12 years a slave...

that makes more sense, next time you might just say so....if at the time a black man was considered property then what is surprising about someone retrieving their property.....

You are completely retarded. My original comment was the same as the one you just said 'makes more sense'. Try improving your reading comprehension skills. No one said anything about 'retrieving property'. The comment was about a FREE BLACK MAN in the North that was kidnapped and made a slave in the South.
You are completely retarded. My original comment was the same as the one you just said 'makes more sense'. Try improving your reading comprehension skills. No one said anything about 'retrieving property'. The comment was about a FREE BLACK MAN in the North that was kidnapped and made a slave in the South.

Yeah, this "new" poster is pretty clearly here to troll.
not at all... Desh has had the title wrapped up for years. She has beaten down all pretenders like USF

Not even close. Do you know that in all these years he still hasn't used a comma correctly one time? And he overuses commas, so you would think that he'd get it right once in a while just by accident. But no, you'd be wrong to think that.
what was surprising was that not all black men were property. What was foul was the money motive that would cause people in the north to kidnap free black men in the north and sell them in the south.... what was really foul was the way the people in the south treated black people, whether they had once been free or had been born in slavery notwithstanding.

son, i know of no one and have read nothing within this thread that remotely suggests a longing for the days of pre 1865....almost 700,000 men gave their lives in that war most of them white and few of them owned slaves....the issue for most of the men who fought for the confederacy was not slavery but rather the hypocritical dictations from the north....slavery was the one irreconcilable issue between a clash of cultures....i should think that 700,000 DEAD should buy some forgiveness and put this to rest....instead this sad and destructive chapter in american history has been used and manipulated to divide this nation and comfortably subjugate black citizens....
Not even close. Do you know that in all these years he still hasn't used a comma correctly one time? And he overuses commas, so you would think that he'd get it right once in a while just by accident. But no, you'd be wrong to think that.

You are right, it isn't close. Desh cannot spell, Desh cannot formulate her own thoughts, She is a one trick pony without the trick.
I haven't seen this yet but plan on catching it this month. I saw Wolf of Wall Street last night. I still like American Hustler better, but it was pretty entertaining.

Wolf was pretty funny despite the depravity and amoral traders. Every time I watch a Leo movie I think all over again how much I like his acting. The other two are in my Netflix queue and I also got a notice that they just released the last season of Mad Men.
what was surprising was that not all black men were property. What was foul was the money motive that would cause people in the north to kidnap free black men in the north and sell them in the south.... what was really foul was the way the people in the south treated black people, whether they had once been free or had been born in slavery notwithstanding.

Kidnapping of Free People of Color

While students may know about the Underground Railroad, which moved enslaved persons north to freedom, they may know less about the reverse movement of free African Americans in the north who were moved south and forced into slavery. Last week we shared The Documents Behind Twelve Years a Slave, the story of Solomon Northup’s kidnapping into slavery. The newly released movie Twelve Years a Slave is based on Northup’s autobiography. Northup’s story may be the most well known, but he was by no means the only one who endured this calamity.

The nature of this crime makes it impossible to know how many free African Americans were kidnapped and enslaved. Many of the kidnapped African Americans were sold “down the river” and, unlike Solomon Northup, no one heard from them again. Today we share a document from the Center for Legislative Archives in the National Archives that illustrates the devastating problem of pre-Civil War kidnapping of free African Americans.

The number of free African Americans in the north increased after the American Revolution, due to emancipation laws in northern states, private manumissions, and the ability of some slaves to buy their own freedom. These free African Americans were easy prey for kidnappers, who, under the guise of the 1793 Fugitive Slave Act, kidnapped and sold them into slavery. Some slave catchers did not take the time to ensure that the identity of the person they captured matched the one they were legally allowed to seize.


Letter from Quaker Elisha Tyson to Rep. McKim regarding the kidnapping of free people of color, December 5, 1811; Records of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Keep trying, me, Christie and Rana are like this. Can't be done.

Let me guess... you were making a gesture with your hands when you typed 'like this'... and you think we can all see the gesture?

Yeah... perhaps Christie is wrong... you may have over taken Desh.
Not even close. Do you know that in all these years he still hasn't used a comma correctly one time? And he overuses commas, so you would think that he'd get it right once in a while just by accident. But no, you'd be wrong to think that.

Ms. Scarla got home early, from hooking, and decided to be a spell checker for the rest of the evening.