serious conversation I posted. It's called a joke, you know like the concept of you 'working'?
Ok, ok, here's a real conversation:

Liberal Girl: "Hi I'm Darla, I'm not used to this speed dating thing but I'm a Liberal girl who likes guys that post on political boards all day long working for the man and dissing him too."
Liberal Guy: "Wow, you're in luck, my name is cypriss, I'm married and I just happen to do exactly all that and then some. Plus I gots this extra special avatar of my hero Che, I am the rebel you see. Let's go online together sometime or hey all the time and make each other giggle over how much Bush hatin' music we can do!"
Wow...he WAS trying to be funny.

That's sad....

Wha? You mean you don't find jokes that make fun of you funny?
See at least I have a creative sense of humor, with you Liberals your soul is so bleached of anything positive that you are stuck with nothing other than depressive cynical sarcasm for humor....as you so well demonstrate.

I have to get back to work, so as always feel free to say I ran away and other such circle-jerk material.
I guess your the kind of guy that views how women look based on their political beliefs.

A hot girl is a hot girl. A smart girl is a smart girl. Her political beliefs don't mean jack.

Cawacko, you are so nailed here.

Dano has no idea what I look like. He stated that I have the effect of reverse viagra. He, made a judgement on my "hotness" or lack of hotness, based on political beliefs.

But you let it slide, and attacked a liberal who answerd him on it. You did the exact same thing you have spent numerous posts, complaining that usc does. You wouldn't dare call "someone on our own side" for something...but you jumped the first lib who did the same thing.

You can call Gus Pitch, because I have nailed your ass! lol
Yeah what really turns Liberal guys on is when the girls expound their ideology they love like so:

Liberal Girl: "Hey baby, I'll be taking this job because of affirmative action, you can call me 'boss'"
Liberal Guy: "Yes mistress, I mean 'boss'! "

Dano, humour is really not your thing. Sorry.
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You know what that Dano joke reminds me of? I'm dating myself here, but it's like a bad version of the quick, humorless jokes they'd cut to on "Hee Haw"...
Wha? You mean you don't find jokes that make fun of you funny?
See at least I have a creative sense of humor, with you Liberals your soul is so bleached of anything positive that you are stuck with nothing other than depressive cynical sarcasm for humor....as you so well demonstrate.

I have to get back to work, so as always feel free to say I ran away and other such circle-jerk material.

Wow, you definitely don't know what "creative" means. Hint: it's not synonymous with "lame".
Wow, you definitely don't know what "creative" means. Hint: it's not synonymous with "lame".

Well it is perhaps the first origional thought he has had in a while. You have to remember he is used to getting his leads form the neocon leaders and they are not saying much lately.

all a matter of perspective.
I guess you're the kind of guy who thinks "smokin'" only applies to looks.

A girl can be absolutely stunning, but if she thinks Saddam attacked us on 9/11, her attractiveness takes a serious hit...

If they put 10 women in front of you and said pick one without knowing anything else about them most men will select the one they find most attractive. Hence, political beliefs mean nothing.

Now if you want to have a relationship or even a friendship there is obvioiusly more to it than just looks.

The idea that a guy would be scared of a woman because they share different political beliefs... please.
"The idea that a guy would be scared of a woman because they share different political beliefs... please."

I don't think that's what I said.

There are definitely men who are intimidated by independent, outspoken & intelligent women.
If they put 10 women in front of you and said pick one without knowing anything else about them most men will select the one they find most attractive. Hence, political beliefs mean nothing.

Now if you want to have a relationship or even a friendship there is obvioiusly more to it than just looks.

The idea that a guy would be scared of a woman because they share different political beliefs... please.

He is not talking so much about political beliefs, as he is about pure stupidity Cawacko. First of all, certainly some men have always found smart women to be intimidating. Secondly, some people, will always find pure stupidity to be the biggest turn off in the world. I'm one of them. And believe it or not? Some men, feel that way too. Just because you don't, doesn't mean no one does.
If they put 10 women in front of you and said pick one without knowing anything else about them most men will select the one they find most attractive. Hence, political beliefs mean nothing.

Now if you want to have a relationship or even a friendship there is obvioiusly more to it than just looks.

The idea that a guy would be scared of a woman because they share different political beliefs... please.

Well, there's no doubt if you lined up ten Victoria's Secret's models, almost all straight men would find them attractive, just visually. But, the days of one night stands and banging anonymous people are over. And most people grow out of that anyway.

I cannot possibly be attracted to a woman, if she voted for Bush, or if she's stupid (those aren't mutally exclusive) , or if her "values" are ultra conservative. Not a chance.
Well, there's no doubt if you lined up ten Victoria's Secret's models, almost all straight men would find them attractive, just visually. But, the days of one night stands and banging anonymous people are over. And most people grow out of that anyway.

I cannot possibly be attracted to a woman, if she voted for Bush, or if she's stupid (those aren't mutally exclusive) , or if her "values" are ultra conservative. Not a chance.

Liberal women are much less inhibited in bed as well as more intelligent ones are less inhibited.
Liberal women are much less inhibited in bed as well as more intelligent ones are less inhibited.

Well, that explains why conservative men are always chasing liberal women around....

But, in contrast, liberal men don't want to have anything to do with conservative women.
