
You keep saying that, but who makes the mistake of calling someone else a pedophile?

There are volumes of credible insults based on the individual in question. For example, Dummkopf blew his brain up with opiates. Simply telling the truth about him is much more credible than calling him a pedophile.

I think that the 12b violaters here are just like Republicans who consistently vote against gay rights. They're the same ones who get caught in airport bathrooms.

I have never come close to violating 12b. Even on the rare occassions that I post while stoned. And I do mean rare. When I'm stoned, the stupidity here is too much for me to handle. I opt for another form of mental stimulation.
Who has made that mistake? Or was it just a lie? Never trust liars.

Why do you hate gays? You know there's a difference between being gay and being a pedo, right?

It's a mindset. Most of the far righties are angry, stupid and confused. Beating people up is their most intelligent solution. Look at Fat Boy: he's threatened to beat me up several times. Truth or just overcompensation?

I'm thinking the latter.
I was never on democratic underground even though I've seen numerous links from lefties to something there on other forums.

Highly partisan websites are echo chambers and, therefore, hold no interest for me. It's sound, logical debate that holds my interest...although all intelligent people know that finding logical debate on the Internet is like panning for gold. LOL

Still, IMHO, it's worth it. Nuggets of information are important. One problem is that some people will kill for Fool's Gold because they are flawed by either mental illness or stupidity. Mostly, of which, is relatively incurable in our age.

The good news is the psycho killers are predators, not crybullies, whiners, cocksuckers, invertebrates or pollo polla's as demonstrated by JPP's staunchest partisans....especially the Trumpers. The vast majority of which are simply old men fearing death creeping up on them and trying to act tough. The younger ones are mostly just stupid. They should find smarter friends.

Clearly, despite all the crybulling by fucking morons, pedos, pedo supporters, scumbag liars and traitors to We, the People, I truly believe that truth and justice will prevail over stupidity and insanity. The odds favor it.
True about echo chambers, and true about nuggets.

Even before trump, the delusional fools who posted the misinformation d'jour (CRA crashed the economy) forced me to do the necessary research to debunk the claims.

It keeps us informed at the expense of the morons. As such, I return time and time again seeking intelligent life here.
Who has made that mistake? Or was it just a lie? Never trust liars.
I don't know. I quoted you.

Why do you hate gays? You know there's a difference between being gay and being a pedo, right?

I don't know why you posted this? Or are these both rhetorical questions?
It's a mindset. Most of the far righties are angry, stupid and confused. Beating people up is their most intelligent solution. Look at Fat Boy: he's threatened to beat me up several times. Truth or just overcompensation?

I'm thinking the latter.
You can tell when they're drunk posting. They get very aggressive. Otherwise, you piss them off with the truth and they do what bullies do. They fluff themselves up.
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?

Well, I would guess it's people that have people that have been on the internet for quite some time and insults like that are part of their repertoire.

You got your pedo insults, then the "Rump Ranger"/Anal Plumber stuff..Your mama jokes..etc..
You keep saying that, but who makes the mistake of calling someone else a pedophile?

There are volumes of credible insults based on the individual in question. For example, Dummkopf blew his brain up with opiates. Simply telling the truth about him is much more credible than calling him a pedophile.

I think that the 12b violaters here are just like Republicans who consistently vote against gay rights. They're the same ones who get caught in airport bathrooms.

I have never come close to violating 12b. Even on the rare occassions that I post while stoned. And I do mean rare. When I'm stoned, the stupidity here is too much for me to handle. I opt for another form of mental stimulation.

Who has made that mistake? Or was it just a lie? Never trust liars.

Why do you hate gays? You know there's a difference between being gay and being a pedo, right?

It's a mindset. Most of the far righties are angry, stupid and confused. Beating people up is their most intelligent solution. Look at Fat Boy: he's threatened to beat me up several times. Truth or just overcompensation?

I'm thinking the latter.

Why are you an airport bathroom faggot, Butchy CarbUnle?

It seems to be more of a thing where someone says something insulting about being gay, then someone else lashes back with some sexual slur involving the poster and his childhood, w/o thinking first. Plus, as we've seen in real life, RWers have a penchant for calling ppl they disagree with pedophiles, with zero evidence. And if it works for politicians and they get away with it, why not use it on your political discussion board opponents too?

Oh, there's evidence.



This isn't based on the ethereal.
i.e., stupid. LOL

There's also age-related mental issues mixed in there. Some more than others. Jack and Mason are on the far end of that spectrum.

For some, it's substance abuse which is why Friday and Saturday nights are my best "hunting" times. LOL

Butchy CarbUncle sets out 12b trout lines. The sneaky wesael that he is.
I don't know. I quoted you.

I don't know why you posted this? Or are these both rhetorical questions?
You can tell when they're drunk posting. They get very aggressive. Otherwise, you piss them off with the truth and they do what bullies do. They fluff themselves up.

People do get aggressive after drinking, but mostly it's the drinking releasing their inhibitions meaning they were already angry. The whole "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" thing.

Getting a person shitfaced is a really great way to get to know their inner soul.
time for 12n banning the accusation someone is a nazi.....12th no references to Thailand......12r no calling people racists......12sw......no calling people satan worshippers.......12ch......no telling people they aren't Christian enough......

Where's Butchy CarbUncle? :awesome:
Bet they join other boards and whine about how victimized they were here. :rolleyes:

OTOH then we have posters who have weaponized the 12b rule. For instance, in one discussion I used the phrase "think of the children!" and was instantly reported for 12b by at least two of the nastier RWers here. Didn't even get a warning.

I quoted someone and got a month for 12 B,but the poster I quoted didn't get Jack shit!
Two sets of rules!:thinking:
Butchy CarbUncle sets out 12b trout lines. The sneaky wesael that he is.

Matt, you are free to blame others for your own stupidity, but the smart people can see what is what.

Ben Franklin was right; Honesty is the best policy.

Be honest, Matt. Live a truthful life.
People do get aggressive after drinking, but mostly it's the drinking releasing their inhibitions meaning they were already angry. The whole "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" thing.

Getting a person shitfaced is a really great way to get to know their inner soul.
Yea. Honesty through alcohol is a thing. I don't get angry when I drink, although it's pretty rare that I drink. People who are angry drunks are simply angry people that have a terrible relationship with alcohol.
Yea. Honesty through alcohol is a thing. I don't get angry when I drink, although it's pretty rare that I drink. People who are angry drunks are simply angry people that have a terrible relationship with alcohol.

There's two things going on there: People who drink alcohol and angry people. It's the combination which can be useful.

Someone trying to gain intel on you would try alcohol first since it's legal. After that they'd have to be careful about breaking the law while trying to garner intel.

Breaking into a terrorist cell isn't easy. Going for the weakest link is the best strategy. Consider Kyle. IMO, he was bait for a Po' White Boy version of George Floyd. Instead he shot three people. A minor win for the terrorists but not the one they were looking for.

Is it just me or is anyone else curious why the fucking militias, especially the Boogaloo Bois, were never brought up at trial? Are the Boogalo Boies Feds? Are there Feds all over the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois and Oath Keepers?
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?

There's reasons why the left is so overwhelmingly pro-groomer as well as fans of the Netflix original Cuties. But, as for JPP members, it's hard to say, other than the alure of the taboo (an actual rule on a lightly moderated forum).