
Tried to check it out but saw nothing. Now I'm curious.

She went dead in the water after 1/6 then came back about 4-6 weeks later. Not sure what she went through but her website had a lot of white supremacist militia types discussing various issues related to weapons, combat tactics and post-apocalyptic survival. I kept tabs on certain topics but not an active participant. Kinda like flipping between CNN and Fox to get a sense of where each is focused both on major events and just every day shit.

Trinnity's website is/was Stormfront-Lite. There were some good people there, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides"...just not very many of them. Certainly not the drunken semi-wealthy housewife Trinnity herself, owner and Queen of her little boutique white supremacist website. LOL

Guille and Earl both know me from over there. :)

One of the nice people was a middle-aged woman about my age, single and very worried about surviving after the apocalypse. She wasn't sure about all the weapons talk, fighting against the Libruls pouring out of the cities, etc.

The best advice I could give her, both true and to assuage her fears, was to become a medic. An EMT. She doesn't even have to be certified. Just learn what to do.

100 warriors will protect their one medic. She wouldn't have to fight anyone except as a last resort.
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:rolleyes: There is no "formalized child grooming" in public schools or any schools. As usual, you're fear-mongering and pandering to the LCD with this lie.

yet you are up in arms at us ending it

if it doesn't exist - the legislation was not needed and creates no problems

and if it does exist - the legislation was warranted and solves problems
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?
Why are you complaining? This board is the loosest in all of political chatdom. I got suspended on another board for asking someone what kind of monster they were.

You've got it great here.
I don't perceive OP as complaining.

You got one right, gimp. He's curious about a rule that only the truly retarded and mentally ill keep breaking.

Is there anyone on JPP who can prove that the people who have been banned under 12B more than twice are perfectly normal people?

It's not called the Retard Rule for nuthin'.

Reporting Legion is a waste of time!
Ive reported him countless times for his sexual comments on an under age girl!
And he's given a pass.

I suspect he's one of the older/original mods. Goat too which is why I was surprised when he actually got a vacation.
yet you are up in arms at us ending it

if it doesn't exist - the legislation was not needed and creates no problems

and if it does exist - the legislation was warranted and solves problems

Then the legislation must have been based on specific, verifiable examples so where are they? Here's a legal explanation of child grooming. Apparently you think this is open and prevalent throughout the school system in the US.

"Child grooming refers to an act of deliberately establishing an emotional connection with a child to prepare the child for child abuse. Child grooming is undertaken usually to carry out sexual abuse and other child exploitation like trafficking of children, child prostitution or the production of child pornography. Currently child grooming occur through the use of internet."

I suspect he's one of the older/original mods. Goat too which is why I was surprised when he actually got a vacation.

I haven't seen much of goat since he got two threadbans on the Toxic threads. I guess he really wasn't interested in political discussion on all the other threads.
I haven't seen much of goat since he got two threadbans on the Toxic threads. I guess he really wasn't interested in political discussion on all the other threads.

He'll just use his other username. :)

As pointed out by others, there are a few who do seem to be under a "Two Rules" protection banner. goat, Legion and a few others are examples.