132,000 new jobs in May

I totally agree Cy that's why I'm for fining the shit out of employers who hire illegals. It's going to get worse with globalization, but stopping that would slow it down.
There is going to be a much bigger devide between the haves and have nots. The key is educate the have not's into getting into the investor class.
I think he's saying when your umemployment benefits run out, you are not considered in the unemployment statistics....whether you have found a job, or not.
No, he stated that Reagan denied unemployment benefits to those getting out of the military. He didn't. I received those benefits, and they weren't cheapened in any way because of my veteran status.
No, he stated that Reagan denied unemployment benefits to those getting out of the military. He didn't. I received those benefits, and they weren't cheapened in any way because of my veteran status.

My bad.

You got out of the navy under Reagan? I didn't think you were that old, dude.....;)
The military unemployment thing might be an error on my part, I will check it out.
But regan did include them into the employed category to massage the numbers down.
The military unemployment thing might be an error on my part, I will check it out.
But regan did include them into the employed category to massage the numbers down.
I was employed when I was in the Military.

We should call them unemployed? They are professionals who are trained to do a difficult and often thankless job. Of course they are employed.
I was employed when I was in the Military.

We should call them unemployed? They are professionals who are trained to do a difficult and often thankless job. Of course they are employed.

Yes they are employed. However it is darned hard to quit, so it is a bit different. Also does the military pay unemployment insurance like private businesses do ? Or is this just another way of hiding money spent on the military ?
Yes they are employed. However it is darned hard to quit, so it is a bit different. Also does the military pay unemployment insurance like private businesses do ? Or is this just another way of hiding money spent on the military ?
I went to the unemployment office like any other and received my unemployment insurance benefits. So, yes, they pay like any other employer does.
Umm you missed the point Damo do they pay into unemploynemt insurance. Yes we get money from somewhere, but from where ?

btw I have only recieved unemployment insurance for 5 weeks for my entire life. How man college grads can say that ?
Umm you missed the point Damo do they pay into unemploynemt insurance. Yes we get money from somewhere, but from where ?

btw I have only recieved unemployment insurance for 5 weeks for my entire life. How man college grads can say that ?
Yes, they do. Otherwise the office would not pay us. You missed the part where I said, "Yes. In short, they do pay into the insurance like any other employer."
Umm you missed the point Damo do they pay into unemploynemt insurance. Yes we get money from somewhere, but from where ?

btw I have only recieved unemployment insurance for 5 weeks for my entire life. How man college grads can say that ?
I actually only received the insurance for three weeks before I had a job, what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?
Just because the unemployment office pays you does not mean that the military pays into the unemployment fund....
There is probably a blanket govt account for that.

You are thinking a bit too simplistic there.
Just because the unemployment office pays you does not mean that the military pays into the unemployment fund....
There is probably a blanket govt account for that.

You are thinking a bit too simplistic there.
Or you are. "Blanket government fund" or not it was available, and the State wasn't forced to pay for it.
"the unemployment number is artificially low. If you are not drawing unemployment or actively job searching thru the employment office you are considered employed."

The unemployment number has NOTHING to do with whether you are drawing unemployment. Absolutely nothing. The unemployment number is a survey... that is it. They call up people randomly. Ask them if they are employed. If they say yes.... they check it and are done. If they say no, then they ask them if they are actively seeking work. If they say yes, then they are counted as part of the unemployed. If they say no, then they are not counted. It is as simple as that.

Obviously Damo already corrected you on your Reagan claim, but regardless... even if it were true, it would not have any effect on the unemployment rate.

The unemployment rate is simplistic guage....that is it.
"btw I have only recieved unemployment insurance for 5 weeks for my entire life. How man college grads can say that ?"

Well you are retired now, so I have 30 or so years to go, so take this with a grain of salt. Thus far I have ZERO weeks in the 14 years since I have been out of college.

that's an all too typical weak dem taling point. Assembling something for $13 hr is not a good job.
A nurse making $70,000 is a good job. We have a shortage of nurses and doctors.

This receives the dumbest comment of the century award...and how do you propose that we all fly,drive ,eat,sleep,keep warm and cool.play on pc's,gameboys,do sports and just about everything else that is important to life without the so called 'not good job' employees...gotta love elitist they hate everyone who is a common bee...but sure love the end result of the labor!:FootMouth:
battle, obviously the business piece is over your head. And if your an assembler you have my sympathy.
The fact is inevitable:readit:
battle, obviously the business piece is over your head. And if your an assembler you have my sympathy.
The fact is inevitable:readit:

Actually it's not inevitable. People in support of internationalist fascism portray it as inevitable, but it's just a choice like any other social organization we may choose.
How charming you are...

battle, obviously the business piece is over your head. And if your an assembler you have my sympathy.
The fact is inevitable:readit:

Well toppy I did do assembly work as well as general labor while working my way up the ladder of life...and I am so sorry that I do not possess a MBA...just a lowly BS...however cyber geek I have prospered in life at any rate without your input...and I also did my time in the proverbial barrel of life...serving/protecting the people...and you oh so gifted one???