132,000 new jobs in May

132,000 jobs in May .. and that's supposed to be a cause for celebration?????

Compared to the pitiful performance of this administration one might be delluded into thinking so, but compared to the population, no celebration is deserved no matter what the artifical unemployment numbers say.
I never got a day of unemployment. Have had a job since 15yrs old non stop.

Battle, why didn't stay in assembly you dipshit.
I've been saying all along that college makes it much easier. See even a dummy like you can prosper after going to college.

I never got a day of unemployment. Have had a job since 15yrs old non stop.

Battle, why didn't stay in assembly you dipshit.
I've been saying all along that college makes it much easier. See even a dummy like you can prosper after going to college.

In Daddys company no doubt...and sorry 'Charlie I prospered way before I entered college...I also worked from Twelve years of age forward(Pt in the younger years) along with doing sports in school...serving in the military and of course serving in LE to protect and serve...anymore childish comments???...Pa-Lease tell us all the wonderful jobs you held from fifteen on...this should be good...at least entertaining!...LOL

Listening to...: 'Friends in Low Places'...Garth Brooks....makes me a mellow fellow while being abused by the elitist...lol
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who ever said you couldn't prosper without college, only a moron would suggest it's easier without college.
I did nothing as glorious or worthy of praise as you serving in the army.
I did poor boy jobs like working in pizza parlors as a kid, Bartender in college which was more fun than any man should be allowed to have.
No daddy help here though I'd gladly take oit.
Oil field trash since 84:clink:
Just because the unemployment office pays you does not mean that the military pays into the unemployment fund....
There is probably a blanket govt account for that.

You are thinking a bit too simplistic there.

I doubt that's true. Care to prove it?

who ever said you couldn't prosper without college, only a moron would suggest it's easier without college.
I did nothing as glorious or worthy of praise as you serving in the army.
I did poor boy jobs like working in pizza parlors as a kid, Bartender in college which was more fun than any man should be allowed to have.
No daddy help here though I'd gladly take oit.
Oil field trash since 84:clink:

and Daddy did not pay for your MBA et al...like working at a pizza parlor and a bartender did the trick!...Uh huh in your silly dreams!
New jobs. . . I wonder how many of those new jobs involve flippin burgers. . .

Rosy economy, my left ass cheek. The US middle class is dwindling day by day, jobs are flying overseas faster than we can say "fly", and some people claim all of this is good news. . .

This is so true...

New jobs. . . I wonder how many of those new jobs involve flippin burgers. . .

Rosy economy, my left ass cheek. The US middle class is dwindling day by day, jobs are flying overseas faster than we can say "fly", and some people claim all of this is good news. . .


and the fault goes to both sides of the aisle...where is the 'Bull Moose' party when ya need em'...***sigh*** Where is Teddy...gone with the wind like where is "Waldo"???

and the fault goes to both sides of the aisle...where is the 'Bull Moose' party when ya need em'...***sigh*** Where is Teddy...gone with the wind like where is "Waldo"???


Bull moose, Teddy and Waldo???

Sorry, a bit confused here. . . :confused:
Say What...???

Bull moose, Teddy and Waldo???

Sorry, a bit confused here. . . :confused:

Teddy Roosevelt...The 'Bull Moose Party' Turn of the century History 101...Both parties failed the electorate...Teddy stepped up to the plate with a new deal...albeit it failed then...but is needed now!
Teddy Roosevelt...The 'Bull Moose Party' Turn of the century History 101...Both parties failed the electorate...Teddy stepped up to the plate with a new deal...albeit it failed then...but is needed now!

Ah, yes. Fresh ways of thinking are certainly required. :clink:

what you guys not making a killing in this incredible bull market:readit:

Certainly not me...I am a happy camper just having a roof over my head,decent food,transportation and occassional fun with friends and family...never had a desire to get rich and or screw my neighbor...but hey thats just me...Mr.Middle America...what else can I say???

I can say your a moron, why do getting rich and screwing your neighbor go together?

Figure it out...'Dimwit' I only used this word to equal your input of your opinion of me and my opinions...
What can I say...I am a product of society...and good raising by my parents...just a simple guy with simple needs...and you Mr.MBA???
yeah what I thought your white trash, some of the best people in the world are rich, stop hatin cause you aren't