
It's a progression beginning with Anita Bryant and the whole gay marriage fear-mongering dating back to the 70s. Her wackiness didn't catch on until the Cold War ended and the Republicans no longer had a good enemy for us to hate. That's when the Republicans started moving away from national defense and the economy into the culture wars.

How 1970s Christian crusader Anita Bryant helped spawn Florida's LGBTQ culture war
Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics, is part of a long legacy of anti-gay rhetoric and legislation in the state.

Wedge issue bring out the Republican sheep who bit on the wedge issues and vote against their own interests.

How to Recognize Grooming


Jan 29, 2007 :readit:

Looks like your hero DeSatan was ground zero for the current rhetoric. :nodyes:

"The use of such rhetoric, opponents of the new laws argue, underscores a nationwide push by conservatives to make education a political wedge issue by equating certain teaching materials and educators with pornography and even pedophilia. This latest trend is another volley in the country’s ongoing culture wars, during which conservative lawmakers also have opposed the teaching of “critical race theory” and proposed bills requiring schools to post all course materials online so parents can review them.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, an ascending Republican and potential 2024 presidential candidate, has been at the forefront of the movement."



Grooming Children for Sexual Molestation by Gregory M. Weber


Jan 31, 2001 :readit:

When DeSatan shuffles off the mortal coil into the bowels of hell, his evil Messiah will be there to tell him "well done, good and faithful servant."

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, an ascending Republican and potential 2024 presidential candidate, has been at the forefront of the movement. On Monday, DeSantis signed a bill into law that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. While doing so, he railed against “liberal politicians” and activists who fought against the law, saying, “They support sexualizing kids in kindergarten."
So you say.

You were wrong.


This is what repugs have sunk to, accusing their opponents of grooming, mutilation and kidnapping. You people should burn in hell for these evil lies.

Why are Republicans so concerned about 'grooming'?

"Suddenly the American right is fairly exploding with accusations of sexual "grooming" against its political opponents. Christina Pushaw, the spokesperson for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, used the term last month to defend the so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill. "If you're against the Anti-Grooming Bill," she tweeted, "you are probably a groomer or at least you don't denounce the grooming of 4-8 year old children."

Rod Dreher, who writes at The American Conservative, has in recent days lobbed the term at "pervy" Disney for its (belated) opposition to the new law, and labeled Democrats the "party of child mutilators & kidnappers." And MAGA outlet American Greatness on Monday printed a broadside against "Groomer Fragility."


Ten years ago, five, three, maybe even two, when people talked about grooming they meant animals.

You were wrong.


Child Pornography and Sexual Grooming


May 2009 :readit:

"Accusations of pedophilia and child rape are old hat in today's Republican Party. In 2020, Trump shared a tweet falsely accusing Biden of being a pedophile. Karl Rove reportedly inspired a similar whispering campaign during an Alabama judicial campaign back in the 1990s. Sometimes the ugliness is overt, as during the QAnon conspiracy theorizing that led, in part, to the Jan. 6 insurrection. And sometimes it's a bit more subtle, as with Republicans accusing Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson of being lenient on child predators.

Those accusations and rumors were untrue, unfair, and ugly, and just another piece of performative politics. The point isn't to protect children. It's to weaponize concerns about their safety in the service of conservative political power."


The grooming process in child pornography: a social work case


May 2008 :readit:

“To justify the [Florida] law,” Michelle Goldberg complains, “the right has taken to accusing anyone who opposes it of wanting to expose young kids to explicit material in order to prime them for abuse … The QAnon idea that the right’s political opposition is a cabal of pedophiles has gone mainstream.”

You were wrong.


Confess! that you're trolling me.

"While right-wing media personalities know their own game, the word lands differently in the general public. The word “grooming” triggers intense emotion and activates every decent adult’s protective instinct. In fact, throwing around accusations of pedophilia, sympathy for pedophilia, grooming, or sympathy for grooming is a recipe for threats and violence.

It connects with the vicious and deranged QAnon conspiracy, and it tells the public that you believe your political opponents are among the most vile people on the planet, the scum of the earth. And if you think that accusations of child abuse simply stay online, as part of the game people play for social media clout, you’ve forgotten the Pizzagate shooting.

If DeSantis cared to frame the lines of disagreement more honestly, his staffers might declare that, as they see it, progressive educators are wrong about what instruction is age-appropriate for kids, or are acculturating kids into contested, incorrect views of what gender is, or are advancing progressive assumptions about sexual orientation when traditionalist assumptions would be better. Almost anything would be more honest than implying their opponents are would-be molesters, a tactic that can only degrade the ability of Americans to debate this subject."
