
It's a done deal now. It protects children from sexualization in public schools until age 8. IMO, it should be until 13.

IMO the difference is how left and right interpret the wording. "The bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students."

I look at it as schools that teach sex education have to make it age-appropriate, which is entirely reasonable. The right looks at it as protection from grooming. I don't make that link in my mind.
Republican leaders are groomers and projecting that everyone is a groomer.

It wasn't that long ago when Qanon was pushing the pizzagate lie and we were thinking, well it's just a fringe thing. Now that lie's gone mainstream with a big part of the QOP claiming that the left supports grooming, pedophilia and sexual abuse. WTH has happened to this country?
IMO the difference is how left and right interpret the wording. "The bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students."

I look at it as schools that teach sex education have to make it age-appropriate, which is entirely reasonable. The right looks at it as protection from grooming. I don't make that link in my mind.

The RW has always had issues with any sort of sex ed in public schools. When it was taught in my h.s., over 50 years ago, parents had to sign a permission form. It was taught by our female gym teacher (PE was gender-segregated back then); the boys were taught by their male gym teacher. Several parents refused to sign so those kids had to go to study hall during the sex ed instruction. The parents worried that telling kids about their changing bodies and how babies get here would cause them to rush out and try it. That was literally the reason given. Since then I've heard the same nonsense dozens of times.

I wonder if learning that eating donuts and drinking soda causes health problems will make kids run out and try that, too?
It wasn't that long ago when Qanon was pushing the pizzagate lie and we were thinking, well it's just a fringe thing. Now that lie's gone mainstream with a big part of the QOP claiming that the left supports grooming, pedophilia and sexual abuse. WTH has happened to this country?

It's a trend that started with the Republican Party transitioning to the Religious Party and, now, they are the Pedo Party. I don't understand why, but have some ideas. Mostly that we're a nation in transition; a Tranny Nation confused about what we want to become. :)

It wasn't that long ago when Qanon was pushing the pizzagate lie and we were thinking, well it's just a fringe thing. Now that lie's gone mainstream with a big part of the QOP claiming that the left supports grooming, pedophilia and sexual abuse. WTH has happened to this country?

It's what happens when one party has absolutely zero integrity, zero ideas, zero solutions. So they make up non-issues like this and CRT and the rest of the bullshit, to keep the idiots in their base engaged.
When it was taught in my h.s., over 50 years ago, parents had to sign a permission form. It was taught by our female gym teacher (PE was gender-segregated back then); the boys were taught by their male gym teacher. Several parents refused to sign so those kids had to go to study hall during the sex ed instruction. The parents worried that telling kids about their changing bodies and how babies get here would cause them to rush out and try it. That was literally the reason given. Since then I've heard the same nonsense dozens of times.

A Story for Every Occasion™.
You really are an idiot if you think grooming is a political issue. Who's doing the grooming for all repug pedos? Repugs are.

It is now. Dems could have simply been indifferent to grooming, but, since they are uniformly opposed to the Don't Groom Kids bill, their true colours are showing. Not that I am surprised, but, an awful lot of people were actually unaware that Dems could be this retarded.
If you accuse me once or one hundred times of being a groomer, it will have no impact on the veracity of the statement. Repeating the lie does not make it so. Making a law against doing something does not mean that someone is doing it. It's like making a law against having sex with a grizzly bear, and then accusing the libs of wanting to have sex with bears. Anyone who thinks this law accomplishes anything other than marginalizing the LGBTQ community is a knuckledragging moron.
If you accuse me once or one hundred times of being a groomer, it will have no impact on the veracity of the statement. Repeating the lie does not make it so. Making a law against doing something does not mean that someone is doing it. It's like making a law against having sex with a grizzly bear, and then accusing the libs of wanting to have sex with bears. Anyone who thinks this law accomplishes anything other than marginalizing the LGBTQ community is a knuckledragging moron.

Agreed, but the Pedo Party AKA Party of Trump, believes that if they speak a lie loud and long enough that it will come true.
It is now. Dems could have simply been indifferent to grooming, but, since they are uniformly opposed to the Don't Groom Kids bill, their true colours are showing. Not that I am surprised, but, an awful lot of people were actually unaware that Dems could be this retarded.

Ten years ago, five, three, maybe even two, when people talked about grooming they meant animals. Then repugs decided to make "grooming" of children their issue du jour and you clowns all went along with it. Will you people ever be able to run a campaign or control your party without fearmongering? You all are already so shallow you're party's become an embarrassment.
Ten years ago, five, three, maybe even two, when people talked about grooming they meant animals. Then repugs decided to make "grooming" of children their issue du jour and you clowns all went along with it. Will you people ever be able to run a campaign or control your party without fearmongering? You all are already so shallow you're party's become an embarrassment.

Trump is taking the party to fascism.
Few people would say that you can. I detect malice over ignorance on this matter, as I always do. Perhaps I'm being too cynical, though.

I'm trying to figure out when, in the period between 2015 and today, repugs lost every shred of critical thinking they ever possessed. I think Pizzagate was your first step down the slippery slope.

Never thought I'd see the day when George Conway was one of the few repugs I respect.
I'm trying to figure out when, in the period between 2015 and today, repugs lost every shred of critical thinking they ever possessed. I think Pizzagate was your first step down the slippery slope.

Never thought I'd see the day when George Conway was one of the few repugs I respect.

It's a progression beginning with Anita Bryant and the whole gay marriage fear-mongering dating back to the 70s. Her wackiness didn't catch on until the Cold War ended and the Republicans no longer had a good enemy for us to hate. That's when the Republicans started moving away from national defense and the economy into the culture wars.

How 1970s Christian crusader Anita Bryant helped spawn Florida's LGBTQ culture war
Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics, is part of a long legacy of anti-gay rhetoric and legislation in the state.