12 years a slave...

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty
For anyone who hasn't seen the movie 12 years a slave... I would recommend it. If you get the dvd/bluray... the information in the 'extras' is also beneficial to watch.
what did you learn....

For one, I did not know that any free black men in the north had been kidnapped and taken to the south as slaves. I also think it was a very detailed accounting of his experiences. The fact that his story also shared his views of different 'masters' were also 'different'. One he thought of as a 'good man' the other obviously not so much.

In all, it wasn't so much about learning new facts per se, as it was about being taken into the experience.
well I mean it did win best picture, but now that you've recommended it I guess I should really get around to watching it
I haven't seen this yet but plan on catching it this month. I saw Wolf of Wall Street last night. I still like American Hustler better, but it was pretty entertaining.
I didn't ban him from any of my recent threads. Just you. And just from one in particular.

The one where you wanted to spew forth your fear mongering without any voices of reason entering the thread? Yeah, I saw that one. I laughed at your continued ignorance on the topic.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

this describes obama care perfectly does it not.....
I did not know that any free black men in the north had been kidnapped and taken to the south as slaves.

this cannot be true....did you really mean any or that black men were often kidnapped and taken to the south, even that i think would be a stretch.....have not researched mind you and could really care less, just strikes me as fallacious on it's face....
I did not know that any free black men in the north had been kidnapped and taken to the south as slaves.

this cannot be true....did you really mean any or that black men were often kidnapped and taken to the south, even that i think would be a stretch.....have not researched mind you and could really care less, just strikes me as fallacious on it's face....

are you suggesting that the author of the book upon which the movie was based made the story up?