10 Things the Church Should Know about Homosexuality



Ten Things I wish the Church Knew About Homosexuality

1. If Jesus did not mention a subject, it cannot be essential to his teachings.
2. You are not being persecuted when prevented from persecuting others.
3. Truth isn’t like wine that gets better with age. It’s more like manna you must recognize wherever you are and whoever you are with.
4. You cannot call it “special rights” when someone asks for the same rights you have.
5. It is no longer your personal religious view if you’re bothering someone else.
6. Marriage is a civil ceremony, which means it’s a civil right.
7. If how someone stimulates the pubic nerve has become the needle to your moral compass, you are the one who is lost.
8. To condemn homosexuality, you must use parts of the Bible you don’t yourself obey. Anyone who obeyed every part of Leviticus would rightly be put in prison.
9. If we do not do the right thing in our day, our grandchildren will look at us with same embarrassment we look at racist grandparents.
10. When Jesus forbade judging, that included you.

For all you self-righteous hypocrites.
To condemn homosexuality, you must use parts of the Bible you don’t yourself obey. Anyone who obeyed every part of Leviticus would rightly be put in prison.

yes, most christians are hypocrites. I don't know why that would be a shocking revelation.

It is no longer your personal religious view if you’re bothering someone else.

this doesn't even make sense. I'm sure some murderers are "bothered" by the enforcement of the 5th commandment.
None of the bible is ones "personal" religious view. The bible styles itself as an objective truth.

wow....yet another thread on this

fact: the bible is clear homosexuality is a sin

but do go ahead and ignore the truth and keep reposting the subject in hopes of deluding yourself.
8. To condemn homosexuality, you must use parts of the Bible you don’t yourself obey. Anyone who obeyed every part of Leviticus would rightly be put in prison.

as we've covered several times already, this is not a true statement.....you can only repeat it because you refuse to actually look at what the book of Leviticus says......

we could put that under the title "1 Thing Poet Should Know About Leviticus".....

Ten Things I wish the Church Knew About Homosexuality

1. If Jesus did not mention a subject, it cannot be essential to his teachings.
2. You are not being persecuted when prevented from persecuting others.
3. Truth isn’t like wine that gets better with age. It’s more like manna you must recognize wherever you are and whoever you are with.
4. You cannot call it “special rights” when someone asks for the same rights you have.
5. It is no longer your personal religious view if you’re bothering someone else.
6. Marriage is a civil ceremony, which means it’s a civil right.
7. If how someone stimulates the pubic nerve has become the needle to your moral compass, you are the one who is lost.
8. To condemn homosexuality, you must use parts of the Bible you don’t yourself obey. Anyone who obeyed every part of Leviticus would rightly be put in prison.
9. If we do not do the right thing in our day, our grandchildren will look at us with same embarrassment we look at racist grandparents.
10. When Jesus forbade judging, that included you.

For all you self-righteous hypocrites.

Number 8 is wrong. Paul wrote about it in his letter to the Romans.
as we've covered several times already, this is not a true statement.....you can only repeat it because you refuse to actually look at what the book of Leviticus says......

we could put that under the title "1 Thing Poet Should Know About Leviticus".....

Laugh out loud... I merely reprinted the blog. I happen to agree with it, however. Leviticus is irrelevant, today, and was meant for the Hebrews, not Christians. Period. So much for you being a theologian.
Number 8 is wrong. Paul wrote about it in his letter to the Romans.

And Paul needed to dot the i's and cross the t's of Christ Jesus????????????????????? Paul, was rumored to be a latent homosexual and a virulent misogynist. I don't put much faith in his letters or his teachings.

And since you're so well-read and versed, why don't you explain for us? Why is #8 wrong, and what did Paul say to justify that position?
Laugh out loud... I merely reprinted the blog. I happen to agree with it, however. Leviticus is irrelevant, today, and was meant for the Hebrews, not Christians. Period. So much for you being a theologian.

as I said, there is something you need to learn about Leviticus.....
as I said, there is something you need to learn about Leviticus.....

I sang mass, 6 days out of 7, for three years. I attended catechism. I served mass as an altar boy, for more than 4 years. There is nothing that I need to know about Leviticus.
There are things you think I should know. Entirely different subject.
I sang mass, 6 days out of 7, for three years. I attended catechism. I served mass as an altar boy, for more than 4 years. There is nothing that I need to know about Leviticus.
There are things you think I should know. Entirely different subject.

so long as you incorrectly think you know about Leviticus there is something you need to know about Leviticus......look I don't mind if you choose to remain ignorant about it.....just don't keep starting threads criticizing others for not being as ignorant as you are.....
so long as you incorrectly think you know about Leviticus there is something you need to know about Leviticus......look I don't mind if you choose to remain ignorant about it.....just don't keep starting threads criticizing others for not being as ignorant as you are.....

I will if I want to. I mean, who are you to tell me otherwise? A "failed" semanarian?
I sang mass, 6 days out of 7, for three years. I attended catechism. I served mass as an altar boy, for more than 4 years. There is nothing that I need to know about Leviticus.
There are things you think I should know. Entirely different subject.

why do you constantly give us your life's resume? we don't care.
1 corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals...

want more?

Ten Things I wish the Church Knew About Homosexuality

1. If Jesus did not mention a subject, it cannot be essential to his teachings.
2. You are not being persecuted when prevented from persecuting others.
3. Truth isn’t like wine that gets better with age. It’s more like manna you must recognize wherever you are and whoever you are with.
4. You cannot call it “special rights” when someone asks for the same rights you have.
5. It is no longer your personal religious view if you’re bothering someone else.
6. Marriage is a civil ceremony, which means it’s a civil right.
7. If how someone stimulates the pubic nerve has become the needle to your moral compass, you are the one who is lost.
8. To condemn homosexuality, you must use parts of the Bible you don’t yourself obey. Anyone who obeyed every part of Leviticus would rightly be put in prison.
9. If we do not do the right thing in our day, our grandchildren will look at us with same embarrassment we look at racist grandparents.
10. When Jesus forbade judging, that included you.

For all you self-righteous hypocrites.

Who gives a damn? The bible is all fairy tales anyway.

You can't polish a turd.