
There are many different ways to insult someone here. It's not like we're limited in that regard. Yet people continually choose to use the one thing they aren't allowed to. It doesn't make sense to me.

I agree, but it’s also the one way to get banned, maybe some people need to get banned or want to get banned for some reason, maybe like an addiction to posting?
Bet they join other boards and whine about how victimized they were here. :rolleyes:

OTOH then we have posters who have weaponized the 12b rule. For instance, in one discussion I used the phrase "think of the children!" and was instantly reported for 12b by at least two of the nastier RWers here. Didn't even get a warning.

Agreed that the people who live on Mount Stupid and/or are petty, vindictive little minds would pull that bullshit but it takes a group agreement to ban someone which is why nothing, rightfully, was done.

Hopefully those who repeatedly file frivolous reports get hammered themselves. Being limited to the War Zone would be fitting, IMHO.

Another, better and more sophisticated form of weaponizing 12b is baiting. Toss out little child molesting hints like bacon wrapped hamburgers to dogs and see who leaps on it first. LOL

An example would be starting a thread stating Donald J Trump is a child rapist and sex slaver for most of the 80s and 90s along with his friends Jeffrey and Ghislaine, whom he wished well despite her crimes of rape and sex trafficking. See who bites, who avoids or who wants to dance. Legion likes to dance, but TDAK is a chicken dick, a pollo polla, who only posts the thread but doesn't discuss it with anyone who disagrees with him since he's fearful of falling into a tiger pit....or he's one of the "invulnerable" ones like Legion and goat (who finally got busted). LOL

12B is simple, leave kids out of it!
There are many different ways to insult someone here. It's not like we're limited in that regard. Yet people continually choose to use the one thing they aren't allowed to. It doesn't make sense to me.
There's far worse shit than accusing someone of being a pedo. I remember a while back someone directly threatening the safety of your kid and you going absolutely ballistic. Can't blame you. That should be an automatic permaban.
I'd like to see the rule expanded to just leave kids out of this, period.
There's far worse shit than accusing someone of being a pedo. I remember a while back someone directly threatening the safety of your kid and you going absolutely ballistic. Can't blame you. That should be an automatic permaban.
I'd like to see the rule expanded to just leave kids out of this, period.

I'm with you on the kids stuff. And I remember that incident you are talking about. I was a new (first time) father and those were emotions I had not experienced before. It's one thing if someone says to me they're going to f me up or anything along those lines. I can handle myself. But when it's said about your child, that's a different level. I remember pre fatherhood hearing parents say they would be willing to go as far as to give up their life for their children. At a high level of course I claimed to understood what they meant but not until becoming a father myself did I truly understand that feeling. It's powerful.
There's far worse shit than accusing someone of being a pedo. I remember a while back someone directly threatening the safety of your kid and you going absolutely ballistic. Can't blame you. That should be an automatic permaban.
I'd like to see the rule expanded to just leave kids out of this, period.

How do you stop a lie? If someone says they have kids under 18, how do you know they are telling the truth? While I readily agree that only the lowest people on Earth like pedophiles, sex traffickers and traitors would threaten a person's kids, Damo would risk banning innocent people without actually knowing the truth.

That said, as far as penalties go, I think we can have it both ways if we rethink punishment levels. Making a difference between a felony and a misdemeanor for example. Your idea, and one in which I do agree, would be a misdemeanor since there is no rule about violence or threats per se. Just the one about sexual threats as shown below.

Misdemeanors could be handled by a single mod restricting the offender to the War Zone/Complaint Area for 1 day at a time (or a 3-4 hour timeout). If other mods agree, then 3 days at a time. This would go ad infinitum. No three strikes rule for misdemeanors. That said, the psychos usually turn a minor offense into a major offense and find themselves banned similar to IRL.

Repentant, trainable or intelligent people learn from their mistakes. The mentally ill and stupid ones cannot.
That's the easiest way to tell the difference and cull the herd. :)

12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over.
I'm with you on the kids stuff. And I remember that incident you are talking about. I was a new (first time) father and those were emotions I had not experienced before. It's one thing if someone says to me they're going to f me up or anything along those lines. I can handle myself. But when it's said about your child, that's a different level. I remember pre fatherhood hearing parents say they would be willing to go as far as to give up their life for their children. At a high level of course I claimed to understood what they meant but not until becoming a father myself did I truly understand that feeling. It's powerful.

I remember on DCJ there was a strict rule to exclude family members unless it was done by a poster referring to his own. Primavera still has to take shit about his Thai wife occasionally. That's off limits, AFAIC.
I remember on DCJ there was a strict rule to exclude family members unless it was done by a poster referring to his own. Primavera still has to take shit about his Thai wife occasionally. That's off limits, AFAIC.

We could make this an entirely authoritarian forum by banning anyone who doesn't praise Republicans or condemn Democrats.

Remember Trinnity's website?

Of course, I've heard she's turned state's evidence. Life goes on.
There's far worse shit than accusing someone of being a pedo. I remember a while back someone directly threatening the safety of your kid and you going absolutely ballistic. Can't blame you. That should be an automatic permaban.
I'd like to see the rule expanded to just leave kids out of this, period.

time for 12n banning the accusation someone is a nazi.....12th no references to Thailand......12r no calling people racists......12sw......no calling people satan worshippers.......12ch......no telling people they aren't Christian enough......
We could make this an entirely authoritarian forum by banning anyone who doesn't praise Republicans or condemn Democrats.
I suppose there's forums like that. democraticunderground permabans anyone that remotely says anything negative about dims.
I was permabanned from there when I said I supported Tulsi .
Then again when I mentioned something about a libertarian candidate. (I reregistered)
I think I lasted 3 posts at most both times.
/bitchslaps Dutch Cankle for his obvious ignorance......

Satan's minions loooove them some violence. They feed on hate and pain. It's like a drug to them.

Satan loves to feed off the pain of children; the weaker the human the easier it is for a minion of Satan to torture and/or cause them pain. This is why women and children are often the targets of Satan and why worshipers of Satan often abuse both. Not just one, but both.

exempli gratia

I suppose there's forums like that. democraticunderground permabans anyone that remotely says anything negative about dims.
I was permabanned from there when I said I supported Tulsi .
Then again when I mentioned something about a libertarian candidate. (I reregistered)
I think I lasted 3 posts at most both times.

I was never on democratic underground even though I've seen numerous links from lefties to something there on other forums.

Highly partisan websites are echo chambers and, therefore, hold no interest for me. It's sound, logical debate that holds my interest...although all intelligent people know that finding logical debate on the Internet is like panning for gold. LOL

Still, IMHO, it's worth it. Nuggets of information are important. One problem is that some people will kill for Fool's Gold because they are flawed by either mental illness or stupidity. Mostly, of which, is relatively incurable in our age.

The good news is the psycho killers are predators, not crybullies, whiners, cocksuckers, invertebrates or pollo polla's as demonstrated by JPP's staunchest partisans....especially the Trumpers. The vast majority of which are simply old men fearing death creeping up on them and trying to act tough. The younger ones are mostly just stupid. They should find smarter friends.

Clearly, despite all the crybulling by fucking morons, pedos, pedo supporters, scumbag liars and traitors to We, the People, I truly believe that truth and justice will prevail over stupidity and insanity. The odds favor it.
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We can all make a mistake, but repeating the same mistake is irrational and, IMO, a sign of mental illness.
You keep saying that, but who makes the mistake of calling someone else a pedophile?

There are volumes of credible insults based on the individual in question. For example, Dummkopf blew his brain up with opiates. Simply telling the truth about him is much more credible than calling him a pedophile.

I think that the 12b violaters here are just like Republicans who consistently vote against gay rights. They're the same ones who get caught in airport bathrooms.

I have never come close to violating 12b. Even on the rare occassions that I post while stoned. And I do mean rare. When I'm stoned, the stupidity here is too much for me to handle. I opt for another form of mental stimulation.