12-year-old Rhode Island boy suspended for bringing 2-inch gun keychain

[h=1]12-year-old Rhode Island boy suspended for bringing 2-inch gun keychain - just bigger than a coin - to school[/h] [h=2]Joseph Lyssikatos said he was suspended for three days after the novelty pistol - which he won at a local arcade - fell out of his backpack during class at Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School in Coventry on Thursday. His mother, Bonnie Bonanno, was outraged at the punishment - which included the seventh-grader being banned from a school trip at the end of the month.[/h]

A 12-year-old boy was suspended from a Rhode Island middle school after a gun keychain — just bigger than the size of a quarter — dropped out of his backpack during class.

Joseph Lyssikatos said a classmate scooped the novelty pistol from the ground and began showing it to other students at Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School in Coventry when a teacher confiscated it on Thursday.

“I didn’t know that (there) was anything wrong with it,” the seventh-grader told NBC 10 News. Lyssikatos was suspended for three days and banned from a class field trip to Salem at the end of the month.

The boy’s mother, Bonnie Bonanno, was outraged at the punishment. “That’s disgraceful,” said the woman, adding that the suspension alone was “enough for him mentally.”

School officials declined to comment, but gave the news station a copy of its zero-tolerance policy, which states that suspensions are determined by the principal.

Lyssikatos’ family said the school’s behavior specialist issued the suspension — who, along with the principal and the superintendent, won’t return their calls.



Common sense has completely left the public schools....

I guess this site was lying their fucking ass off about what the gun looks like huh
Damo that link I gave shows the REAL gun.

why does the Ops article show a different one

It looked nothing like what the kid brought. The one the kid brought was clearly a flat image cast with no moving parts. It lacked any depth and only an idiot trying to defend idiotic nonsensical zero-tolerance school policies that don't allow school leaders to apply a brain cell would think they looked anything alike. Nobody is convinced that even you would have ever thought that was a "real gun". It was a frickin' keychain, you know it, we know it, every kid who looks at it would know it, and any school administrator who really believes that this rule should be maintained after an education was interrupted over a keychain deserves to lose their job immediately.
Because the daily news is full of fucking crap

It looked nothing like what the kid brought. The one the kid brought was clearly a flat image cast with no moving parts. It lacked any depth and only an idiot trying to defend idiotic nonsensical zero-tolerance school policies that don't allow school leaders to apply a brain cell would think they looked anything alike. Nobody is convinced that even you would have ever thought that was a "real gun". It was a frickin' keychain, you know it, we know it, every kid who looks at it would know it, and any school administrator who really believes that this rule should be maintained after an education was interrupted over a keychain deserves to lose their job immediately.
There is no excuse stupid enough to ever make me believe that any kid should lose even one second of education over a simple keychain. Any administrator defending the stupid zero-tolerance rule should be fired, and every school board member who thought it up should be quarantined because stupid at that professional level is contagious.
It looked nothing like what the kid brought. The one the kid brought was clearly a flat image cast with no moving parts. It lacked any depth and only an idiot trying to defend idiotic nonsensical zero-tolerance school policies that don't allow school leaders to apply a brain cell would think they looked anything alike. Nobody is convinced that even you would have ever thought that was a "real gun". It was a frickin' keychain, you know it, we know it, every kid who looks at it would know it, and any school administrator who really believes that this rule should be maintained after an education was interrupted over a keychain deserves to lose their job immediately.

dear fucking brainless IDIOT,

the clip I provided shows the MOTHER of the boy holding the item.

It is NOT what the daily news pictured at all
School officials declined to comment, but gave the news station a copy of its zero-tolerance policy, which states that suspensions are determined by the principal.
Lyssikatos’ family said the school’s behavior specialist issued the suspension — who, along with the principal and the superintendent, won’t return their calls.
worth looking at the OP again, the zero tolerance (seems) to be discressionary, as to the punishment.

Didn't have to be this way, the school board are zombie minds, but at least the school itself could use their brains
wow what a lie filled world you live in.

do you look at the mona lisa and SCREAM that is not a woman?

It's a painting, Desh. Quit being so stupid. A painting "of" a woman is not a woman, nor is the sculpture of David really David or a "man".

A facsimile of a "gun" isn't a gun, it is a facsimile.

You still haven't answered what level of stupidity it takes to deprive any child of even one second of education over a keychain.
and it represents a woman.

that metal object represents a gun.

that is why it was banned from the school