
moot. laws can prevent our concerns. nothing in the legislation is worth fighting against. that is the point

If you're talking about HB 1557 in FL, this seems to be the part you're talking about. Call me crazy but it seems to be about sex education for very young children, not "grooming." Whether or not you approve of sex education in schools, it's not a crime and nothing in the bill mentions crime.

"The bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students."


If you're talking about HB 1557 in FL, this seems to be the part you're talking about. Call me crazy but it seems to be about sex education for very young children, not "grooming." Whether or not you approve of sex education in schools, it's not a crime and nothing in the bill mentions crime.

[FONT=&]"The bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students."


yes, I will call you crazy


"Monday, the Florida Senate is set to further discuss the passage of HB 1557, the Parental Rights in Education Act, or more accurately described as the ‘anti-grooming’ bill."
yes, I will call you crazy


"Monday, the Florida Senate is set to further discuss the passage of HB 1557, the Parental Rights in Education Act, or more accurately described as the ‘anti-grooming’ bill."

^^^ Fucking moron thinks larger font proves he's correct.
yes, I will call you crazy


"Monday, the Florida Senate is set to further discuss the passage of HB 1557, the Parental Rights in Education Act, or more accurately described as the ‘anti-grooming’ bill."

That's just silly. Nothing in the article describes this so-called grooming. It said exactly what I said except for the meaningless tweet. They should call it the Straw Man Bill.
That's just silly. Nothing in the article describes this so-called grooming. It said exactly what I said except for the meaningless tweet. They should call it the Straw Man Bill.

It's a done deal now. It protects children from sexualization in public schools until age 8. IMO, it should be until 13.
It's a done deal now. It protects children from sexualization in public schools until age 8. IMO, it should be until 13.
8 is good. at least by then I was becoming attracted to girls..
all of a sudden they seemed nice instead of "yucky"' lol

so by 3rd grade kids are sexually aware on their own
The fact the Republican Party has turned into the Pedo Party shouldn't be lost on anyone except the guilty and the stupid.

DeSantis is now edging the ex-prez out of the Pedo Party nominee for 2024. The proof is that DeSantis never condemns Republican pedos.

The fact the Republican Party has turned into the Pedo Party shouldn't be lost on anyone except the guilty and the stupid.

DeSantis is now edging the ex-prez out of the Pedo Party nominee for 2024. The proof is that DeSantis never condemns Republican pedos.



Dude, your Pedo/Nazi schtick and fucking terribly unfunny memes are tiresome AF.

You give memes a bad name. You make the worst memes of anyone I've seen on the internet.

Out of the leftist meme-ers; Yours are worse and more off-point than all of them.

Take the above for example; What the actual fuck? :dunno:

And why do they almost always include some kind of pedo/nazi theme?

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Dude, your Pedo/Nazi schtick and fucking terribly unfunny memes are tiresome AF.

Then quit acting like a drunkard and put me on ignore, Matt. You can figure that are, can't you? Or are you too shitfaced already?

RB is tugging on you for attention. Isn't that sweet?

Then quit acting like a drunkard and put me on ignore, Matt. You can figure that are, can't you? Or are you too shitfaced already?

RB is tugging on you for attention. Isn't that sweet?


The thing here tonight is that you're who is drunk and projecting your drunkenness onto me. ;)

C'mon dude, it's Saturday night and you know you've had a few.

"Always Accuse Your Enemies of Your Own Sins" -Josef Goebbels (Nazi minister of propaganda)"


So that explains why you're always calling others you perceive as "enemies" "Nazis" or whatever else you're accusing.
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The thing here tonight is that you're who is drunk and projecting your drunkenness onto me. ;)

C'mon dude, it's Saturday night and you know you've had a few.

"Always Accuse Your Enemies of Your Own Sins"

LOL Is that why you're so angry and, literally, pissed*? Because you think I'm drunker than you? :rofl2:


1. very annoyed; angry.
2. BRITISH drunk.